Alexis Sanchez


Senior Member
He was poor against Crystal Palace as well but to be fair dont think hes fit.

Still think he would be better in a counter attacking team than a possession side like Arsenal/Barca.


New member
he'll have a decent season but he's never been a 'top class' player IMO even though some members on here and a lot of the English press like to say he is...

i like him but i never feel he's fully in control of a situation to be honest. he loses the ball and runs blindly into trouble far too often for my liking.

he should have gone to Liverpool this summer IMO. much better fit for him to maximize his skillset but i don't think he made the decision based on footballing reasons. it seemed more to do with geographical location/his family's preference for living in London. don't get me wrong i think he'll still do well at Arsenal but he's not the world class star many try and make him out to be IMO.


Estonian Culé
Played a good match 1st half, I slept in the start of the secound half so didn't catch what he did then.


San Claudio Bravo
Decent 1st half, but faded away in the 2nd until he was subbed for Oxlade.

All the things people complained about him at Barca are true so far at Arsenal.

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