Adrien Rabiot


New member
Cillessen doesn't want to leave and will prolly be the one helping your young dutch(s) guy(s) settle in Barcelona.

That is not what the local Catalan and Spanish have been reporting. You must know more than them. Cillesen would be a logical player to turn to when needed to raise funds. I can see him leave easily this summer, in fact I expect it. I don't think that de Jong's and possibly de Light's arrival will change that. A great goalkeeper like him, who is still young for a goalkeeper, cannot be content with playing only in the CdR, 1-2 league games and 1 CL match each season.

The problem with players like Rabiot, who have won it all in France and shown it all since a very young age, is that they tend to stagnate when playing in such an inferior league and for a club like QSG that has no rivals at all and hardly ever is challenged. Not much different from Verratti who could have reached much greater heights if he was more ambitious and more serious.

I think that Rabiot wants us more than we want him. He knows that there is likely no other elite club out there who would pay the rumored sign-on bonus or rumored wage. So actually we have all the right cards in our hands. Even much more so after securing FDJ.
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New member
That is not what the local Catalan and Spanish have been reporting. You must know more than them. Cillesen would be a logical player to turn to when needed to raise funds. I can see him leave easily this summer, in fact I expect it. I don't think that de Jong's and possibly de Light's arrival will change that. A great goalkeeper like him, who is still young for a goalkeeper, cannot be content with playing only in the CdR, 1-2 league games and 1 CL match each season.

The problem with players like Rabiot, who have won it all in France and shown it all since a very young age, is that they tend to stagnate when playing in such an inferior league and for a club like QSG that has no rivals at all and hardly ever is challenged. Not much different from Verratti who could have reached much greater heights if he was more ambitious and more serious.

I think that Rabiot wants us more than we want him. He knows that there is likely no other elite club out there who would buy the rumored sign-on bonus or rumored wage. So actually we have all the right cards in our hands.

Obviously you are wrong with Rabiot when you say you have all the cards. He would have signed already if that was the case. But i agree with you that you are the only club that can match his monetary demands and his ambitions. And well, Rabiot has stagnated because of Ligue 1 ? He is not even the best midfielder of Ligue 1 like Verratti. How come Ndombélé a Ligue 1 player has been better than him in Ligue 1 and a lot better in France national team ? How come the year PSG lost the title, he didn't step up to carry the team when there is an actual hard concurrence ? How come after his disappointing performance in home leg against Real he said that atmosphere was too damn loud and he was intimidated (by his own fans lmao !) ? How come in national team after a disappointing performance against Bulgaria he blame the harsh climate ?
Rabiot is just a brat, a good player but that think too highly of himself.

Btw, when i say Rabiot is not the best midfielder in France, please don't use those team of the half year of L'Equipe as a proof. Simply watching actual games will prove it is nonsense. It is like all those Players of the Month awards won by everyone except PSG players while we are cruising the league.

I'll have to believe you in Cillessen case.
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New member
Obviously you are wrong with Rabiot when you say you have all the cards. He would have signed already if that was the case. But i agree with you that you are the only club that can match his monetary demands and his ambitions. And well, Rabiot has stagnated because of Ligue 1 ? He is not even the best midfielder of Ligue 1 like Verratti. How come Ndombélé a Ligue 1 player has been better than him in Ligue 1 and a lot better in France national team ? How come the year PSG lost the title, he didn't step up to carry the team when there is an actual hard concurrence ? How come after his disappointing performance in home leg against Real he said that atmosphere was too damn loud and he was intimidated (by his own fans lmao !) ? How come in national team after a disappointing performance against Bulgaria he blame the harsh climate ?
Rabiot is just a brat, a good player but that think too highly of himself.

Btw, when i say Rabiot is not the best midfielder in France, please don't use those team of the half year of L'Equipe as a proof. Simply watching actual games will prove it is nonsense. It is like all those Players of the Month awards won by everyone except PSG players while we are cruising the league.

I'll have to believe you in Cillessen case.

