Antoine Griezmann


Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Griezmann won't be taking a pay cut to join Barça and will instead earn the same as he did after signing his most recent contract with Atlético Madrid. [marca via sport] <a href=""></a></p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">4. Juli 2019</a></blockquote>
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hope this is bullshit


Senior Member
Actually this is more credible than that pay cut bullshit. How many people take a pay cut when switching to another company? That may happen if you are out of a job or maybe when you want to start a career in a new field. Griezmann is not in any of those two situations. Would be stupid of him to take a pay cut.


Mike the Knife
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hope this is bullshit

No chance of it being true at 25M annual<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

Andrew M

New member
He signed a pre-contract agreement meaning that he would earn 18m euros after tax in his first two seasons before increasing his yearly wage to 21m euros in the third year, 23m euros in the fourth year and 25m euros in the fifth year.

From Marca


Senior Member
He signed a pre-contract agreement meaning that he would earn 18m euros after tax in his first two seasons before increasing his yearly wage to 21m euros in the third year, 23m euros in the fourth year and 25m euros in the fifth year.

From Marca

after tax ?

The state of this club.



Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Official Atlético Madrid statement: "We want to express our strong repulsion for the behaviour of FC Barcelona regarding Antoine Griezmann." <a href=""></a></p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">5. Juli 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Atlético Madrid learned that Barcelona and the player had reached an agreement last March, specifically in the days after the second leg of our Champions League tie against Juventus, as well as they had been negotiating the terms of the agreement since mid-February."</p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">5. Juli 2019</a></blockquote>
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Senior Member

Atletico are STUNNED.

I've translated the article for all of you below seeing as I am fluent in Spanish and Catalan:

Following the statements made today by the president of FC Barcelona, ​​Josep María Bartomeu, about our player Antoine Griezmann, Atlético de Madrid wants to publicly expose the following:

On May 14, Antoine Griezmann informed Miguel Ángel Gil, Diego Pablo Simeone and Andrea Berta of their decision to leave the club at the end of the season. In the days following that meeting, Atlético de Madrid learned that Fútbol Club Barcelona and the player had reached an agreement last March, specifically in the days after the second leg of our Champions League tie against Juventus, as well as they had been negotiating the terms of the agreement since mid-February.

In reference to President Bartomeu's statement made today, we want to state that it is true that yesterday there was a meeting between Miguel Ángel Gil and the Football Club Barcelona CEO, Oscar Grau, at the request of Barcelona and that at that meeting, Mr. Grau expressed his intention, once the clause of rescission of the contract of Antoine Griezmann and have passed from 200 to 120 million euros, request a postponement of the payment of the aforementioned amount of the current clause as of July 1.

Obviously the response from Atlético de Madrid was negative, understanding both that FC Barcelona and the player have disrespected Atlético de Madrid and all its fans.

As a result of all this, today, Atletico Madrid has requested the player, his sister as agent of the footballer and his lawyer, that Antoine Griezmann, in compliance with their contractual obligations with our club, appear next Sunday in the facilities of the entity in order to start the preseason with the rest of his teammates.

Through this press release, Atlético de Madrid wants to express its strongest repulsion for the behavior of both, especially the Fútbol Club Barcelona, ​​for having induced the player to break his contractual relationship with Atlético de Madrid at one point during the season. where the club was playing, not only the Champions League tie against Juventus, but the League title against Fútbol Club Barcelona itself, something that we consider violates protected periods of negotiation with players and alters the basic rules that govern the integrity of all sports competition, besides being a huge loss to our club and its millions of fans.



Senior Member
The only repulsion Atletico should be showing is towards their record against Real Madrid/CR7 in CLs.

Dudes have been dumped on 5 years running with that same ultra conservative, negative minded bullshit.

Hate these useless scum about as much as R.Madrid.


Senior Member
Lol, Atletico.

Not what we did was good but them only trying to act high and mighty against us while they let City undermine them for Rodri and them doing the same shit with Joao Felix.


Senior Member
We did nothing wrong to be fair. Atletico are just being bitches. It's expected from SCUMBAG Madrid teams.

Literally every top team does this stuff, this move was basically a play out of the entire transfer policy of both Bayern and Juve.


Senior Member
Who can forget when they backstabbed Sevilla when Vitolo had an agreement to renew but Atletico came in and unsettled the player and paid the clause and he left.

Atletico is rats themselves, people tend to ignore them because they're supposed to be the "Underdog" but in reality, they are shady themselves with Mendes connections.

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