Arda Turan


If Arda was to fit in, he'd be best at LW/RW. He's just not a midfielder, not for this system. But I could see him doing well at the wings. Just get someone to take care of his midfield role in the summer.


New member
Yesterday was the first game I've seen in a long time, and all I can say is that he looked much better than the invisible Rakitić. At one point I think he had an open shot but he didn't take it, that was a bit disappointing.


Senior Member
His performances haven't been very good so far, but there is no doubt that he is technically better than Rakitic. That much is clear for me and it is visible in games where the marking is tight and players have very few space they can use.


Senior Member
I love the plan b mongers! THERE IS NO FUCKING PLAN B. PERIOD! Seriously, there is no fucking plan b, how many times should we say it? Nobody has a real plan b. Look at AM, they know how to play against big teams but they rather struggle against PSV because their plan a is to stop big teams with their immense pressing and defense. Why should Barca create a plan b for a rather mediocre player such as Arda? I would change my plan a for Messi (Pep did, Lucho did). I would change it for Ronaldo, for Neymar, for Suarez if I had just one of them in my team. I would never change it for Arda ffs! Barca does not need a plan b. There is a main philosophy that you have and you build your tactics around it. Tactical changes are not plan b's they are part of your integral plan a, part of your strategy. They add to the whole! No team in this world can change quickly to a plan b and be successful just in one game, unless you play like Chelsea did, which is by the way stop all playing and just kick the ball out of the danger zone. These guys have been playing an attacking passing game for their entire life, it was even hard to teach them to go more directly to the goal with MSN up front and people still having fantasies about plan bs!

Now I am really thinking Arda and some media gurus in Turkey must have sent their trolls to this forum, call me crazy!

Nobody is talking about having plan B to accomodate player like Arda. It's about being tactically flexible and use the players you have the best possible way. Lucho did that during Messi's injury when we did play somewhat of a 4-4-2 diamond with Ney and Suarez upfront in some games.

Simeone use both 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 and they can quickly interchange between formations during the game depending on opponents and result with making one substitution or sometimes they don't even need to do that. Let's say they start with Koke as RM, Carrasco as LM and Saul-Gabi as CM pair with Griezmann and Correa upfront. That's basically a 4-4-2 but they could just as easy play 4-3-3 if they put Koke more centrally and Carrasco and Correa as wingers.

I'm in no way talking about radically changing our philosophy from possesion based football to parking the bus, but nobody will tell me our players can't get out of their comfort 4-3-3 zone and learn to play another formation if neccessary. Lucho already added some different things to our game (like better counter attacks; we used them much better last year than this though) but against a team like Atletico those are mostly useless when they have active result and can sit back and play their game. Anything would be different had we scored first at Calderon.

Why couldn't we use i.e 4-2-3-1 in some games with Busqets-Rakitic/Iniesta; Ney-Messi-Arda (maybe even Rafinha, Roberto or Vidal); Suarez or something like that if 4-3-3 is not working? We could even change Messi and Arda or Rafinha positions sometimes or maybe even play Arda LW-Ney CAM-Messi RW. There are a lof of different possibilities.

We have some very flexible players who could play different positions and we should use that even more often. You can see if something works in 15-20 minutes. If it works, you continue to do it, if not, then just shuffle players around a bit and try to surprise opponent or find their weak spot. Atleti's defense don't have much weak spots but maybe one day Godin is not playing as good as Filipe and we should exploit him more... Or you just throw everything at an unexperienced youngster like Lucas Hernandez and wait if he makes a crucial mistake you can capitalize on. It's a bit of a chess match, especially between two teams that knows them as well as Barça and Atletico.

We can call that plan B or tactical flexibility, it doesn't really matter. It's just that we have prepared something different if things are not working as expected and/or if opponent is able to stop our primary used formation. Sometimes it helps to just sub one player with another (who is maybe in a beter daily form) and you can get different results, other times you have to tweak your formation a bit.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Yet again it's his fault we lost... If he wasn't suspended we would have won...

Wait, if he plays then we lose too, right?

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