We have all the cards as he is not much needed after FDJ's arrival. Him moving to us would just be a bonus.

Well there are rumors that he already did.

Because there is nothing more for him to do or prove in France. He did everything not once, not twice but more times than that. Being an indisputable starter. Rabiot was once rated as one of the brighest midfield talents not only in France but Europe. From the class of 1995, his birth year.

Are you comparing a nobody in terms of accomplishments such as Ndombélé with Rabiot? They are at a totally different point in their careers. Rabiot is still young and wants to prove himself in a much better league and in a better club. Whether he will succeed or not we will see. Ndombélé is where Rabiot was 3-4 seasons ago. With the difference of him playing in a vastly inferior team (Lyon) that is not competing for any trophies or in the CL and during a time where French talent was less sought after.

I don't rate Rabiot anymore than him being an above average player that could be a useful squad player. That is all. Provided that he behaves. I am not desperate for us to get him at all, lol. Even less so after FDJ's arrival.

Let us be honest if what you say about him is correct (he seems himself as the big shot) which other club than us is he going to move to? Bayern is probably the only option. Tottenham and all those other top clubs who never win anything, using your logic, is below him. Who else is interested in him? That is what I mean with having all the cards in our hands. To this day our offer looks like the best one. If he accepts it, good, and it would have happened on our terms completely. If not, it is not the end of the world at all. This is what I mean. I don't think this can be argued against if I am to be honest.
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New member
We have all the cards as he is not much needed after FDJ's arrival. Him moving to us would just be a bonus.

Well there are rumors that he already did.

Because there is nothing more for him to do or prove in France. He did everything not once, not twice but more times than that. Being an indisputable starter. Rabiot was once rated as one of the brighest midfield talents not only in France but Europe. From the class of 1995, his birth year.

Are you comparing a nobody in terms of accomplishments such as Ndombélé with Rabiot? They are at a totally different point in their careers. Rabiot is still young and wants to prove himself in a much better league and in a better club. Whether he will succeed or not we will see. Ndombélé is where Rabiot was 3-4 seasons ago. With the difference of him playing in a vastly inferior team (Lyon) that is not competing for any trophies or in the CL and during a time where French talent was less sought after.

I don't rate Rabiot anymore than him being an above average player that could be a useful squad player. That is all. Provided that he behaves. I am not desperate for us to get him at all, lol. Even less so after FDJ's arrival.

Let us be honest if what you say about him is correct (he seems himself as the big shot) which other club than us is he going to move to? Bayern is probably the only option. Tottenham and all those other top clubs who never win anything, using your logic, is below him. Who else is interested in him? That is what I mean with having all the cards in our hands. To this day our offer looks like the best one. If he accepts it, good, and it would have happened on our terms completely. If not, it is not the end of the world at all. This is what I mean. I don't think this can be argued against if I am to be honest.

I'm comparing Rabiot to a nobody ? The nobody being Ndombélé ? Haha, go ask any french person or Ligue 1 followers who is the nobody between those two. Ndombélé actually bossed us every time we faced him.
I know you added "in term of accomplishment" but what did Rabiot achieve exactly by himself ? In a previous comment, i already explained that Rabiot thinks the PSG team around him is not good enough while he is the one being carried lol ! Choupo-Moting is soon to have more accomplishment than Fekir. By your metrics (since you discount the national team games), who would dare to compare Choupo with such a nobody like Fekir, right ?
Rabiot has always played for PSG but was the first back up/rotation player for Motta/Verratti/Matuidi midfield. That midfield was our best midfield in QSI era. Fact is we let Matuidi go to accommodate Rabiot that wanted more playing time. Results ? Matuidi is world champion as a starting player. Rabiot is not even reservist, haha ! Yeah yeah, that same old Matuidi that did his whole career in this shithole of a league that is Ligue 1. I wonder how he could so easily become a starter for Juve and keep being a starter for national team. Since Rabiot is a starter and with Motta decline, our midfield is way worse than it used to be. I'll wait for you to try to find a way to explain to me how it is all the fault from the Ligue 1. If anything, that shows that Matuidi has an elite player mentality and professionalism that Rabiot lacks. Hence, don't blame the league but the player !

