1. From viktoruia
Hello, Andrey. It is very interesting to me - how many push-ups and pull-ups can you do? Thanks in advance.
Arshavin: Ten pull-ups for sure, perhaps a little more. There is a better situation with push-ups. I can do a lot of them. I guess, one hundred at a time.
2. From Lizzza
Hi, Andrey. Of course, I understand that it’s too early to ask this question, but still it’s very interesting. I know that some athletes, I mean real stars, become coaches at the end of their career. What you are going to do in the future?
Arshavin: Now I have a goal, a task assigned to myself - to play football at a serious level until 35.
3. From dron2014
Hello, Andrey!
What tips can you give to improve technique?
Arshavin: If speed is your innate quality, technique can be developed and improved, just work hard. As for special exercises I think your coach will tell you what to do as he knows your weaknesses and strengths.
4. From yan4ik
What qualities do you value in people and what qualities do you consider unacceptable?
Arshavin: Decency and honesty. I can’t stand flattery.
5. From Annushka
Andrey, you have become a big discovery for my family and me

Having watched you play, we have decided that you resemble a hunting fox

Nice to see such an exciting game!
Arshavin: My friend Sergey Migitsko calls me a Sly Fox for some reason.
6. From SKALA
Andrey, do you believe in God, and if so how often do you go to church? Do you feel that God helps you in your life?
Arshavin: I believe in God and it helps me. I go to church, but unfortunately, it happens very rarely, should do it more often...
7. From Violet18
Hello Andrey! I would love to know what in your understanding is an ideal weekend?
Arshavin: When the next day you realize that you have another day off ahead

8. From RomashKa17
Hello Andrey! Tell me please who of those footballers you played with in one team do you consider the most funny / talented?
Arshavin: A lot of funny and talented footballers plowed the fields with me.
9. From Yanusik
Andrey, how can one talk to you personally?
Arshavin: Hi.
10. From Yanusik
Andrey, is it true that you don’t talk to your wife at all on the day of the game, even on the phone?)))
Arshavin: She doesn’t talk to me either on the game day
11. From puzzle
Sorry for such a tactless question but what color is your favorite underwear?
PS: Just answer me please even if this question has been asked before ‘cause I really need to know!
Arshavin: I don’t have any particular men’s underwear color preferences. But one thing I can tell you for sure, you won’t find G-strings in my wardrobe

12. From Carolina
Hi Andrey)) I'm very glad that you have your own site. And I want to ask you this little question

When I’m in St. Petersburg (and I go there often) and when opportunity arises I go up to the roofs of Petersburg and admire this beautiful city from there. Andrey, do you like to sit on the roof?
Arshavin: Honestly, I’ve never tried, but I think it is romantic to have a walk on the roofs of our city. The main thing is to have this walk with the person you love.
13. From STIM
Can A.A. jump out of my birthday cake?
Arshavin: It’s unlikely; I'm a football player, not a minstrel or a clown.
14. From puzzle
Do you have a yellow rubber duck in your bathroom?
Arshavin: Yes, how do you know?
15. From knopka42
I’ve already written you three letters but they haven’t been delivered...Well ... My name is Olga, I’m 13 years old. I go out for football and I’m your biggest fan..... Well, my dad does not allow me to play football but I want to…- Andrey, tell me what to do?
Arshavin: Listen to your Dad.
16. From Zeedorf
Andrey, your answers are so capacious, and you always have your own opinion you are not afraid to express. Members of our philosophical group have decided at the general meeting to make you a proposal to join our ranks. This is an absolutely serious proposal. Of course, we understand that communication with you can be only by default, but we are absolutely comfortable with it. If you get at least a little interested in our proposal, please send us your answer and we’ll send you detailed information about our group.
Arshavin: I have to give your proposal careful consideration, get prepared, weigh everything, and only then I’ll be able to answer you