Alexis Sanchez


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Just to nitpick, he started 14 of those game though did not finish all. He was subbed in in 10 games.

As to the rest, I agree a player playing better in the longer competition is preferable, though I would much rather the player be consistent and reliable in all competitions. On top of that, equally worrisome is the fact that only this season, of the 3 has Alexis put forth good scoring numbers in La Liga. Without this La Liga to enhance his resume, he's had 2 poor La Ligas and 3 poor UCLs, that is worrisome. Add to the fact that his La Liga scoring tally is definitely deceiving, IMO. People should not be getting too caught up with his 19 La Liga goals as the end all, be all stat.

That's what I meant for the appearance thing, my bad. And this La Liga was the first where he put in good scoring numbers, but I think that's because he has improved his finishing since then. He had lots of chances before, he would just miss them, and now he's sorted that out, so I don't see him going back to that form. And we should note that we don't want to judge players purely by goals, Alexis all round game is fairly decent as well. He can only improve from here.

I am pulling that number.
But someone posted somewhere numbers, and Alexis had 70-80 shots, something like that.
If you remove 9 tap ins and free kick Goals, he needs 7-8 shots for one Goal.

Wait, you don't have a feeling when Ney, Alexis and Pedro shoot, that they will need like 10 attempts to finally score a Goal?

Not sure why you would remove the free kicks, they weren't easy to score by any means. Regardless, Alexis had 76 shots and 21 goals, so if you remove the 9 tap ins and 9 shots it took to score them, you get 12 goals in 67 shots, a conversion rate of 18%. For the record, Messi with tap-ins has 41 goals in 196 shots (21% conversion rate), Ronaldo with tap-ins has 53 goals in 298 shots (18%), Suarez with tap-ins has 33 in 212 (16%)... Alexis is still comparably efficient to Europe's elite forwards, even if you choose not to count tap-ins for him. So no, that's not a problem for him at all.


San Claudio Bravo
Yea, based on the stats, the defence failed us this season, and that's because of the midfield too.

In 2008/2009 we scored 95 goals, less than this season, but we also received only 21 goals (this season 33, 50% more goals conceded)

Down the stretch, scoring failed Barca just as much as the defense.

Since the 4-3 Classico, which promoted the 2 month period of Barcelona's plummeting, the team played 12 games total. They were held scoreless in 3 games and scored just once in 4 other games. That's 7 games of 12 in which the team was scoreless or scored just once. That's bad.

They totaled 17 goals in 12 games, which is just a 1.4 goals per game ration. That's bad. On top, I'm counting the 2 Villarreal own goals here, which bloat that number.

Defense allowed 12 goals in those 12 games, which was equally poor, but the scoring numbers were really abysmal.


Senior Member
Not sure why you would remove the free kicks, they weren't easy to score by any means. Regardless, Alexis had 76 shots and 21 goals, so if you remove the 9 tap ins and 9 shots it took to score them, you get 12 goals in 67 shots, a conversion rate of 18%. For the record, Messi with tap-ins has 41 goals in 196 shots (21% conversion rate), Ronaldo with tap-ins has 53 goals in 298 shots (18%), Suarez with tap-ins has 33 in 212 (16%)... Alexis is still comparably efficient to Europe's elite forwards, even if you choose not to count tap-ins for him. So no, that's not a problem for him at all.

:worthy: Reply to that if you can.


Senior Member
Not sure why you would remove the free kicks, they weren't easy to score by any means. Regardless, Alexis had 76 shots and 21 goals, so if you remove the 9 tap ins and 9 shots it took to score them, you get 12 goals in 67 shots, a conversion rate of 18%. For the record, Messi with tap-ins has 41 goals in 196 shots (21% conversion rate), Ronaldo with tap-ins has 53 goals in 298 shots (18%), Suarez with tap-ins has 33 in 212 (16%)... Alexis is still comparably efficient to Europe's elite forwards, even if you choose not to count tap-ins for him. So no, that's not a problem for him at all.

Ok, I will explain with "a feeling" again.

You know that feeling when Alves runs down the wing and crosses, and we all say: wtf are you doing?
Or when Song takes the ball and runs with it through the middle, and you just have "a feeling" that something will go wrong?
Or when someone passes the ball to Pinto and we all jump and say: Please, don't pass the ball to him.

Now, I haven't counted in numbers how many times Pinto screwed something.
Is it 1 out of 3, or 1 out of 5 or 1 out 10.
But, you just have a feeling that he always messes the things up.
And that Valdes was "the man" and that Pinto just isn't..

That is how I look on Alexis and Pedro when they shoot.
Alexis gets the ball, you see that he will shoot, and (at least me), I already say to myself: Ok, nothing will happen.
But when Messi, Ronaldo or someone shoots, you always have "a feeling" that every shot can end as a goal.

