1. From Nick
Andrey, who do think is going to win the Champions League?
Arshavin: I guess that it will be either Arsenal or Barcelona or Manchester United.
2. From Yulya
Andrey, is it possible to see you with a book in your hands? If so, what kind of writers do you prefer? Modern of classic? What do you think about poetry? Never tried to write something yourself? Do you associate
yourself with any book character?
Arshavin: I love to read fiction. I read a lot, but I would not say that I have some favorite authors. Recently I got interested in Dostoevsky. As for the poetry - I like it when people read poems. Although I’ve never tried to write poems myself. At the present moment it’s difficult for me to compare myself to any fictional character.
3. From aniram
Hi, do you like horses? Have you ever ridden them? If not, do you want to try? If you want to ask me something, feel free to do it

Arshavin: Actually, I once rode a horse bareback in the village. It was very slippery, I was a small boy then, I was barely holding its mane when suddenly it bolted and I almost fell into a pile of manure. After that, I never sat on the horse again.
4. From kuvalda
Hi Andrey!
Have you ever skateboarded or snow skated?
Thanks in advance!
Arshavin: No, I'm not a fan of extreme sports. I went in for skiing, but on usual cross-country skis, not alpine ones.
5. From egor2000
Hi Andrey! I play football with friends every week. Could you please recommend to me how to protect the toes, nails in particular, as I always walk around with broken, "black" nails? How do professionals solve this problem, or you don’t have it?
Arshavin: This problem exists. It’s a professional footballers’ problem. It seems to be invisible, but many players suffer from ache in the toes after the games. I think that it depends on the foot structure. I don’t have this problem but some footballers bandage their toes with a plaster.
6. From Leizar
Did you often fight as a child, if so, who usually won, were you apprehensive about fighting a taller opponent?
Arshavin: I received a lot of blows in fights as a kid, but I tried not to give up in any fight with any opponent. I remember a huge FC “Svetlana” defender who was playing against me, we were always squabbling. Now, we are on good terms and when we come across each other sometimes we remember those times.
7. From TianA
What do you think of ideological anarchism?
Arshavin: In order to give you an exhaustive explanation, I should thoroughly study this subject. So far I can’t say anything.
8. From devo4ka
I had a dream tonight and for some reason, your face was all covered in freckles! My question is: do you have freckles? If you do, do you always have them or they just appear in the springtime?
Arshavin: Perhaps it was a color dream, where there was a lot of sun, because I have freckles only when I sunbathe a lot.
9. From 666666
Hi Andrey! Please tell me, in your opinion, what is the most important thing for a footballer these days?
Arshavin: I think the most important thing is a head, not only for a footballer but for any person.
10. From KittY
Hi, Andrey !!!=)) Were you punished as a kid?) If so, how? (for example you had to stand in the corner) But in general, were you a naughty child?
Thanks for your answers and, of course, for the game!)) Good luck in football and in your life!))
Arshavin: I was a naughty child. I was punished, but rarely. There was no physical abuse, even if I did something wrong I was not forbidden to go for a walk or watch TV. My parents were loyal to me. I could do a lot of things.
11. From chesnaj
Andrey, would you like to take part in some TV show? (For example “Dancing on Ice”)?
Arshavin: If I took part in this show, it should be renamed “A Cow on Ice".
12. From Pasha2302
Andrey, I would like to know whether you are a good swimmer.
Arshavin: Of course, I can’t call myself a professional swimmer, but I think that I swim OK for an average person.
13. Hi Andrey!
It’s not a secret that sometimes different «skirmishes» happen between fans of different teams ... What do you think about it? Do you disapprove of it or you think that it is a part of modern football? And another question what would you do if you were put on a desert island? Thanks in advance!
Arshavin: I think that all fans have mothers and close friends. They wouldn’t want smashed heads, broken noses, arms or legs. There is a lot of original ways to support your team or to mock the fans of the other teams; sometimes a word can have a stronger impact. There are many interesting ideas, banners for example… If I was put on a desert island, I would die of boredom.