Antoine Griezmann


Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">❗️ An email has uncovered the hidden negotiations between Griezmann and Barça. The message, sent in March by the player's lawyer, is held by Atlético Madrid and details the conditions of his signing. [el mundo] <a href=""></a></p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">4. August 2019</a></blockquote>
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Culé de Celestial Empire
I don't get it, on what ground did we break any rules by contacting Griezmann prior to July 1st? We didn't sign any contract with him until after that date. Didn't his release clause specify only the amount for each time period without barring other clubs from making contacts?


Senior Member
I don't get it, on what ground did we break any rules by contacting Griezmann prior to July 1st? We didn't sign any contract with him until after that date. Didn't his release clause specify only the amount for each time period without barring other clubs from making contacts?
Unless we signed contracts before July 1st, there is no case.

An email talking about the agreement does not equal a signed contract. And the funny question is how would Atletico get ahold of such email? I highly doubt someone in Griez's entourage or his lawyers gleefully gave it to Atletico.

This is just El Mundo trying to stir up shit.


New member
It has been said times and times again that Griezmann is not a number 9. How he coexists with Messi and Suarez will decide how he will turn out for us.

If he is not number 9, then what he is? He does not have the speed and dribble to play as a wing on either side. Maybe Valverde should try him as a play-maker, but it will means that Suarez, who is completely gone and done, has to play at 9 for 90+ minutes.
This is what happens, when you buy a NAMES only. The same apply for Neymar. The manager needs to look for players, depending on the needs of the club and the positions we need to fill. Not just names. I have sad it many, many times here that Griezmann is not the player we need . Suarez was great central forward for many years. We all appreciate whatever he has done for this club. But, he can no longer be that player. It was Valverde's job to find a new, young striker, who can help this team. But he failed to do so. I am 100% sure that after series of bad games this season, he will be axed after New Year.


New member
He has quality. We need to wait for Messi. they will work wonderfully together.

Nothing will change, when Messi comes back, because Antoin is very dissipated player. Messi will feed him with balls, no doubt, but he looks very immobile and static. Dembele and De Jong send him many good passes, but he was unprepared. It may take half of the season, till he find a rhythm and his place on the field.


New member
It has been said times and times again that Griezmann is not a number 9. How he coexists with Messi and Suarez will decide how he will turn out for us.

If he is not number 9, then what he is? He does not have the speed and dribble to play as a wing on either side. Maybe Valverde should try him as a play-maker, but it will means that Suarez, who is completely gone and done, has to play at 9 for 90+ minutes.
This is what happens, when you buy a NAMES only. The same apply for Neymar. The manager needs to look for players, depending on the needs of the club and the positions we need to fill. Not just names. I have sad it many, many times here that Griezmann is not the player we need . Suarez was great central forward for many years. We all appreciate whatever he has done for this club. But, he can no longer be that player. It was Valverde's job to find a new, young striker, who can help this team. But he failed to do so. I am 100% sure that after series of bad games this season, he will be axed after New Year.


Active member
But Neymar has played here before...Neymar has speed and dribble...Neymar can be a playmaker if he has too..

Neymar had more successful 1 v 1 then Messi at one point!


Senior Member
From the other topic:

In this video:
Griezmann drops from a NO9 position into a LCM position.
In that moment, we have no one in the box.
Dembele also doesn't have a killer instinct and is more a creator than a finisher.
He is also moving away from the box in this action.

And then, a bad thing: at the end of a video, we have 8 Arsenal's players in the box or at the edge of a box and NOT A SINGLE Barca's player between them.

Now imagine even Messi in our team, who drops deep all the time.
This is why Giroud was creating space for Griezmann in a French NT.
He would have 2 defenders on his shoulders all the time.

If there is no Giroud or Suarez in a team, that means that Messi/Griezmann usually have to dribble or make 1-2s through 4-5 opponent's defenders.
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Senior Member
The best place for him is on the wing. Even with his lack of pace, it's still the best solution when you consider all the pros and cons.

I don't think he can work as a 9. Hopefully with some more game time he can get going, but realistically i can't see that happening with him up front.

Like i keep saying the alternative is to change the shape to accommodate him and the best solution is a 4-2-3-1 with him as a RM.

The other option is a 4-3-3 with him on the left but that would mean him cutting in on his weaker foot.

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