Cesc Fàbregas


High Definition Member
I think we should start with him and Iniesta and then bring on Xavi if we aren't winning after 60 mins so we can secure the draw by keeping the ball.


was decent for most of the game then in the second half really started to eff up bad losing the ball many times in dangerous places with dribbling or bad pass. he looked like was worn out and couldn't focus anymore.


Professor Balthazar
Did very good most of the game, but also had many brainfarts that Iniesta and Xavi would never have - needs to be more even throughout the games.


Senior Member
Stood in the way for Inesta alot of times and lost posession alot.
Not the best game and one of the least good Barcaplayers in the game. 5/10


New member
Good performance. Excellent link up and keeping of possession for the most part. Lagged a bit in his final minutes but he's played a lot recently.

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