The first Season of Alexis here was poor.
The second also.
He was better this Season, but again, too many goals were tap-ins.

I just don't have a feeling that he will regularly score 20 Goals per Season for us, and that he will start scoring in big CL games.
I just don't believe that he has that (Barca) quality.

The trick is, if Messi would score 40 Goals each season, and if Ney would score 30 Goals in Liga each Season, we could survive with Alexis and his 10 Goals in one Season and 20 Goals in another Season. (hot and cold ratio)

But currently, we only have Messi as a consistent scorer (and even he is acting strange lately).
This is why I would love Messi+someone who can score 25+ Goals each Season+then guys like Ney, Alexis and similar.

Alexis would be good as our 3rd or 4th choice if we would already have 2 guys who can score 30+30 Goals each.
But Ney is not lethal, Pedro is not lethal, Messi can't do everything alone.

I just don't see Alexis as our 2nd guy, who will save us and score whenever we will need (again, if you get me..)

Again, we had Ronnie and Eto'o. Eto'o was scoring like crazy. When he stopped, Ronnie could score lots of Goals. Larsson also (even though he played not too many minutes)
Later we had Henry, Eto'o, Messi.

Can you compare those attacking lines to the current one?
In the past, if Messi is having a bad day, we had Eto'o and Henry. BOTH OF THEM, to save the day.

If Messi can't score, who will? That is my point.
Today Alexis is in shoes of Etoo, Ronnie or Henry.

And this is why: He is not bad. But he is just not as good as those guys.
And again, if he is our 2nd most dangerous player today, it shows how weaker we are today than in 2006 (Ronnie, Etoo, Larsson, young Messi) or in 2009 (Messi, Etoo, Henry).

And that is why I would vote for selling him and buying some new "Henry or Etoo"
Or keep him, but then still we need some new Etoo or Henry besides him, Ney and Messi.

Our 2nd and 3rd attacking options are very poor (compared to the last 10 Seasons)
That is why I was saying that he is bad. Or not as good for Barca's standards.
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Sir Alupp Heynrguson
You know that feeling when Alves runs down the wing and crosses, and we all say: wtf are you doing?
Or when Song takes the ball and runs with it through the middle, and you just have "a feeling" that something will go wrong?
Or when someone passes the ball to Pinto and we all jump and say: Please, don't pass the ball to him.

So your entire argument is basically based on this "feeling". And that is completely subjective and is probably because people tend to remember bad things more than good ones. Whenever Messi takes a penalty, I still have flashbacks to the Chelsea semi-final and worry he's going to miss, even though he scores most of his penalties. It's one thing to say, "I have this feeling," it's another to try and make an argument and say, "No he won't score because when he gets the ball I feel like he won't score," as that just ends up being proven wrong. And I completely disagree about him not scoring in big games or him not coming up with 20+ goals a season. But that is purely hypothetical, I hope Lucho sees the potential our front line has and gets them playing at the top of their level, if that happens you will see how lethal Alexis can be. Until then, not much more to be said.
Well i just hope that everybody´s Little darling scapegoat leaves so we can bask in the glory of his replacement, who surely will excell when he arrives and put up numbers from the rightwing that Alexis only could Dream of. And the Days of the infamous tap-ins will be a mere memory (right Atletico). So who will it be?? im eagerly awaíting this player, is it Di Maria , could it be Reus? maybe you even lure Aguero away and put him on the right?

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Done giving Alexis the benefit of the doubt. 3 seasons strong and still flip flop inconsistency, pointless dribbling leading to nothing, lack of finishing, lack of individual creation, lack of physicality and taking on defenders, etc fucking etc. There aren't many options out there, but I'd much rather give an unproven attacker (masia or outside) a chance than have to look at Alexis' face for one more season. Done.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Sounds like I'm mad but I'm frustrated at how poor of a player he turned out to be for us. I had high hopes for him, but he isn't that good. For Chile, for Serie A sure, but here? Hell no he's stunk.


Mike the Knife
I think regardless of what happens with him here, as an isolated winger we know that is not the Chilean's best position...truth is, it's probably not the best way to get the most out of his abundant talent...and he has fantastic talent, IMHO...He's just never going to be able to play in a position to demonstrate that

The truth is, I wouldn't mind, just for kicks, to experiment with Alexis in the false 9 and Leo back out wide right


I think regardless of what happens with him here, as an isolated winger we know that is not the Chilean's best position...truth is, it's probably not the best way to get the most out of his abundant talent...and he has fantastic talent, IMHO...He's just never going to be able to play in a position to demonstrate that

The truth is, I wouldn't mind, just for kicks, to experiment with Alexis in the false 9 and Leo back out wide right

agree with you here FC

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