Rabiot has actually proven nowhere. It is like Areola. He starts for PSG because we like our academy players and want to give them chances. Since goalkeeper is a more sensitive position, we then brought Trapp and then Buffon. Still Areola, with your logic, has already proven everything and IS a WORLD CHAMPION !
Going back to the nobody that is Ndombélé. I wonder how that nobody playing in that shithole of league 1 that makes every player worse is quoted at FDJ or Pogba price or higher.

PS : About Rabiot next destination, it has to be big money + CL ambition. Barca, Bayern, Liverpool, Juventus. I already think Barça offer will be the best financially and he will go there.
I had just a rhetorical answer about the fact you were holding all the cards. If i learnt something about Rabiot is that you should expect the unexpected.
Look :https://www.*********/it/notizie/ra...nta-urlai-contro-la/xog08rnyyep31tfm4z6icb26c
You never know how negociation can go with those people !

PS 2 : link doesn't work, here it what is says => In cinque anni da direttore sportivo alla Roma, Walter Sabatini ne ha viste di cotte e di crude. Trattative completate in un lampo, grandi colpi scovati dal nulla, ma anche affari sfumati incredibilmente.

Di quest'ultima categoria fa parte Adrien Rabiot, per il quale la Roma aveva praticamente chiuso l'affare: "Incontrai la madre insieme all'altro figlio, un tipo inquietante, che mi aspettava al termine di una strada sterrata seduto in un parcheggio dove non c'era nessuno. Scena da film.Parliamo, l’accordo è fatto - ha raccontato Sabatini a 'Il Venerdì' - , lei, la madre, prima di alzarsi aggiunge una cosa, nessuno mi traduce, ma io intuisco, chiedo conferma, mi infurio. Urlo: come si permette? E me ne vado. La madre voleva parlare con Garcia. Mai e poi mai. Se concedi a una madre il tu per tu con l’allenatore in un attimo te la ritrovi nello spogliatoio".
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New member
I'm comparing Rabiot to a nobody ? The nobody being Ndombélé ? Haha, go ask any french person or Ligue 1 followers who is the nobody between those two. Ndombélé actually bossed us every time we faced him.
I know you added "in term of accomplishment" but what did Rabiot achieve exactly by himself ? In a previous comment, i already explained that Rabiot thinks the PSG team around him is not good enough while he is the one being carried lol ! Choupo-Moting is soon to have more accomplishment than Fekir. By your metrics (since you discount the national team games), who would dare to compare Choupo with such a nobody like Fekir, right ?
Rabiot has always played for PSG but was the first back up/rotation player for Motta/Verratti/Matuidi midfield. That midfield was our best midfield in QSI era. Fact is we let Matuidi go to accommodate Rabiot that wanted more playing time. Results ? Matuidi is world champion as a starting player. Rabiot is not even reservist, haha ! Yeah yeah, that same old Matuidi that did his whole career in this shithole of a league that is Ligue 1. I wonder how he could so easily become a starter for Juve and keep being a starter for national team. Since Rabiot is a starter and with Motta decline, our midfield is way worse than it used to be. I'll wait for you to try to find a way to explain to me how it is all the fault from the Ligue 1. If anything, that shows that Matuidi as an elite player mentality and professionalism that Rabiot lacks. Hence, don't blame the league but the player !

Rabiot has actually proven nowhere. It is like Areola. He starts for PSG because we like our academy players and want to give them chances. Since goalkeeper is a more sensitive position, we then brought Trapp and then Buffon. Still Areola, with your logic, has already proven everything and IS a WORLD CHAMPION !
Going back to the nobody that is Ndombélé. I wonder how that nobody playing in that shithole of league 1 that makes every player worse is quoted at FDJ or Pogba price or higher.

