Andres Iniesta


New member
no way... you can't bulk up and expect to be gliding away with the ball (as the don does so gracefully)

First of all, bulking up in this case doesn't mean becoming like drogba, just enough to hold up the ball. Secondly, yes you can bulk up and glide away with the ball, the most obvious example being the one who Iniesta based his style, Laudrup. While he wasn't Drogbaesque, his upper body was strong enough to shrug off defenders while gliding through the mid.


New member
Elegant! Give him a bad ball in the most awkward of situations and he 'll still keep it and weave his way through a crowd with his silky smooth ball control and movement. And he's the only one on our team I'm ever confident of doing it, pressure or no pressure.
.............. and that sums up Andres very well. Remind me so much of Zinedine.


New member
"Iniesta can't dribble". Still rofl@ that comment someone made during the chat.

He's simply getting better and better, if he would just bulk up a bit, he could charge alone through the mid.

lol wtf? In the match chat on this forum? if it is, do you have link?

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