Andrey Arshavin has answered the questions of his site visitors about pain, about makeup, about the best gift, about his passport photo and about a lot of other things.
1. From iloveme
Andrey, what do you think people need pain for?
Arshavin: For people not to forget that they are mere mortals. Some people say that suffering purifies the soul.
2. From tasha100 know,
You know sometimes I feel so down. What shall I do?
Arshavin: Try to overcome this situation. Think that after this bad streak, there’s definitely going to be a good one. Despondency is a sin.
3. From vanilja
Good afternoon, A gypsum hippopotamus in Zenit uniform (almost in human size) has been installed in the playground near our house today. Can I tell my kid that its name is Andrey? In your honor?
Arshavin: Hippo? If it pleases your child, then feel free to do this, although I thought I was way slimmer then a hippo.

4. From KaTS
Andrey, please tell me, do you really like to answer this great number of questions from you fans? Don’t you feel bored?
Arshavin: First, I try to do it when I have spare time. Secondly, I see how many people are interested in our football and my personal life. You spend your time, I spend mine. Therefore, when it doesn’t interfere with my work or does not distract from my family's affairs, I reply. Is it good or bad?
5. From liza1951
The question is – do you approve when a girl starts using makeup very early in her life?
Arshavin: As for the makeup, this is a purely personal matter for each girl, although I think it is better to consult a professional regarding this question.
6. From Ctepan
Hi, Andrey, I want to play like you.
Arshavin: Play then.
7. From RinaBeer
Hi. I am 25 years old and I’m still not married. My parents are very upset about this. They say I can end up a spinster. But I don’t want to get married yet. What shall I do? (Sorry if this is off topic; just
want to know your opinion)
Arshavin: I think I can help you.
Step 1: You need to find a scruffy heavy drinker.
Step 2: Once you’ve found him, try to persuade him to “marry” you. I think that for a small amount of money, he will agree to fulfill the role of your fiancé

Final: Bring this guy home. Tell your parents he’ll live with you

I think next time they will think better before forcing their opinion on you.
8. From 1009
Hello, Andrey! What would you prefer as a gift -
1. A lot of balloons
2. A million scarlet roses
3. Something else, more down-to-earth or more expensive
Thank you for your reply!
Hi to Julia and the kids!!!!!!!!!!
Arshavin: A million kisses from the people I love.
9. From 1009
Hi, Andrey! Some people say that the rain comes when the angels cry; some people say that it is a natural process. What do you think? Do you like rain?? Hi to Julia and the kids !!!!!
Arshavin: No, I do not think that it’s angels’ tears. It's simply a natural phenomenon. Although it sounds more romantic the way you put it.
10. From finta
Does anybody go in for sports in your family?
Arshavin: Me.
11. From kbkbz
Hello! Maybe my question would sound silly, but still: how many kilograms does a footballer lose during the whole game?
Arshavin: From two up to four kg.
12. From Dgozzi
Hi, Andrey. You are quite photogenic, but I am still interested if you liked your first passport photo? Thanks in advance for your response!!!

Arshavin: If I don’t remember this picture, it means that the photographer’s work didn’t disappoint me. Although, I do not always like how I come out on photos.
13. From Pugovka
Hello, Andrey)))
I like the way you laugh))) it puts me in a good mood! Do you believe that laughter can prolong life?)))
Arshavin: We have a lot of fun during training. As for prolonging life? Unfortunately, we’ll never know. While scientists claim that it does. If they claim this, probably they are right.
14. From lambada
Hi, Andrey, in what order would you place the following animals: a tiger, a cow, a pig, a horse, a sheep?
Arshavin: A pig - it will always get the last place! A tiger, a cow, a horse, a sheep. And I’ll repeat that a pig is always the last one, because it is a pig.
15. From AndrushkaTHEbest
Do like classical music?
Arshavin: I enjoy listening to classical music. It calms me down. Although I cannot say that it happens every day. I’m a music lover by nature and I like different music. I listen to rock, instrumental music, jazz, even something from pop or club music - basically all types of music.
16. From samara4ever
How do you see yourself in 50 years?
Arshavin: 78-year old man, with aching legs and a glamorous walking stick
Arshavin's Q&As are comedy gold