I heard we had to pay the 12 M to get him back , is it true ?
Why don't we just sell him already ...
I watched the highlights, did he even play the full 90 mins?
The highlights were from the goals and some shots on target.
Yeah, Bojan knew that he was going to get substituted. This was his third game, next friday he will play 75 or 90 minutes.He played 75 minutes, they said he was only able to play 60 anyway so he played longer than expected.
Bojan Krkic vs AZ Alkmaar highlights (only Bojan)
Bojan Krkic
Goede morgen!! So happy with yesterday's win, great match of the team! Feeling better every day... Keep working and improving!!! #ajarod
Bndia!! Gran manera d començar la lliga: victòria i bon joc d l'equip! Q no pari, a seguir trballant i millorant. Cada dia em sento millor!!
Bnos días! Muy contento x empezar la liga ganando y con un gran juego del equipo! A seguir trabajando y mejorado, cada día me siento mejor!
Yesterday Bojan played 60minutes against Roda JC. (3-0 win).
He was good in the way that he was excellent in putting pressure on Roda. He was also pretty dangerous and he got the permission to go anywhere. So one moment he was on the right the other moment as a striker. Really moving all the time and that went excellent in the Ajax system. He was pretty dangerous although he had one moment he should have given an assist and he went for own glory (which didn't went well). You can see he is a player which can keep the ball at its feet.
BOJAN HIGHLIGHTS AGAINST RODA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq9mIPQMWqE