I know the English like their ass get kicked by the Albiceleste every once a in a while but what would it take to see Messi take on England?
First England miraculously has to qualify 1st in group D, go on to beat Spain in quarter finals and assuming Argentina makes it to the semis, will get that epic match: Argentina vs England
This thread is not for discussing this issue but why the kerfuffle over the Crimea then ? Self determination for all. This is a bit of a hypocrisy on our part as a country with that idiot Hague running his mouth everywhere.
If politicians who inevitably start wars could get together around a table to convene an amicable agreement like adults it would be so much nicer. I still don't understand the upset considering Kirchner like Galtieri is trying to use the football team and this issue to try and distract people over her running of Argentina.
Most Argentines if you ask are not fooled. I would suggest this thread returns to discussing football than politics. How far are we going to go back in history ? So please everyone concerned stick to the seleccion and other matters relating to Argentine football please.
Troll harder![]()
I know the English like their ass get kicked by the Albiceleste every once a in a while but what would it take to see Messi take on England?
First England miraculously has to qualify 1st in group D, go on to beat Spain in quarter finals and assuming Argentina makes it to the semis, will get that epic match: Argentina vs England
you're right, unfortunately the English wont make it that far :-(
This thread is not for discussing this issue but why the kerfuffle over the Crimea then ? Self determination for all. This is a bit of a hypocrisy on our part as a country with that idiot Hague running his mouth everywhere.
If politicians who inevitably start wars could get together around a table to convene an amicable agreement like adults it would be so much nicer. I still don't understand the upset considering Kirchner like Galtieri is trying to use the football team and this issue to try and distract people over her running of Argentina.
Most Argentines if you ask are not fooled. I would suggest this thread returns to discussing football than politics. How far are we going to go back in history ? So please everyone concerned stick to the seleccion and other matters relating to Argentine football please.
The English only care about self determination for English subjects they transfer to their colonies, just look at Northern Ireland.
If that were true then we (the British, not English) wouldn't have put in place mechanisms by which each constituent country could leave the Union. You do realise that Scotland is having a binding referendum on independence this year, right? Northern Ireland, which is a Catholic majority, could do that too if they wanted. It's not like Gibraltar is majority ethnic British either. And the Crimea situation is hardly comparable, because no one with more than two brain cells to rub together actually believes that that was a free and fair referendum. The Russians were kidnapping Muslims they knew would oppose it for crying out loud. It's also a bit disingenuous to try and boil this down to a self-determination issue anwyay, because whatever way you approach the issue, whether it be historical or legal or whatever the result is the same. The only irrefutable argument Argentina has is one of proximity, and as I've said, it would be like Britain trying to claim the Faroe Islands from Denmark, or the Dominican Republic trying to claim Puerto Rico from the USA. It's crazy.
Las Malvinas has a population of less than 3000, how hard is it for UK to change the demographics of that territory if they sensed the votes are going in Argentina's favour?
Again UK is far away from Las malvinas and the only reason they are holding on to it is because of geo-political interests and nothing more. It's a military outpost.
I tried in my posts to take us back to football and not get into pure politics but to each their opinion.
OK! I agree and disagree with you. Crimea is a pure Neo-imperialism act "a la Putin". If simply holding referendums dictates self-determination then the world map will constantly be changing with the mood swings of the voters (mostly for economic reasons).
Las Malvinas has a population of less than 3000, how hard is it for UK to change the demographics of that territory if they sensed the votes are going in Argentina's favour? One boat will do it!![]()
Again UK is far away from Las malvinas and the only reason they are holding on to it is because of geo-political interests and nothing more. It's a military outpost. Argentinians are more likely to step foot into that island than any Brit would in their lifetime.
Speaking of neo-imperialism, Russia few years ago posted a flag under the north Canadian ice claiming those waters are now Russian. Who's vote will you take? The Polar bears or the polar seals?