What is wrong with you? What are your first four sentences useful for when I clearly referred to "accomplishments" if not to troll and make yourself look stupid? If you had read my posts about Ndombélé you would realize that I rate him extremely highly. Similar level of talent and potential like FDJ or just below.

I will repeat myself again since it appears that you have a hard time understanding what I am writing.

Rabiot has won everything there is to win in France not once, not twice but MULTIPLE times. WHILE being an indisputable starter for QSG. Hence he has nothing more to accomplish domestically and it is no wonder that his level has dropped when he has faced no competition and is playing in a league that QSG is winning by default. Even more so when he wants out. Should not be too hard to understand but apparently it is.

Why the fuck are you blabbering about Matuidi out of a sudden when I did not mention his name a single time?

Fact of the matter is that we have all the cards in our hands and that nobody here is desperate for us to sign him, lol, even more less after signing FDJ and screwing QSG over in the process. So you don't need to waste your energy trying to turn Rabiot into some kind of total bum now that he has given your club the finger and rightfully wants out. For free.
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New member
What is wrong with you? What are your first four sentences useful for when I clearly referred to "accomplishments" if not to troll and make yourself look stupid? If you had read my posts about Ndombélé you would realize that I rate him extremely highly. Similar level of talent and potential like FDJ or just below.

I will repeat myself again since it appears that you have a hard time understanding what I am writing.

Rabiot has won everything there is to win in France not once, not twice but MULTIPLE times. WHILE being an indisputable starter for France. Hence he has nothing more to accomplish domestically and it is no wonder that his level has dropped when he has faced no competition and is playing in a league that QSG is winning on default. Even more so when he wants out. Should not be hard to understand.

Why the fuck are you blabbering about Matuidi out of a sudden when I did not mention his name a single time?

Fact of the matter is that we have all the cards in our hands and that nobody here is desperate for us to sign him, lol, even more less after singing FDJ and screwing QSG over in the process. So you don't need to waste your energy trying to turn Rabiot into some kind of total bum now that he has given your club the finger and rightfully wants out. For free.

I actually adressed all your point but maybe you have a problem of comprehension.
I'm comparing Rabiot and Ndombélé because they are in the same age range, same position Rabiot wants to play and play in the same league and have played for the same national team. There isn't a better comparison available.

You are the one saying he is not realizing his potential because of Ligue 1. I'm showing you that it is an hindrance only if you are not good enough. Fact is Ndombélé is already a better player than Rabiot has ever been while playing in a lesser club in the same league.

Also, you dare to say that Rabiot won things while being an INDISPUTABLE starter for France. Haha, what a nice joke. Maybe i should refer you to Deschamps himself ?
Here Deschamps is asking why is there such a commotion with Rabiot not being in France national team where he has never impressed (or being even once good) and not being good at his club either (having problem there).
Man, you are the gift that keeps on giving !

Then, why do i talk about Matuidi ? Because you said Rabiot has proven times and times again at PSG and won a lot. I explained to you that the actual good midfield from PSG was Matuidi/Verratti/Motta ! Rabiot was in the rotation/back up of Matuidi ! We sold Matuidi to Juventus to make place for Rabiot. What happened ? Midfield is worse and Matuidi is good at Juventus and is INDISPUTABLE STARTER ofr France and World Champion.
Do you see some kind of pattern here ? Yeah, Rabiot didn't prove, he was just carried by PSG to those silverware. The same way Areola is multiple times champion but that doesn't mean he has proven anything since we recruited a 41 y.o Buffon for safety !
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New member
I actually adressed all your point but maybe you have a problem of comprehension.
I'm comparing Rabiot and Ndombélé because they are in the same age range, same post Rabiot wants to play and play in the same league and have played for the same national team. There isn't a better comparison available.

Youa re the one saying he is not realizing his potential because of Ligue 1. I'm showing you that it is an hindrance only if you are not good enough. Fact is Ndombélé is already a better player than Rabiot have ever been while playing in a lesser club in the same league.

