Alen Halilović


Senior Member
There are rumours he'll come back to La Liga in January, whether to Valencia or Gijon. HSV apparently wants to sell him and get those 5M they paid for him back so Sporting is out of question if that's true because they can't afford to pay that much. Valencia could but will they? Don't know what that would mean for our buy option but it probably doesn't matter anyway because I don't see us ever buying him back.


Well-known member

Alen Halilovic has not found happiness in Hamburg and Germany, the Spanish league though it is written in the DNA and, apparently, he will return. But Halilovic will again in the Sporting Gijon, which was launched in serious major league soccer; his will be a new club Espanyol.
SO it is possible he ends up in Espanyol. I find it funny... like "evil" funny :chuckle:


New member
When he joined Barça, some Croatians told me he had attitude problems and a bad entourage, but never imagined he'd fuck it up for himself as much as he has done. What a shame.


President of FC Barcelona
Gotta hand it to [MENTION=16942]BBZ8800[/MENTION] who was spot on regarding this guy having talent, but not the brain and definitely not the right attitude to succeed


Senior Member
Great talent but that alone won't get you far if you don't have the mentality and attitude to really put it to good use.

He wants to be here but he just isn't willing to put in the work that is required to do so.


Senior Member
He is a pure example how talented guys with bad influence from their parents and entourage end up. What also didn't help was the fact he tought he will be next Messi and people around him were stupid enough to encourage that.

Even when he was 16 years old it was clear he didn't care 1% about tactical discipline. Years were passing and he didn't learn a thing. Unfortunately he is not first and not last one who will never live up to his potential.

Arrogance always leads to failure even more if your parents who should correct your behavior encourage you in your stupidity.

God Serena

New member
I remember when he came on in a Copa match wearing the number 30 and someone on twitter made a side by side of that and Messi making his debut with the same 30 on his back and that practically confirmed for me that this kid was never going to make it.


Senior Member
I remember his first few games he played for Dinamo. He came in with 16 years of age he took the ball and repeatedly tried to dribble trough 3 or 4 oponents. He of course failed every single time but he continued with that until Barcelona came for him.

He did exact same thing in Barca B and than he went to Sporting. There he finally improved a little and than when I thought he actually learned something he said something like "Next year I wont stay in Gijon because I want to play on higher level". And that was after he played 4 or 5 good games!?!?

But this was not the end, he hoes to Hamburg after everybody recomended he should stay in Spain and than when he came ro Germany he actually said he is not there to run but to score goals!?!?

After that it was clear that stupidity is strong with this one.


Staff member
I think you are being a bit too harsh.

He was selfish in Dinamo but saying he lost the ball every time... He was hailed as one of the biggest prospects in the world for a reason.

All is not lost for him but sadly he will probably turn out like our Gio dos Santos. That guy looked like new Ronaldinho :(


Senior Member
It's pretty obvious Halilovic should have stayed in La Liga. He's definitely not made for german football, too lazy and physically weak.

And (as many have pointed out before) of course he chose the worst, most chaotic club possible. HSV have been a complete mess for the last decade.

Halilovic's problem isn't the league. I mean he isn't even playing in that league. Halilovic's problem is his additude, he didn't even make the squad under the second manager now. Word on the street is also that he is considered an arrogant Diva. Apparently he also wasn't a fan favourite in Gijon either towards the end of his time there. HSV might be a chaotic team, and it's sad that such a talent isn't getting playtime, but if the rumors about his lazy training input and his general additude are true then they are in the right here. I too thought at first that Labbadia is just an idiot for not seeing what a talent he has on his hand, but then Gisdol came, Halilovic got a new chance and he screwed up again and is just sitting in the stands. That's not some coincedence, he is doing something extremely wrong right now and it's not looking like he could just blame his surroundings for that.


Senior Member
Halilovic's problem isn't the league. I mean he isn't even playing in that league. Halilovic's problem is his additude, he didn't even make the squad under the second manager now. Word on the street is also that he is considered an arrogant Diva. Apparently he also wasn't a fan favourite in Gijon either towards the end of his time there. HSV might be a chaotic team, and it's sad that such a talent isn't getting playtime, but if the rumors about his lazy training input and his general additude are true then they are in the right here. I too thought at first that Labbadia is just an idiot for not seeing what a talent he has on his hand, but then Gisdol came, Halilovic got a new chance and he screwed up again and is just sitting in the stands. That's not some coincedence, he is doing something extremely wrong right now and it's not looking like he could just blame his surroundings for that.

