Andoni Zubizarreta



His words today are worrying me.

El director deportivo insistió en ese punto en que "muchos buenos clubes están buscando centrales y no hay tantos con ese nivel ni con el perfil que necesitamos para un juego como el del Barça. En el Mundial vemos que es una posición muy exigente. Intentaremos encontrar la mejor solución y espero tener noticias pronto, pero tampoco es seguro"

"Many good clubs are looking for cb's and there aren't many with the level or the profile we need for the way Barça plays. In the wc we see it's very demanding position. We'll try to find the best solution and I hope to have news asap, but that isn't guaranteed".

Over 1700 days since Barça signed a CB. I can see them getting Mathieu and that's it. He'll help a bit, but with the upcoming ban, this is really worrying.


Well, he had 4 years time to sign a new CB and he still looks for one. Ridiculous.


New member
It's true that not every CB can play at Barcelona but if he had any idea about football he would find the ones who can.
By "profile we need" he probably means: a) Brazilian and b) plays for a club that's impossible to buy from.

We'll probably chase Marquinhos all summer and end up with no one but Mathieu. And then, "hey, at least we tried."


He says the same crap every single year. It doesn't seem hard to buy a famous striker though. Must be lots of strikers that are able to play at Barça.. too bad most defenders seem to be handicapped.


Sorry for posting it again, but Zubi's theme song has to go on his thread.

Zubi Dubi Doo, Where are you?
You've got some explaining to do now.

Come on, Zubi Doo, I see you,
Pretending you've done a transfer.

But you're not foolin' me, cause I can see,
The way you're chasing Marquinhos.

You know we have a team to rebuild and Zubi Doo,
Be ready for your act, don't hold back!

And Zubi Doo if you come through,
You're gonna have yourself a Zubi Snack!
That's a fact!

Zubi Dubi Doo, Where are you?
You're not ready and you're unwilling.

If we can count on you Zubi Doo,
I know we'll get relegated.


New member
Sorry for posting it again, but Zubi's theme song has to go on his thread.

Zubi Dubi Doo, Where are you?
You've got some explaining to do now.

Come on, Zubi Doo, I see you,
Pretending you've done a transfer.

But you're not foolin' me, cause I can see,
The way you're chasing Marquinhos.

You know we have a team to rebuild and Zubi Doo,
Be ready for your act, don't hold back!

And Zubi Doo if you come through,
You're gonna have yourself a Zubi Snack!
That's a fact!

Zubi Dubi Doo, Where are you?
You're not ready and you're unwilling.

If we can count on you Zubi Doo,
I know we'll get relegated.
Hmmm what the hell? :lucho:


Missed those from yesterday:

Zubizzareta: “The way our club is, we don't want one specific kind of centre-backs, we need different kinds in one.”

Zubizarreta: “Someone who can play wide open, playing more compact defensive structure.”


President of FC Barcelona
Claudio Bravo is the sixth new face in the Barça squad, following on from Ter Stegen, Masip, Rafinha, Deulofeu and Rakitic. Zubizarreta also spoke about potential departures, commenting that “we hope to solve these things this week. It would be good news for everyone involved … However I must insist that all of our negotiations must be kept private. I feel more comfortable that way. Everything else is mere speculation”.

Looks like we'll be getting the news about Alexis leaving and Suarez joining this week along with perhaps the announcement of Tello leaving as well.

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