Also, you dare to say that Rabiot won things while being an INDISPUTABLE starter for France. Haha, what a nice joke. Maybe i should refer you to Deschamps himself ?
Here Deschamps is asking why is there such a commotion with Rabiot not being in France national team where he has never impressed (or being even once good) and not being good at his club either (having problem there).
Man, you are the gift that keeps on giving !

Then, why do i talk about Matuidi ? Because you said Rabiot has proven times and times again at PSG and won a lot. I explained to you that the actual good midfield from PSG was Matuidi/Verratti/Motta ! Rabiot was in the rotation/back up of Matuidi ! We sold Matuidi to Juventus to make place for Rabiot. What happened ? Midfield is worse and Matuidi is good at Juventus and is INDISPUTABLE STARTER ofr France and World Champion.
Do you see some kind of pattern here ? Yeah, Rabiot didn't prove, he was just carried by PSG to those silverware. The same way Areola is multiple times champions but that doesnt mean he has proven anything since we recruited a 41 y.o Buffon for safety !

No, you have a comprehension problem and a big one.

None of my "points" can be addressed as everything that I initial wrote are factual statements.

I don't care about Ndombélé in this debate or Matuidi. You are the one mentioning them for God's know what reason. Nobody cares.

Once again it is a FACT that Rabiot has won everything there is to win in France domestically not once, not twice but MULTIPLE times. While being an indisputable starter for QSG in the process. It is also a fact that he has stagnated and will continue to stagnate in an inferior league like Ligue 1 where QSG faces no competition. He needs to move to a better league in order to prove himself and fulfill his potential. Your brain is incapable of understanding those simple facts so you are blabbering about Ndombélé and Matuidi when they have nothing to do with the above mentioned facts.

I clearly was referring to QSG which my entire post made clear and the previous and subsequent sentences.

Yet Rabiot averaged over 40 games between 2013-14 (his breakthrough season) and the 2017-18 season and here you are claiming that he was not an indisputable starter.:lol:

Look, I don't care about Rabiot nor do I rate him as anything more than an above average player who could become a useful squad player if he and his mom behaves. Nothing more and nothing less.

So yes, keep making Rabiot sound like a bum now that he has given you the finger and is leaving for free. If he was/is such a bum what does that say about your pathetic QSG that he was an indisputable starter for 5 seasons and your club being desperate to extend his contract?:lol: Are you going to tell me that your Qatari overlords could not, for 5 whole seasons, find a better midfielder than this bum or that they did not have the funds to replace him?:lol:

Is it a coincidence that QSG fans here are all thick as bricks and very annoying? Keep your obsession alive. All those embarrassing defeats and constant inferiority complexes must be a very painful thing. A pattern seems to form.:lol:
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New member
This is the problem with people like you. You are not a PSG fan, you actually despise PSG and Ligue 1. Yet, you want to tell me who is an indisputable starter in my team, right ?

As i repeated time and time again in those posts (but i can clearly see you can't read or factor in those informations), Rabiot was NOT A STARTER, let alone an INDISPUTABLE STARTER.

And you call people thick and brick. You are going in some sites and see " Wow ! Rabiot had 40 games in 2013-2014 ! He is definitely a starter !" but you can't see that Matuidi played 52 games, Motta played 47 games and Verratti played 43 when Rabiot played 34 games.–14_Paris_Saint-Germain_F.C._season

That Matuidi/Verratti/Motta had always more minutes played in L1 since they were the starters and Rabiot were the back-up/rotational player until Matuidi left. Rabiot benefited also from the absence of the injury prones Motta and Verratti. For example, Rabiot played 1180 min in L1 in 2013/2014, Matuidi played 2253, Motta played 2539, Verratti 1989. See a pattern here ? Your indisputable starter with the less minutes played among those 4 !
Since you like numbers, look at those charming links that will prove you that throughout those years Matuidi/Motta/Verratti was the main trio:

Now, teach me again about my club, or better shut the fuck up when you are ignorant !

As i taught you again little kid, Rabiot has won his silverware being carried. He has not proven anything since the performance in the midfield has decreased as soon as he overtook Matuidi place.