That's 5 managers in a row:
1. he lost his starting place even under our guy, Abelardo
2. Kovac, Croatian NT coach didn't play or call him too much when there was still hype around him that he is the next Messi
3. a new Croatian NT cocah, Cacic, also isn't calling him at all.
If he is as good player as he is, he would probably get called by at least one NT coach.
Also, when NT coaches didn't call him, Halil refused to play for youth NT Croatian teams...
4. first coach at Hsv
5. a new coach in Hsv

He is starting to remind me on Bartra.
Fans considered Bartra as a high potential and a future legend, while a coach after coach didn't count at him at all and he was always the 5th pick, regardless of which players we had or which coach we had.
The same is imo about Halil. There is always a possibility that there is a one coach who doesn't see your talent or who plays it safe with older players.
There could be also 2 coaches like that in a row, even though highly unlikely (if you are THAT good).
When there are 5 coaches in a row, well, you have some serious problems.

Gotta hand it to [MENTION=16942]BBZ8800[/MENTION] who was spot on regarding this guy having talent, but not the brain and definitely not the right attitude to succeed

For the future, I think we should all start to consider more things when we rate our young players.
1. not only a pure technical potential
2. but also player's mental strength, professionalism, possible diva attitude problems, his surroundings
3. but also, an interesting pattern from Bartra's and Halil's case: if too many coaches in a row (whether it is Barca B, some Spanish La liga team, or foreign teams) aren't playing them, there is a much higher chance that a player is just meh for the highest level (or in Halil's case: meh even for a midtable team's level).
I would also add here, not only this point about coaches, but the level of interest from other teams.
For example, Halil attracted interest from Barcelona and top teams 3 years ago, and currently we sold him this summer in a take-the-money-and-run kind of a deal to Hsv.
Now even Hsv will try to get rid of him, and they will probably sell him for even less than 4-5 Millions.

A lot of people won't like it, but I would like to compare Halil with Samper also.
A few years ago, Samper was considered as the next big thing, Arsene Wenger and other guys were jumping and drooling around him.
Lately (sorry if I am wrong), big teams aren't jumping around Samper anymore, he isn't playing too much on his loan etc.
So, again, either his coaches/and clubs who lost interest in him are dumb and don't see this "huge" talent, or more likely: he is just meh and this is why he has problems and not attracting too much interest anymore, except from Barca's fans.
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Senior Member
Agree with most of your post but disagree about Samper part.

He's been playing regularly lately for Granada. He needed some time when they changed coach from Paco Jemez to Lucas Alcaraz (and that's when rumours about him possibly leaving Granada in January emerged but he rejected that early saying that he's happy there) who is more defensive minded coach. But after few games Alcaraz has changed his prefered 5-3-2 formation to 4-3-3 (or 4-2-3-1 in some games) which fits Samper better and he's a regular starter for them since that happened. Now, I'm not saying they changed formation just to make Samper more comfortable or to even play him because Alcaraz has absolutely no need to play Samper if he wouldn't think his presence on the field makes whole team better and give them better chances to win.

And maybe I'm biased but I believe it does as they are playing solid football now and are also getting some good results (they beat Sevilla a few weeks ago), but they still lack quality and I'd say even more experience (around half of their team are teenagers or youngsters in their early twenties on loan from other big clubs) overall as a team. So I think it's unfair to compare Halilović's and Samper's current situation. If anything, Samper has convinced a coach who initially didn't count on him much to start playing him regularly (and we know that he'd also be a key player in Paco Jemez's system if he would still be their coach because Paco wanted Samper and convinced him to join Granada over Valencia and other loan offers he had). I think this shows at least that he's professional and has mental strength.

Yes, he might not make it at Barça but I don't think this will be because of his lack of desire, mentality and/or professionalism. As someone who's made it all the way through our youth system I believe his biggest wish is to succede at Barça (and for your point that Wenger and other big clubs are not sniffing at him anymore it's mostly because he rejected them already hundred times saying exactly that to them) and he'll be willing to stay on the bench for a year or two waiting for his opportunity and when he'll get that chance he'll do his best to convince Lucho or whoever our next coach will be that he deserves to stay here longterm. Yes, maybe not as a starter but we also need good squad/rotational players and I still think he can be at least that.

As for this season, he needs to keep working and stay in Granada's starting XI so he'll get as much La Liga experience as possible. I would prefer him in a better team so he could learn more playing with better/more experienced players but now it is what it is. It wouldn't make any sense to send him to another club in January now that he's finally found his place at Granada. He needs to play every week at this point of his career. But while the pressure playing for Barça or Granada is different I also believe that young players can develop a lot of mental strenght playing for clubs that are fighting against relegation where almost every game is played with a "win or die" attitude.
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