Cesc Fàbregas


New member
guess our players are playing even better than i ever expeted.. could it be that the reason for this are the babys ????

cesc,valdes,villa,messi pinto ???? i dont know who also did get a baby its too much ^^


New member
I think Fabregas is in the form of his life right now, and he's only going to keep getting better.



New member
To everyone who made fun of me and said Cesc is useless coming in from the wing. :lol:


Against the best defence in La Liga this season. :lol:

That looks almost Villa-ish!


Calma, calma
He has been interchanging with Iniesta to good effect throughout the season. Obviously nobody expects him to play like Pedro/Villa/Alexis in that wing position.


Wild Man of Borneo
One goal doesn't prove a point, sorry.

Maybe so, but that goal was great. The touch was perfect and the finish even curved outward just out of reach for Caballero (who has been an amazing GK this season). Plus the run he made was timed extremely well.


Maybe so, but that goal was great. The touch was perfect and the finish even curved outward just out of reach for Caballero (who has been an amazing GK this season). Plus the run he made was timed extremely well.

I never once denied it was a great goal, I merely questioned the claim that Cesc is now apparently a beast on the wing after a great goal as Stric seemed to be indicating.


Wild Man of Borneo
I never once denied it was a great goal, I merely questioned the claim that Cesc is now apparently a beast on the wing after a great goal as Stric seemed to be indicating.

Haha my apologies, i misunderstood you. I agree that Cesc wouldn't be a beast on the wing. he can roam and like float around with iniesta but to set him as a winger would be limiting him. Plus he isn't as agile or quick as a winger and often would play a bit too deep. Cesc is fine where he is and toying with his role like we did last season would do nothing but harm.


To everyone who made fun of me and said Cesc is useless coming in from the wing. :lol:


Against the best defence in La Liga this season. :lol:

That looks almost Villa-ish!

If it were Villa who was there, Messi would give the ball to Iniesta or turn back n give ball to Busi. :lol:


New member
One goal doesn't prove a point, sorry.

Depends on what the point is, no? :) The point was never that he'd be a beast on the wing, it was that he could do the job if the team ever needed him there. If we wanted an Iniesta-Xavi-Busi midfield and still not bench Cesc, for example. This goal proves that point. His positioning and finish was top-class.


All i know is that the current 11 is the best to face strong teams. We control the game and defend better.


Depends on what the point is, no? :) The point was never that he'd be a beast on the wing, it was that he could do the job if the team ever needed him there. If we wanted an Iniesta-Xavi-Busi midfield and still not bench Cesc, for example. This goal proves that point. His positioning and finish was top-class.

I can remember quite a few games where Cesc has been dreadful when played on the wing. So no, because he did a good job yesterday doesn't mean that all of a sudden he can step up there anytime we need it. It was a great goal and a great run, leave it at that.

By your logic because Pique has on a very rare occasion made a throughball from the midfield he can now replace Xavi or Iniesta if we'd need it.


New member
The games you are talking about are probably last season's. (?) Back then he had some dreadful performances when he wasn't playing on the wing, as well. I think we all agree Cesc has made a huge improvement since then.

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