Arturo Vidal

The Unsackable

Active member
Paulinho worst signing? Rubbish player?

Good Lord... :ohmy::slap:

1. Saved our asses numerous times with unespected goals.
2. Bossed the middle.
3. Ate the entire pitch-from box to box and in both boxes,he was everywhere!
4. Universal soldier: he passed, assissted, scored, ran, took shots, spoiled opponents game, phisically dominated opponents MFs, broke trough their lines like tank, ... he did everything!
5. Unexaustable-never had to push him to show effort...
6. Never seen stronger and more robust player in our kit.
7. We even earned 10M selling him!

And he is worst signing? U can't be serious, people...


Well-known member
Paulinho worst signing? Rubbish player?

Good Lord... :ohmy::slap:

1. Saved our asses numerous times with unespected goals.
2. Bossed the middle.
3. Ate the entire pitch-from box to box and in both boxes,he was everywhere!
4. Universal soldier: he passed, assissted, scored, ran, took shots, spoiled opponents game, phisically dominated opponents MFs, broke trough their lines like tank, ... he did everything!
5. Unexaustable-never had to push him to show effort...
6. Never seen stronger and more robust player in our kit.
7. We even earned 10M selling him!

And he is worst signing? U can't be serious, people...

I don't agree that Paulinho was one of our worst ever signings but pipe down with the hyperbole. Half the arguments in your post are utter rubbish.


Senior Member
Vidal is the type of player you bring in situations in which our team is drawing and we’re controlling the midfield (not getting overran and misplacing simple passes...Raki, Roberto) then he can be key to your game with his late box runs and attacking intensity.

Or, incase your playing whatever Valvarde is playing, your 2-0 up and you need someone to disrupt the opponent’s play by committing tackles, stuff like this.

He’s NOT the type of player to bring on when you’re losing 1-0 and your midfield is getting overran because Rakitic nor Roberto can play under the press and play line breaking passes, hes just not that.


You're welcome
Paulinho also didn’t pick up cards easily. His contribution to Barca is debatable, but what made him awesome in my book was his humility. Also fun to see how he completely dominated at his return to the Chinese League.
Feel like this lad is getting too much hate for a bad 30 minutes. Let's not forget he was excellent last season, arguably one of our best outfield players, and is much more than a headless chicken on crack.

Would still be my choice as the 3rd mid , along with FDJ and Arthur, though obviously would prefer someone more creative/attacking.


Senior Member
This sums up a lot of people in this forum, big mouths opened each time someone they don't like have a bad performance.

Last year this guy saved our asses numerous time, and showed great performance almost every time appearing in the field.

Now touched a ball with his hand = garbage

Makes perfect sense


New member
Paulinho worst signing? Rubbish player?

Good Lord... :ohmy::slap:

1. Saved our asses numerous times with unespected goals.
2. Bossed the middle.
3. Ate the entire pitch-from box to box and in both boxes,he was everywhere!
4. Universal soldier: he passed, assissted, scored, ran, took shots, spoiled opponents game, phisically dominated opponents MFs, broke trough their lines like tank, ... he did everything!
5. Unexaustable-never had to push him to show effort...
6. Never seen stronger and more robust player in our kit.
7. We even earned 10M selling him!

And he is worst signing? U can't be serious, people...

It took him a few games to familiarize, but he was defenitly an asset and every1 was surprised, that this diamond came from China. I missed him when he was gone. Overall good player ...


Senior Member
Staff member
People over romanticize Paulinho.

He wasn't a defensive tank as people are saying, and he never bossed any midfield lol. He doesn't have a single attribute that stands out.
He scored a bit in the beginning but nothing during the later stages of the season when we needed it the most.

The only positives about Paulinho was that he tried to give his all despite his averageness, was humble and provided a profit on his transfer.

Vidal is far superior and a lot more useful than the Chinese Dragon was.

The Unsackable

Active member
At first I was tottaly against it, but later I realised: Paulinho was EV's best signing.

Paulinho delivered.

And when U consider his (35 M) price and prices of some other players: he overdelivered.

His shere presence was menacing on the MF, his desire obvious, his effort pearless. That's enough 4 me.

If he was here now, we would be up on the table, I'm sure.

The Unsackable

Active member
People over romanticize Paulinho.

He wasn't a defensive tank as people are saying, and he never bossed any midfield lol. He doesn't have a single attribute that stands out.
He scored a bit in the beginning but nothing during the later stages of the season when we needed it the most.

The only positives about Paulinho was that he tried to give his all despite his averageness, was humble and provided a profit on his transfer.

Vidal is far superior and a lot more useful than the Chinese Dragon was.

Paulinho scored 9 goals and had 3 assissts! DM and 4. team scorer (1. Messi 43, Suki 29 (played 4 games more then Paulinho!), Coutinho 10)! As many goals as all other Attackers (Dembele, Alcacer, Delofeu,Arnaiz) put together! That's not impressive?

What DM had better numbers, Steven Gerrard?
But even more important then numbers was his presence, he was tireless, durable, strong like bull... I remember some games: we can't find way trough some team's bunker, players become nervous, time is dripping... and then Paulinho takes the ball-and bursts trough their defence with his shere power & scores! :wub::worthy:

Never seen stronger player in our kit, Paulinho could carry Pique in his mouth and still outrun & outpower Busq... beast!!!
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6racies Xavi
Except he wasnt playing as a DM and was mostly the most advanced midfielder on the pitch. And once the goals dried up ( which were mostly scored in the first few months) , you could see how average he was. Dude isn't even close as good as Vidal.

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