The sheer arrogance of this guy !!!

And nobody is calling Rabiot a bum. If he was, he wouldn't have been at PSG after all those years.
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Active member

2 free transfers.

Frenkie = 75M
De Ligt = 75m
Gomez= 50m (buyout)

Total 200m


Rakitic 30-35m
Jasper- 30m
Malcom- 40m
Gomes 30m

If some nobody like Allan can go for 80-100M, 29 year old matic can go for 50M before inflation, Rakitic should definitely go for 50-60M. He is a CL winner, WC finalist, rarely gets injured, can play a lot hence reliable and will still be 31.

Denis will not go for less than 20M.

Gomes will go for 40M. (Maybe +10M, if some biggies are interested)

Malcom isn't going anywhere I think, at least for the next season.

Rafinha will go for 10-15M.

Cilessen isn't going anywhere either, and if he goes 30M is fair.

So, for sure we are getting, 50+20+40+15 = 125M. (Net spend is +75M)

If you add Cilessen and Malcom, it is 125+50+30 = 205M (Net spend is -5M)
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Senior Member
I would not really mind getting him but we must get rid of a lot of players. We cannot afford to crowd our midfield as we did a few years ago.

Busquets 30
Samper 24
O. Busquets 20 (will definitely be promoted)

Vidal 31
Rakitic 30
Arthur 22
Puig 19 (will definitely be promoted)

Rafinha 25
D. Suarez 25
Alena 21

+ Gomes 25 and FDJ 21

= 12 midfielders, that is a lot. We need to get rid of at least 5 before we even think of getting Rabiot.

I personally think we must and should loan O. Busquets because we are going to need him in two years if not before. He should get his playing time somewhere else where he can develop.

Samper will leave

Denis will be sold or leave on loan, possibly even this month. Even if he stays he's viewed more as a winger than CM anyway.

Rafinha will probably be loaned in summer until his contract expires in 2020. I doubt we'll get much from him coming off another serious injury though hopefully we can sell him for 10-15m.

We'll sell Gomes to Everton or another PL club.

Oriol B. and Puig are not ready to get regular playing time in the first team so promoting them would be a mistake IMO. As you said I wouldn't mind loaning Oriol while I would keep Puig at Barça B for another season (especially if they are promoted). Play him regularly there and call him up to train and play with the first team sometimes.

According to the rumours one of Vidal and Raki will likely be sold but I'm 80-90% sure the other one will stay.

I would say there are only 4 midfielders who are 100% guaranted to be here next season - Busi, Arthur, FDJ and Alena with Vidal/Raki also probably staying another season. So I don't see a reason why we couldn't get Rabiot or another midfielder.

Question mark is Coutinho. People on barcaforum wants to see him as a CM but it's obvious EV (whose opinion is really the only relevant here) doesn't think the same. I think it's very likely he'll get another season but if we get a good offer close to 120M (initial transfer fee we've paid for him) I would seriously consider selling unless his performances will improve drastically in second half of the season.


Well-known member
We will get rid of Denis, Samper and Rafinha for sure. If we then sell one of Vidal//Rakitic there would be room but our midfield would be loaded with quality players that need to play.

At some point there are too many quality players what can be hard to manage, i mean from whats discussed here there are squads like that:

Ter Stegen, Cillessen
De Ligt, Pique, Umtiti, Lenglet
Semedo, Roberto, Alba, new LB
Busquets, De Jong
Rakitic/Vidal, Arthur, Rabiot, Alena
Dembele, Messi, Malcom, Coutinho
Suarez, new striker (like Maxi Gomez)

That would almost be ridiculously strong depth.


New member
This is the problem with people like you. You are not a PSG fan, you actually despise PSG and Ligue 1. Yet, you want to tell me who is an indisputable starter in my team, right ?

As i repeated time and time again in those posts (but i can clearly see you can't read or factor in those informations), Rabiot was NOT A STARTER, let alone an INDISPUTABLE STARTER.

