I mean, I would be surprised if we still had Pedro and Sanchez. But we have two of the top 4 players in the world even without Messi.
And pretty thin squad. Yes it is nice surprise, I especially feared that we will lack creativity with Messi out. Last season he was pretty much the only true creator on team... Our midfielders were occupied with winning te balls and Neymar's passing was his main weakness. Without drastic (and quite surprising) improvement of some players compared to last season - namely Iniesta, Neymar and Roberto we wouldn't be sitting on first place for sure.
I really hope he becomes our backup RB as well as backup LB,if he can.Would be good for him as that would increase his chances of getting minutes and would save us a headache if alba is injured.In short he could be the only missing piece of our team depth.
I don't see him as LB at all. Waqs he even playing there at Sevilla? He doesn't seem to have much of a left leg and I believe LB must have good left leg or at least balanced both.