Antoine Griezmann


High Definition Member
So it doesn't matter (if true) that Barto went ahead and
a) thought it'd be OK to do this the day (or days) before their rematch against Juve (in which they had the upper hand) with a final at the Wanda in sight
b) you talk about this weeks ahead of the all-important game against them in April, probably with none of the squad knowing
c) you start negotiating the day before the clause goes down telling them "yeah we'll pay the 200 on 1st July" and sign pre-contract, but you end up saying "actually nah, it's 120M now isn't it? You still want the 200? Really? Dude... That's a lot.. Ohhhh, okay, can we do this in installments though?"
d) Atleti have gone ahead and paid 120 million for Felix knowing they'll subsidise it from the Griezmann clause. Now they're being told they may not be getting the money like it's been agreed

Pretty good circus I must say though.

All the more funny that this is all about this Fortnite shmuck who none of your current vets like and you're not sacrificing them to commit to him :lol:

I don't care. Fuck them.


The Observer
Fucking with clubs simplified by the difference of Ateltico accepting the 120 million as a transfer or you paying it to the FA plus the tax on top somewhere in the region of 20% or more
Good job though can't be more happy seeing the two clubs going into war

Andrew M

New member
Fucking with clubs simplified by the difference of Ateltico accepting the 120 million as a transfer or you paying it to the FA plus the tax on top somewhere in the region of 20% or more
Good job though can't be more happy seeing the two clubs going into war

It's tax free now and has been for 2 or 3 years. It used to be that clubs would need to give the players the money to buyout their clause and it was regarded as income so taxed as such, but now it can go down as a capital gain. We see a lot more clauses paid straight up as a result


Senior Member
MARCA, Claims Barto today will make one last attempt at negotiating for Griezmann and if doesn't work we will just pay the full 120m in one installment.


Senior Member
Marca reports, Griezmann isn't happy with Atletico and won't return to training and will wait until we agree with Atletico or flat out pay his clause.


New member
Nobody should take Cerezo's constant and embarrassing public crying seriously. All his claims are empty talk unless he can provide proof which he has failed at doing and is unable to provide.

Aside from that the concept of buyout clauses renders "tapping up" useless as theoretically and in essence every player is on the market if the release clause is activated.

Where was Cerezo's crying when Bayern bought Lucas in the exact same manner or Man City's recent purchase of Rodri?

Patético being Patético.

Everyone here knows that I have no love lost for this board and that I have been arguably their greatest critic but sometimes you have to call out the bullshit even if that indirectly benefits the utter incompetence that is our current board.

Terrible attitude by Griezmann if he doesn't show up before his transfer.
He has a contract.

Why should Griezmann show up after those hypocritical comments from that clown Cerezo? It was a public insult to a player that helped keep Patético relevant and stayed with them for another year despite interest from most top clubs. He does not owe them anything. Ran his ass of against Juve in the 2-0 win as well and played a great game.

He will be gone within days. No need to show up in freaking California on the other side of the earth and risk an injury for a team that you won't play a single game for anymore.
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Senior Member
I honestly don't understand what are we waiting for? They won't accept anything below 120mil and why would they? WE REALLY SHOULD STOP WITH THIS BULLSHIT!

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