Andres Iniesta


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Rakitic hasn't been better than Iniesta this season, are we forgetting that the only midfielder who has made assists in big games this season was Iniesta? Xavi has been more consistent but has yet to deliver in a big game (Although he gets less chances)

And Rakitic has played how many big games?


All I ask from him is one big goal like the one in stamford bridge. Preferably in CL semi final again (If we reach there). He lives for those big moments. I have a feeling that he has one more big moment up his sleeve. With him in form I would make us CL contenders again.


High Definition Member
He seems unhappy at the moment. Like he is just going through the grind. A lot of the senior players are like this and were also like this last season.


Active member
All I ask from him is one big goal like the one in stamford bridge. Preferably in CL semi final again (If we reach there). He lives for those big moments. I have a feeling that he has one more big moment up his sleeve. With him in form I would make us CL contenders again.

I think he can still give those defence splitting passes like vs atletico for neymar but dominating games consistently like he did back then,thats difficult.


New member
Ball is in the air, he quick scans area around him, does the first touch, dribbles, sees the player, pass with outer easily and calm.
Please Andres, get back!
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