And you call people thick and brick. You are going in some sites and see " Wow ! Rabiot had 40 games in 2013-2014 ! He is definitely a starter !" but you can't see that Matuidi played 52 games, Motta played 47 games and Verratti played 43 when Rabiot played 34 games.–14_Paris_Saint-Germain_F.C._season

That Matuidi/Verratti/Motta had always more minutes played in L1 since they were the starters and Rabiot were the back-up/rotational player until Matuidi left. Rabiot benefited also from the absence of the injury prones Motta and Verratti. For example, Rabiot played 1180 min in L1 in 2013/2014, Matuidi played 2253, Motta played 2539, Verratti 1989. See a pattern here ? Your indisputable starter with the less minutes played among those 4 !
Since you like numbers, look at those charming links that will prove you that throughout those years Matuidi/Motta/Verratti was the main trio:

Now, teach me again about my club, or better shut the fuck up when you are ignorant !

As i taught you again little kid, Rabiot has won his silverware being carried. He has not proven anything since the performance in the midfield has decreased as soon as he overtook Matuidi place.

The sheer arrogance of this guy !!!

And nobody is calling Rabiot a bum. If he was, he wouldn't have been at PSG after all those years.

Wow, you are such a clever troll. You used the statistics from the 2013-14 season when Rabiot was 18 and 19 years old. What a clever QSG troll. I understand why you omitted the other 4 seasons. As if 1 season out of those 5 I mentioned is going to change my factual statement namely that Rabiot won it all with QSG not once, not twice but MULTIPLE times WHILE being an indisputable starter who played 40+ games each season and almost always in key games in the CL.

Joke of a QSG fan like the rest of them on this forum. Thick as a brick.

Oh, and none of my previous points are any less clear, once again, nor my factual statements about Rabiot or Rabiot in relation to Barça and us having all the cards in our hands for that matter. Please try to control your crying now that Rabiot has given your joke of a club the finger and obviously Qatari drones like you are doing everything in their power to make Rabiot look like a total bum. As I said, what does that tell you about your pathetic QSG that the same total bum was an indisputable starter for at least 4 seasons playing 40+ games each season ON AVERAGE and a player who played in almost 35 games during the 2013-14 season as a 18 and 19 year old?:lol:

Now which part of the above is your brain incapable of understanding and which part of "Barça has all the cards in their hands" do you not understand, Qatari lapdog?
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Senior Member
If some nobody like Allan can go for 80-100M, 29 year old matic can go for 50M before inflation, Rakitic should definitely go for 50-60M. He is a CL winner, WC finalist, rarely gets injured, can play a lot hence reliable and will still be 31.

Denis will not go for less than 20M.

Gomes will go for 40M. (Maybe +10M, if some biggies are interested)

Malcom isn't going anywhere I think, at least for the next season.

Rafinha will go for 10-15M.

Cilessen isn't going anywhere either, and if he goes 30M is fair.

So, for sure we are getting, 50+20+40+15 = 125M. (Net spend is +75M)

If you add Cilessen and Malcom, it is 125+50+30 = 205M (Net spend is -5M)

feels good mane


New member
If some nobody like Allan can go for 80-100M, 29 year old matic can go for 50M before inflation, Rakitic should definitely go for 50-60M. He is a CL winner, WC finalist, rarely gets injured, can play a lot hence reliable and will still be 31.

Denis will not go for less than 20M.

Gomes will go for 40M. (Maybe +10M, if some biggies are interested)

Malcom isn't going anywhere I think, at least for the next season.

Rafinha will go for 10-15M.

Cilessen isn't going anywhere either, and if he goes 30M is fair.

So, for sure we are getting, 50+20+40+15 = 125M. (Net spend is +75M)

If you add Cilessen and Malcom, it is 125+50+30 = 205M (Net spend is -5M)

Quality stuff. The salty guys on redcafe and elsewhere keep saying “how are Barca affording these players” “shouldn’t they get hit with FPP”

Nah man.... not when B-Dawg’s in town. :bartomeu: :bartomeu:

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