Alexis Sanchez


Denials, Fanboys, God sent cules, Delusions, Lots of big words, But the the way i see it, It's just 'labeling' to discredit someone like me for example, Which is ironic since you accuse us of 'labeling' other people.
I'm not alexis fan boy, Because the last time i checked he didn't put money in my pocket to spend day and night defending him, Alexis was great last season, This isn't an exaggeration, This is a fact, yet he was new and spent half the season in injuries, He was miles ahead of pedro, Who by the way had no excuse for his bad form last season, Go check the old polls which asks what is the better signing cesc or alexis, And alexis won by a margin, Are all those who voted fanboys and delusional people?
When i defend him, Is because i saw how good he is, Fortunately for me i still remember what he used to do last season, And if i was patient with pedro's horrendous performances which spanned more than one season, Then i can be patient with alexis's too.

Word up.


Denials, Fanboys, God sent cules, Delusions, Lots of big words, But the the way i see it, It's just 'labeling' to discredit someone like me for example, Which is ironic since you accuse us of 'labeling' other people.
I'm not alexis fan boy, Because the last time i checked he didn't put money in my pocket to spend day and night defending him, Alexis was great last season, This isn't an exaggeration, This is a fact, yet he was new and spent half the season in injuries, He was miles ahead of pedro, Who by the way had no excuse for his bad form last season, Go check the old polls which asks what is the better signing cesc or alexis, And alexis won by a margin, Are all those who voted fanboys and delusional people?
When i defend him, Is because i saw how good he is, Fortunately for me i still remember what he used to do last season, And if i was patient with pedro's horrendous performances which spanned more than one season, Then i can be patient with alexis's too.

+1. It's annoying how the critics quickly dismiss the people who try to be objective as 'fanboys'. I got called an Alexis fanboy for trying to be reasonable with my assessment of his performance. The Malaga game is a good summary of his time at Barca so far, he missed a couple of sitters which he should by all means have put away, but aside from those he had a good game (he's had better outings than that though)....the bitter truth is that most fans analyse the game in a one dimensional manner, and they'll remember the missed chances rather than good plays he had during the match, even if he did contribute to Barca's victory (like he has most of the time, maybe not against Malaga). Some of these Alexis haters really annoy me in that they fail to see the recurring 'Barca forward losing form problem', and think that the quick fix is to remove Alexis...


Denials, Fanboys, God sent cules, Delusions, Lots of big words, But the the way i see it, It's just 'labeling' to discredit someone like me for example, Which is ironic since you accuse us of 'labeling' other people.
I'm not alexis fan boy, Because the last time i checked he didn't put money in my pocket to spend day and night defending him, Alexis was great last season, This isn't an exaggeration, This is a fact, yet he was new and spent half the season in injuries, He was miles ahead of pedro, Who by the way had no excuse for his bad form last season, Go check the old polls which asks what is the better signing cesc or alexis, And alexis won by a margin, Are all those who voted fanboys and delusional people?
When i defend him, Is because i saw how good he is, Fortunately for me i still remember what he used to do last season, And if i was patient with pedro's horrendous performances which spanned more than one season, Then i can be patient with alexis's too.

Ofc I do about those people when I see them playing this card over and over again every time it gets tough for them to justify their excuses, for what they call 'defending' certain people! What is Ironic is that those people think they can play this game all along and yet nobody comes up giving them a taste of their own medicine! I'm not specifically talking about you if you're wondering.

Alexis to me was ok last season. Had some good matches, some great moves, some average and some bad matches too. Overally I think it was ok for his first season but still not as good as calling it great. If you think what he did last season was enough to call it great then so be it.

And looking at a poll results in internet is not exactly what I put my brain on when I have my own eyes to judge. Specially when Cesc is on one side of the poll, one who was getting lots of childish hate in here. Even from the people who doesn't hate him but think it's fun hating on him in here, just for shit and all.

El Guaje

Remember a certain Ibrahimovic who had better stats than Alexis in his first season? Where is he now? I donno why some people insist on keep bringing this "Alexis has been one of the top goal scorers at the club last season so he's not that bad at goal scoring" excuse so many times just to justify his many misses. Actually seeing someone like Alexis being one of the top goal scorers at the club last season proves even more how much the team suffered from the lack of vital finishers (if we exclude Messi).

The price Barca paid for Alexis reflects on how hasty the club behaved regarding this deal. I remember it was just weeks before the actual deal goes through that Barca's interest in Alexis became much serious. And then things paced up pretty much quickly. Inter wanted Alexis for two years, I remember that exactly and the spoken figures were always something around 15-20m before his price insanely goes up once the season finished. Alexis finished that season in great fashions with Udinese, so this crazy raise of his price was just a natural reflect of the bidding wars that happened at the time for his signature.

