Alexis Sanchez


Senior Member
To be honest then I don't think I've seen certain posters claiming that x player except Alexis = no CL.

When we have a few looneys relating Alexis to no CL then you know that hate has taken another level.

One or two peoples idiotic comments on this forum does not mean Sanchez was treated badly by fans.

I doubt he was even in the top 5 players that took stick this past season.


Senior Member
No, no player ever had it as bad as Alexis did. If Fab joined this conversation, I believe one could argue that he'd have a case, but performance vs. shit tossed at them in here, Alexis is one of a kind.

Exactly. The obsession sets it apart as well and only a handful have been hated with such tenacity. Valdes comes to mind, Fab of course, Busi in his beginning to a lesser extent.


Senior Member
No, no player ever had it as bad as Alexis did. If Fab joined this conversation, I believe one could argue that he'd have a case, but performance vs. shit tossed at them in here, Alexis is one of a kind.

Totally disagree with that and Sanchez was not even that harshly treated this season compared to others.

People are allowed to have an opinion that he has not totally fitted in.

In no way was Sanchez made to be a scape goat this year for Barca, he was just one of many players that were discussed.


Wild Man of Borneo
Seriously? We won a CL with Masch as CB though :lol.

Yeah, but I feel like I've heard some stuff like "how do we expect to win CL with this midget as our CB, fuck Zubi."

I'm not 100% sure by memory but it sounds plausible that something like that has been posted before


New member
Totally disagree with that and Sanchez was not even that harshly treated this season compared to others.

People are allowed to have an opinion that he has not totally fitted in.

In no way was Sanchez made to be a scape goat this year for Barca, he was just one of many players that were discussed.

There's no need to narrow it down to this season alone, just because it furthers your own argument. And, really, if you believe the opinion that he has not totally fitted in was the worst of it, you must've missed a great deal of posts.


Senior Member
There's no need to narrow it down to this season alone, just because it furthers your own argument. And, really, if you believe the opinion that he has not totally fitted in was the worst of it, you must've missed a great deal of posts.

Tell me one player that has not had negative comments in the past couple of seasons.

Sanchez has taken a lot of stick past couple of years and not nearly as much this season where the majority have praised his improvement even if it means they still think he does not fit properly.

The level of hate and blame aimed at Cesc has been far higher than anything Sanchez has received. Like wise with Masch, Alves and Xavi.

Making out Sanchez to be some singled out scape goat in comparison to other players is plain wrong and he was not treated badly overall.


Senior Member
All of you who didn't give him a fair treatment while he was here, now just sit tight and watch Alexis become the best winger in the world at Arsenal. Collosal transfer for Arsenal, their best since Henry.

:thumbsup2: Nice start Lucho, really nice start. Keep it going.
All of you who didn't give him a fair treatment while he was here, now just sit tight and watch Alexis become the best winger in the world at Arsenal. Collosal transfer for Arsenal, their best since Henry.

:thumbsup2:Nice start Lucho, really nice start. Keep it going.

I'm no Sanchez hater, and I'm sad he's gone, but chill out :lol:

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