Bayern München


Active member
Share a spot? I'm sure he'll be the starter. Pizarro is probably gonna leave and Mandzukic will be second choice, no offense to Mandzukic he's a great player but Lewandowski is better.


Lemon curry?
Yeah, I didn't mean Pizarro is serious competition for Lewandowski, but still, he'd not be the star he is in Dortmund right now. Not sure whether he'll be the undisputed first choice - he is the better player in my eyes too, but Mandzukic is having a good season and has previously managed to prove doubt in him wrong.

Anyhow, you are right probably; but that wasn't my main point. I still don't see why it had to be Bayern and only Bayern for him.


No more faces at night
Has been apparent for some time, but I was still pissed when I read he'll sign the contract in January. I don't even get why Bundesliga players are so obsessed with Bayern. He could have joined any club actually (same as Götze). Is it about wanting to play under Pep now? Plus, in Bayern, he'd have to share a spot with Mandzukic and perhaps even Pizarro.

Hopefully Dortmund can find a proper substitute for Lewandowski, which will be difficult. They're not exactly a financial powerhouse either.

I guess it's for the glory and money, money, money. I have to agree that it is getting worse than Madrid and kind of ruining the bundesliga's competitiveness.. Didn't Pizarro renewed his contract for one more year? I'm sure a lot of Bayern fans will be happy as some of them dislike Mandzukic a little bit.. even comparing him to Olic.

This reminds me of Van Persie a little bit.. just that Lewandowski have this all figured earlier on before Gotze did it.


New member
Bayern is really the biggest joke of a club I have ever seen, probably even worse than Madrid at this point.

Ask the Bundesliga clubs if they would rather see Bayern have 140M euros/year from the TV rights and still lose their best player to Bayern and BVB like it happends now in Spain(where Barca bought in the last years Villa, Jordi Alba from Valencia and Dani Alves, Keita, Caceres, Adriano from Sevilla and just this year RM bought Isco from Malaga for just 25M euros) or if they preffer it that way.

*and not that I'm not agreeing with you..what Bayern did with Gotze was awfull(not so much with Lewa because for him is not the first time when he does something like that and he wasn't at BVB since he was 8 y.o.). But I see how Juventus gets the players they want in Italy, City, ManU and Chelsea are doing the same thing in England while Barca and RM are crushing the other clubs in Spain and I find it ironic that we only criticize the clubs we don't like(Bayern and RM in this case), while we're celebrating when we buy Dani Alves or Jordi Alba.

I guess it's for the glory and money, money, money. I have to agree that it is getting worse than Madrid and kind of ruining the bundesliga's competitiveness..

Again, why are we giving only Madrid as example when Barca has bought more players than them in the last years from Sevilla and Valencia?


New member
Hopefully Dortmund can find a proper substitute for Lewandowski, which will be difficult. They're not exactly a financial powerhouse either.
Seeing how they substituted Sahin, Kagawa and Gotze and how they strengthened this summer, I would bet on BVB finding a substitute for Lewandowski before we find one for Puyol.

Anyhow, you are right probably; but that wasn't my main point. I still don't see why it had to be Bayern and only Bayern for him.

For the same reason for which players used to take pay cuts to come to us: they're the team to beat right now.


Active member
It's hard to resist, it's a big tempation . And it came in that timing that Bayern is dominating, play in same leauge for a team like Bayern that is the favourite of winning the leauge and the champions actually in generally titles. The whole reputation of the current Bayern is attraction for many players.


Senior Member
I still don't see why it had to be Bayern and only Bayern for him.

Well, probably several reasons for an established player like Lewa. Please note that I'm keeping strictly to the positives here for convenience and I'm aware that some of these positives can be found at other clubs too - so think of this as a total package.

1. Payment ranges from high to exorbitant and opportunities to earn performance-dependant bonuses are abundant. Wages get paid on schedule.

2. The club cares for his alumni, no matter how low one has fallen in the mean-time. Becoming a raging alcoholic like Gerd Müller, stealing barbiturates and burning your house down like Breno - the club helps you and finds you a job. Having played for Bayern is an annuity assurance.

3. Playing for Bayern is a significant advantage in the players track-record. It's a proof that the player can withstand the pressure on the absolute top-level and is used to being asked to give 105 % every matchday. Also an advantage when looking for a coach job in the future, be it with Bayern or with someone else.

4. Football on the international level is practically guarenteed which also means that the player can present himself on that stage to earn/keep the spot in the NT.

5. Bayern attach importance to a long-term orientated and sustainable development of the club which is also important to the player. A club/corporate philosophy leakes through from top to bottom.

6. A clear command structure. Nothing is worse for an employee than to find himself in an environment where everyone administers everything and nothing.

7. Top-notch personnel: Think of Rummenigge, Hoeneß, Sammer, Hopfner, Wacker, Dreesen etc. what you want, but this club is loaded from top to bottom with people who know their trade.

8. The team: The player is guarenteed to be surrounded by elite players which can complement his own ability or even further enhance it. Players are bought with a long-term perspective and the core of players mostly stay in the long run - the player doesn't find himself in a different environment every two years.


Active member
And? He kept on playing because he was regular last season and because he performed well and score recently to keep his position for now, Pizarro is not considered as serious competition and Muller is not considered of playing there from Pep. But it's not like Lewandowski is a completely different player and won't adapt to Pep's system is it? You don't buy Lewandowski and bench him. After all he is better than Mandzukic.
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Staff member
How exactly is he better than Mandzukic and who says he would function as Mandzukic does for Bayern.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I guess it's for the glory and money, money, money. I have to agree that it is getting worse than Madrid and kind of ruining the bundesliga's competitiveness.. Didn't Pizarro renewed his contract for one more year? I'm sure a lot of Bayern fans will be happy as some of them dislike Mandzukic a little bit.. even comparing him to Olic.

This reminds me of Van Persie a little bit.. just that Lewandowski have this all figured earlier on before Gotze did it.

Apparently it is NOT about money in Lewandowski's case. He had reportedly (or allegedly) turned down interests from the likes of ManU, RM and Citei. He just wanted to go to Bayern. Why? Maybe it is Guardiola the Magnet. Maybe Bayern was his childhood team. Maybe he is simply a glory-hunter. :lol:


Active member
How exactly is he better than Mandzukic and who says he would function as Mandzukic does for Bayern.
They are not different players, Lewandowski is not a player who waits for support waiting in the box, he gets involved in the all around play too. But for me he is more dynamic player and better finisher than Mandzukic.


Staff member
Seems to me you aren't watching Bayern at all. Mandzukic is not a player that waits in the box like Gomez. He roams wide, gets involved and tracks back like no other striker you'll see. It's exactly those qualities that made him push out Gomez.

Lewa could be better in PES, Fifa or FM. I can't argue there.


Active member
When did i say that Mandzukic is a poacher? i think you didn't understand my post. I said he is that kind of a player you mention and Lewandowski is not a different case.
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