I always found him overrated tbh. Never been convinced that the club made the right decision in signing him at the first place. Let alone getting him for such a high price. He's talented for sure, just not 37m talented.

What has Ibrahimovic got to do with Alexis & Pedro? If anything, it just shows how Barcelona wasted another aaawesome player by not playing him to his strenghts. Look at what he did at Milan, at the Swedish NT and now at PSG, he is completely destroying the other teams. Yet, he didnt manage to do that at Barca... why? Because like Alexis, he doesent get to play the way he does best. + that he didnt really want to fully adapt, but that is not the case with Alexis.

Nobody (atleast me) is trying to justify his misses in front of the goal, what im saying is that he gets treated unfairly. Fact is that he has scored more goals for Barcelona than Pedro since he came even tho he aint a goalscoring player and he had to battle with injuries. Pedro played more minutes and yet he didnt manage to outscore both Alexis and Villa who spent the 2nd half of the season at the hospital. And now add to that his non-goal streak + how bad he's been in general, he should be getting all the crap throwed at him. But no no, he is a youth product and therefore he is immune to bashing. Alexis has atleast as good as Pedro if not even better.

Alexis price went up because he was simply awesome that season. He didnt win Serie A player for nothing. He was very good. In that season, he was better than Pedro will ever be.

Also, he isn't what Barca need, and doesn't seem to fit Barca. And definitely not worth what we paid. I know he's not a goalscorer, but my god, his finishing is fucking terrible. I bet Mascherano could finish better than him. Maybe he'd be good at a small club where he's the star player (like Udinese). It seems like his shitty finishing is partly due to a lack of confidence. IMO, we should offload him this summer. Pedro, Villa and Tello are all better. Cuenca's better too, from what I've heard.

Yeah, hes awesome on finishing but only in front of his own goal... And no, Pedro is not better than Alexis.

except for the fact that Pedro overall is a better player than Sanchez. Yes, you might not be able to make a very good youtube clip for Pedro but the guy has a better footballing brain than Sanchez will ever dream of. With the ball, Pedro makes the right decision 8 out of 10 times, while Sanchez doesn't, given the fact that he panics whenever he gets the ball and passes it to his nearest teammate. Sanchez isn't very useful with the ball and his main asset to us now is his off ball movement. Good player but Im sorry he's not Barca quality.

Everyone whos been following him at Udinese (and still follow him at Chile) knows that what youre saying aint true.

I'm saying that if you were to multiply Alexis' minutes on the pitch to make them equal to Pedro's, and his other stats along with it, Alexis would still have 0 goals. Besides, stats are not everything. What Moe said. Pedro knows what the right move is, and (at times) knows how to do it. Alexis knows neither. And all this talk about how equally bad they are makes no sense, because Pedro is just off-form, Alexis is just plain bad. Sure, when they're both performing badly, they should both get stick, but nobody will suggest offloading Pedro because with him we know what he's capable of because we've seen it before. So it's a matter of returning to his prior form. Alexis has been this way since day 1.

And nobody has seen what Alexis is capable of? Ya know, Alexis didnt start his career at Barcelona.

Pedro seems to be back on form with his 4 goals against Espanyol (2 of which were wrongly disallowed). It was Espanyol, but 4 goals are 4 goals. Didn't do much against Malaga but he at least didn't miss sitters like Sanchez did. Hope he can keep it up.

HAHA "seems to be back on form" just because he scored two goals against Espanyol. We'll have to wait and see if he can keep it up. You cant claim someone is back after just one game.

El Guaje

And saying Pedro has poor off the ball movement is rubbish,the goal against Espanyol proves that.
Not getting into goalscoring positions? You seem to forget the 4 goals he should have had against Espanyol if it wasnt for poor refereeing.
Did more in the game against Malaga in a few minutes than Alexis did in the whole match.
Not to mention he is a better passer,can create space with his dribbling(I remember him cutting inside a few times times in the last few matches and doing nice dribbles to create space and get time for teammates to arrive),has great decision making and can assist(and not just with a low cross into the box),can finish,plus all the things you praise Alexis for(works hard,has pace,scores against RM,bla,bla,bla...)
From what Pedro has shown this year,he is the man i want on the right flank,so dont even mention selling him!

He has done pretty much nothing. Its been this way since 1.5 years back. In the end, Pep decided to bench him and Tito should do it too.

