Alexis Sanchez


Senior Member

Believe in Jugadorazo and he shall believe in you .


President of FC Barcelona
ignoring the fact that barcelona scores much more goals than arsenal

ignoring the fact that Barcelona have Messi and Neymar and others while Arsenal got Welbeck

Barca scores more goals because they got better players and more players to share the goalscoring burden with.


Senior Member
It's not like that. He was one of the best 5 wingers in the world last season when he played for us. It's not Premier League's fault that we sold them a world class 25 years old winger who works his ass of and gives 100% every game. Our loss, their gain.

Some people here lol-ed at Arsenal's fans, when they said Alexis was a steal at around 40m euros. Arsenal's fans were right. The fact that we sold him for around half of what Madrid got for Di Maria is the ultimate proof of that. Their age is about the same, their value is around the same, their workrate is also about the same. If Di Maria can go for 75m, then Alexis can go for 70m as well.

It's like a can of Coca Cola is sold for twice the sum Pepsi is. If you're Pepsi, you should be mad. Not because of the product quality, which is very close to Coca Cola, but because of the stupid and incompetent people that undervalue their products.

Barcelona undervalues their players. Fabregas, Sanchez, Song, even Afellay and others. Their are far better players that what we sold them for. 2 of them are world class, the rest are also very good (particularly Song). And all because of this "not fit (good) for us" label, as if we play another sport or something.

At Barca, we don't rate players good or bad. How dare you? You rate them fit for us or not fit for us. In other words, a bad player that fits the style should be kept, but a world class player that just has a different style should be sold (as cheaply as possible). As long as this mentality, inspired by the superb style of Pep's Barca will fade completely, we will founder. We need to lose the arrogance. The goal is winning, not resembling Pep's Barca.

Call me a pessimist, but I'm waiting for 2016. The board, the managers, most of the players and most of the fans also, are prisoners in past times.
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Some people here lol-ed at Arsenal's fans, when they said Alexis was a steal at around 40m euros. Arsenal's fans were right. The fact that we sold him for around half of what Madrid got for Di Maria is the ultimate proof of that. Their age is about the same, their value is around the same, their workrate is also about the same. If Di Maria can go for 75m, then Alexis can go for 70m as well.
Also Di Maria is more of a supplier, whereas Alexis is really the difference maker.

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