André Gomes


Senior Member
I'll just say that he's a much better player that he has shown so far. And Lucho playing him all over the midfield and even as a winger in last games didn't really help him to adapt. Let's find him one position and play him there.

Don't expect any reasonable opinions in this thread. Almost everybody loves to hate him.


Almost everybody loves to hate him.

I'm not sure about that...
Considering a particular player not worthy to be a regular in your favorite team is NOT just an emotion, it can easily be an "almost" unbiased opinion, hence the "hate" word is nothing but an over-simplification.

I doubt there would be any Barca player I'd personally "hate", of course it is a different matter on WHAT I do base particular likes and dislikes.
In the best case (just as Bojan mentioned here) a like or dislike is based on the player's abilities (easily judged after 40-50 games) and not on mere personal emotions (without the pragmatic content).


Senior Member
Haha jeez he was so bad at RB. I didn't think he could put on a worse performance than he has in the midfield, proves me wrong yet again. What a joke this guy is; you can clearly see he lacks the skills required to play for Barcelona. Forget everything, just look at him trying to shield / dribble with the ball at RB. LOL. And before you have Gomes apologists come in and talk about how he's playing out of position, etc. - I don't think having the basic skills to shield or dribble a ball has anything to do with it. His level is just so poor. If there's an offer for him this season and he doesn't get sold, it would be a criminal offense.
Lucho praised him today :lol: as a polyvalent warrior :unzue:

Lucho cannot get ouf of this club soon enough, he really blew it, his trolling and unrepentant attitute far outweighs any positive he brought barca.


Active member
Gomes does not defend well enough to play any position for Barca. At rightback last weekend, Digne was terrible, but to his credit it was not because of lack of effort. It does not make any difference whether Gomes' miserable defending results from lack of effort, lack of understanding about what it takes to adequately defend, or just being too ponderous.

I remember a 3-4-3 game a little while back, Gomes started and then was subbed by Iniesta. Iniesta is not a great defender, but you could see immediately how he defended so much more intelligently that Gomes, the team immediately improved on defense.


Well-known member
Andre might improve his midfield game next season, but definitely is the worst defender in the squad. Zero marking, none area covering, poor heading given his physique. Overall he is useless in defence and yet there are some who suggest he can backup Sergio Busquets in DM position.:study:

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