After "2 great seasons" for us Pedro has earned the right to play badly. Dat why we don't attack Messi for PK miss against Chelsea or Xavi V Celtic
Alexis @ best has had "2 great 10min spells"

You cant earn any rights to play badly. That would be sooo disrespectful to the other players who are actually doing better. If that was the case, Pep wouldnt bench him in the end of the last season.

oh god, people are such in denial about alexis but why? what is it about him that makes you ignore all of his novice mistakes... not just oh he's on a new team needs time to settle in kinda mistakes either, but novice, elementary mistakes like how to dribble, stay on your feet, or complete a basic freaking pass. lets not even talk about his woeful finishing diving or bitching to refs as if he has some kind of clout to do so, thats laughable. he's the last person who should be complaining to refs it just makes him look completely ridicioulous. that right there is enough to separate pedro from what alexis has shown this season because pedro does none of that stuff (pedro's finishing has been consistent with a striker going through a valley, not a player who forgot how to play football). pedro has done and continues to do more for this club than alexis can dream of.

to say he's on par with pedro just makes the situation even more laughable. pedro has had a poor streak this season, but to compare the two especially recently is just out of control on absurdity.

Wow, if you hate him for that you should hate the whole squad for all the constant bitching to the refs and all the diving in the clasicos.


Nepali Cule
What has Ibrahimovic got to do with Alexis & Pedro? If anything, it just shows how Barcelona wasted another aaawesome player by not playing him to his strenghts. Look at what he did at Milan, at the Swedish NT and now at PSG, he is completely destroying the other teams. Yet, he didnt manage to do that at Barca... why? Because like Alexis, he doesent get to play the way he does best. + that he didnt really want to fully adapt, but that is not the case with Alexis.

Nobody (atleast me) is trying to justify his misses in front of the goal, what im saying is that he gets treated unfairly. Fact is that he has scored more goals for Barcelona than Pedro since he came even tho he aint a goalscoring player and he had to battle with injuries. Pedro played more minutes and yet he didnt manage to outscore both Alexis and Villa who spent the 2nd half of the season at the hospital. And now add to that his non-goal streak + how bad he's been in general, he should be getting all the crap throwed at him. But no no, he is a youth product and therefore he is immune to bashing. Alexis has atleast as good as Pedro if not even better.

Alexis price went up because he was simply awesome that season. He didnt win Serie A player for nothing. He was very good. In that season, he was better than Pedro will ever be.

Yeah, hes awesome on finishing but only in front of his own goal... And no, Pedro is not better than Alexis.

Everyone whos been following him at Udinese (and still follow him at Chile) knows that what youre saying aint true.

And nobody has seen what Alexis is capable of? Ya know, Alexis didnt start his career at Barcelona.

HAHA "seems to be back on form" just because he scored two goals against Espanyol. We'll have to wait and see if he can keep it up. You cant claim someone is back after just one game.



Nepali Cule
i think its really a good debate to who we should bench first. pedro or alexis. plz stop calling them fanboys who are just defending a player who he thinks is better than the other. it has always been like this, yaya, sergio, ibra, cesc etc etc.
the reason he chose BARCA over city with pay cut salaries itself earns him my respect and ohh that el classico goal.didnt follow him in his udinese days or with NT but i can clearly say with the form both pedro and alexis are in right now there`s not much difference. I`m just irritated with his dives. its really very disgusting.


New member
Denials, Fanboys, God sent cules, Delusions, Lots of big words, But the the way i see it, It's just 'labeling' to discredit someone like me for example, Which is ironic since you accuse us of 'labeling' other people.
I'm not alexis fan boy, Because the last time i checked he didn't put money in my pocket to spend day and night defending him, Alexis was great last season, This isn't an exaggeration, This is a fact, yet he was new and spent half the season in injuries, He was miles ahead of pedro, Who by the way had no excuse for his bad form last season, Go check the old polls which asks what is the better signing cesc or alexis, And alexis won by a margin, Are all those who voted fanboys and delusional people?
When i defend him, Is because i saw how good he is, Fortunately for me i still remember what he used to do last season, And if i was patient with pedro's horrendous performances which spanned more than one season, Then i can be patient with alexis's too.

We can have patience with Pedro first because of what he has given to the club: only Barca player to score on 6 competitions in a year, some of them were crucial to get the sextete. More than 2 years playing at best Barca ever's level. Second because he is a canterano and we got him for peanuts. Now he seems to get his form back but he had credit and we waited. Alexis on the other hand seems to be going backwards and never reached the importance Pedro got. He is a nice fellow, works hard and loves the club but we cannot keep waiting for him. He has the talent but he seems to be too weak mentally, he cannot get his confidence back and Barca has given him countless opportunities to the point where we are in danger of elimination among other things because of 2 missed sitters. He either gets the psychological part of his game sorted out(because the talent is there) or he is on his way out. Next week Barca should play Villa, or Iniesta on the front line. A title is being decided


