Hope he keeps up his form, if zidane could do it at 34 so can he.
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Yeah, I'm hoping for a Zidane-like last world cup from him in 2018.
I was thinking the exact same thing. He'll probably be captain going into euro 2016 won't he? I can't see Casillas or anyone more senior than him making it any further.
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Depends on the new coach I guess, I dont see VDB continuing tbh.
Ramos was the captain today, no?
I wish pep was given the coaching job atleast after the euro job, don would get it for sure then. Any non Real Madrid fanboy coach and iniesta will probably get it.
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Del Bosque is no RM fanboy coach.
Hasn't Ramos never been sent off for Spain?
Yeah I think so, but he has been very close many times
Guys like Casillas, Puyol who will keep a large group united is not easy to find. Ramos strikes me as immature and not a that good choice to lead Spain, but from what I read, he does have a healthy relationship with the Barcelona players like Casillas in contrast to guys like Xabi Alonso and Arbeloa.
I think Ramos will get it, whoever the next coach is.
Really he does? Didn't give me that impression when he hit puyol in the face, if he does get it I will be really disappointed especially if iniesta wins Spain another trophy and he's the one lifting it but it's not my decision and iniesta will lead he team to victory regardless of who is captain because he's just that awesome
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