Alexis Sanchez


Senior Member
Nobody thinks not crticising a player at any cost is cool or makes you a better fan, but what annoys people are how gloryhunters are never objective. Is Alexis a problem for Barca right now? What about Pedro and Villa? It's not as black and white as some people think it is. You can't just remove Alexis and expect the new guy to score 20+ a season as long as Messi is there. Don't you think Messi's presence has something to do with Alexis/Villa/Pedro suddenly losing confidence and becoming shit? Should we blame those players for that? Not really. Should we blame Messi for that? Not really. This is a system (over reliance on Messi, if you want to call it that) that's most beneficial to Barcelona right now and makes Barca a stronger team. Getting rid of Alexis and splashing 50 million on Kun or some other star with an ego thrice the size of Alexis' won't cure any pains or make us a better team (as history has shown us cough*zlatan*cough) if anything it'll destabilise us. Hence why some people get offended by gloryhuntyers' constant bitching. If you deal with fans of other clubs, and observe the way they treat their players when they're having a bad patch, you instantly see a prevalence of bigotry, intolerance and over expectation among Barca fans on this forum in comparison to most other fans of other clubs, that's what annoys me most. And no, I'm not trying to sound intelligent or cool.

No one here is claiming to buy any new players, nor to get rid of Alexis. The problem is that Villa, Tello, or even Cuenca have to constantly sit on the bench and watch a player constantly underperform. How would you feel as a player who works your butt off to see this week in and week out?

Sure, there are certain qualities that Alexis brings to the table. His workrate and dribbling skills are to be noted, but on the other side of the wing there's Pedro who works arguably harder than Sanchez and has at least some confidence in front of the goal as opposed to Alexis.

I just don't see a logical reason why Villa, Tello, or Cuenca are not getting more playing time than Alexis. Another user here said that Tito might be saving all 3 of them for the second half of the season and that Sanchez will not be a starter. If that's Tito's grand plan, then that's cool with me. Playing like this won't cut it in the UCL, where luck plays a greater part and teams can easily park a bus and knick a goal or two ala Chelsea/Inter.


Cuenca is injured. Villa's been as bad as Alesis in his recent appearances.


Senior Member
Cuenca is injured. Villa's been as bad as Alesis in his recent appearances.

All of his recent appearances have been 10-15 min subs where the game was already in the bag. The very few games right before that where he did start he was mediocre, which is still performing at the same level of Sanchez, if not better. Once again, what I see on the pitch doesn't justify to me how he deserves 75-90 mins.
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Pepe Silvia

Active member
@GiantKiller: He had better passing rate only because he had half as many touches as Pedro did. Pedro was much more effective than Alexis was tonight, especially since he didn't fall over on the grass a dozen times, won two dribbles, turned over the ball 2 to Alexis' 7, etc etc. Pedro is by no means out of the red zone, but he had a better game than Alexis did. By a mile.


New member
Hey Alexis, can't you hold your ground at least for once ?!?!
Seriously, you lose every tackle you get in !
You have to fix that ''balance'' of yours, or we'll lose any hope.

Somebody needs to tell this guy how much he sucks atm :blush:


New member
@GiantKiller: He had better passing rate only because he had half as many touches as Pedro did. Pedro was much more effective than Alexis was tonight, especially since he didn't fall over on the grass a dozen times, won two dribbles, turned over the ball 2 to Alexis' 7, etc etc. Pedro is by no means out of the red zone, but he had a better game than Alexis did. By a mile.

Granted, Pedro was statistically better than Alexis but the difference wasn't a lot, honestly. So, no, Pedro wasn't better by a mile.

I still don't see how Alexis was an embarrassment, though.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
You guys know that party game where you take a stick and put your head down and spin around a whole bunch of times, let go of the stick then run around and everyone laughs at how funny it is when you fall over and try and keep your balance?

That's Alexis playing football this season in a nutshell.


The good news is that the team keeps on winning due to these moments of Messi Magic. There will come a time where Messi will go on a run without goals. The likes of Alexis Sanchez won't have no where to hide.

I still feel Pedro will come good due to the fact he has scored in a CL final and scored in critical El Classico matches. For me Pedro and David Villa have proved it in the biggest of matches in World Football.

Alexis and Thiago just pass the ball back and fourth but do keep possession. Can they provide assists? Need Fabregas back quick as we are only 16 points infront.


He's so bad it's not even funny. He makes me angry every time he gets the ball.

look he didn't even fell over.

or this doesn't count as 'every time'?


New member
You guys know that party game where you take a stick and put your head down and spin around a whole bunch of times, let go of the stick then run around and everyone laughs at how funny it is when you fall over and try and keep your balance?

That's Alexis playing football this season in a nutshell.

Should I classify this as 'not praising' or.....? :p

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Well, you see. That's exactly the point I was trying to make in my previous post. Alexis was statistically the better passer in this game and, in my opinion, Alexis isn't half bad when it comes to doing the underlined parts. :)

So, I don't see how Alexis was an embarrassment.

Don't let facts get in the way of the shrill hyperbole that describes 90% of Pepe Silivia's posts in this topic. Sorry Herman but while I might not be objective when it comes to Alexis, you are obsessed with Alexis not being what you want.

Except for his embarassing shooting Alexis was quite good today, and while this is my subjective opinion the stats back me up. At the very least he was better than Pedro - which wasn't a hard thing to do. And while I absolutely love Pedro, the only arguments over him being better than Alexis right now are about previous seasons.


New member
Anyway, I'm done. Hope he improves.


Except for his embarassing shooting Alexis was quite good today, and while this is my subjective opinion the stats back me up. At the very least he was better than Pedro - which wasn't a hard thing to do. And while I absolutely love Pedro, the only arguments over him being better than Alexis right now are about previous seasons.

Pretty much. People just need to be a bit more patient. That's all.:)

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