We can have patience with Pedro first because of what he has given to the club: only Barca player to score on 6 competitions in a year, some of them were crucial to get the sextete. More than 2 years playing at best Barca ever's level. Second because he is a canterano and we got him for peanuts. Now he seems to get his form back but he had credit and we waited. Alexis on the other hand seems to be going backwards and never reached the importance Pedro got. He is a nice fellow, works hard and loves the club but we cannot keep waiting for him. He has the talent but he seems to be too weak mentally, he cannot get his confidence back and Barca has given him countless opportunities to the point where we are in danger of elimination among other things because of 2 missed sitters. He either gets the psychological part of his game sorted out(because the talent is there) or he is on his way out. Next week Barca should play Villa, or Iniesta on the front line. A title is being decided

Word up again. But Villa probably won't be available for the Malaga match (still injured).

"Alexis Sanchez"
*Takes off shirt*

Pepe Silvia

Active member
alexis last season was good, great for a first season. that doesn't take away from this season. same with pedro, he's had a terrific 5 years at top level and many accolades but that doesn't take from his below par season by his standards and if you remember correctly i called for his head because he could have been much better on numerous occassions. pedro has upped the tempo of his game, his passing has improved, his sharpness and edge have been improving so i've laid off him rightfully so. has alexis done any improving? maybe. in fact during malaga chat i was about the only one praising him for that first half so it has to be said that im not some hater because i gave him his props during that first half (even with the 2 sitters and dives). bottom line was he regressed and hasn't done much to improve. the quality is there yes, and he can become something but he has to show more consistency to be considered relevant for barcelona future plans.


Bashing alexis is a trend, But once you ask them what's the difference between what pedro does and him, They just stay quiet.

Let's see.

Pedro can play either as a right winger or as a left winger. Alexis can't.

Pedro can shoot with his left foot, Alexis can't.

Pedro scored in all six competitions in 2009, Alexis will never do that.

Pedro has scored in a few finals, key goals that ended in titles. Alexis hasn't scored in any final yet.

Pedro doesn't score because he doesn't get the chances to do so, he usually plays too wide. Alexis, in other hand, gets the chances to do so (also because he plays as a 9 alot times, unlike Pedro), but he fails them all.

The fact is that Pedro has done alot for Barca, and he deserves to have an average season, like everyone has once in a while. Alexis has been a true dissapointed since the beggining, and has done nothing for Barca so far.

I think The Camp Nou has been very patient with Alexis Sanchez but as you can see there's a limit.
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Wild Man of Borneo
I'd say Pedro is a lot better than Alexis right now. Not great, but better than Alexis.

Pedro hasn't had that many chances at goal recently so obviously the goals aren't coming. Right now he's more focused on link-up play, off the ball movements, dragging defenders out of position, and keeping the attack fluent.

Alexis hasn't been drawing out defenders recently. He doesn't try to and defenders don't buy it. He does make plenty of runs to score and manages to mess those up. Not to mention that every time he is on the ball he slows up play, holds the ball for too long, loses possession, and plays heavy touches.

Both of them are underperforming but Alexis has been far worse. While Pedro might not be making the team much better, Alexis being there actually does make the team worse.


Senior Member
I was reading and someone said, Pedro had no excuse for his poor form last season, being constantly injured isn't a reason, him being the odd man out when fit because pep was trying to fit in his two major signing isn't a reason. Too the point where pep has to admit at the end of the season that he should have played him more.

Whoever said that smack yourself in the face.


The Culest
Difference between Pedro and Alexis

1. Pedro usually plays out more wide to stretch the pitch and is more involved in link up play and dragging defenders out of position. This is the reason he doesn't get into goalscoring positions a lot. Alexis rarely does this and is not successful when he tries
2. Alexis slows down our attack fumbling with ball and either passes it back, dives or loses the ball.
3. Pedro doesn't miss sitters. He scored a great goal vs espanyol to show that he still hasn't lost his touch. Problem is he isn't getting many scoring chances probably because he hasn't been told by Tito to make those runs.
4. Alexis demoralizes the team and its like playing with 10 men as opposition defenders dont take him seriously(probably why he's free to make those runs). In the previous match Tello didn't pas to Alexis many times when he could have. This just sums up his effect on the team. Whereas Pedro and Villa are generally more tightly marked.

At what point do we stop saying that Alexis is "fitting into the system, lacks confidence blah blah". How long people will milk "that goal in the clasico" to justify his blunders.It has been almost two seasons. Even last season he was decent at best and never convinced me that he was worth 37m. We need a goalscorer to take the burden off Messi to avoid another failure like last year. Alexis has nearly cost us a cup. Do we want to lose Cl too before we come to our senses? Its not like we are a small club which has to make do with mediocre players. Barca deserves better

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