Cesc Fàbregas

Why arent you guys chasing guys you can actually get that would improve your team? Modric,Fellaini etc.

That's the question that most sane United fans ask themselves. I mean even though there aren't many great options like Fabregas would be available but we need 2 CMs atleast to fix it. Camacho, Gustavo for example would be superb transfers. Gustavo is a classical destroyer DM who would be a valuable addition to our squad. Camacho was for me one of the reasons why Malaga had such a good defense. Great last season from him. Paulinho/Moutinho would have been excellent CMs and Paulinho was even a steal after his Confed Cup. Now the last good CM that might be available is Modric. Probably we'll end up with someone like Cabaye.

But regardless of this summer I still think that Fabregas will leave Barcelona at one point. He was a god at Arsenal and one of the best midfielders in the world. Arsenal was built around him. They changed their style so he would be at his most effective. I don't think that at Barcelona he'll ever be that guy. He isn't a CM at Barcelona and as an attacking midfielder Iniesta is better and as false 9 both Messi and Neymar are much better. If he is happy with being just a squad player but I doubt it.
He played more minutes than any other outfield player last season. Yes, more than Xavi, Iniesta and Messi.

That's because he's such a versatile player that can play many positions. I must admit I didn't watch as many games as most of you guys but I watch La Liga quite a lot and in the big games Fabregas was rarely the guy that you thought is going to be the difference for Barcelona. Mostly it was the brilliance of Iniesta or Messi, with Xavi not looking as dominant as he once was. I'd be happy for him if he can become the Xavi heir and become a key player for you guys, but he strikes me as a player that most be built around to get the best out of him and that won't happen at Barcelona because you have better players who you already built your team around (Messi) or can if needed as plan B (Neymar)


New member
Fabregas will play from the bench this season. Neymar has pretty much relegated him there. I doubt he will get as much minutes as last season and he won't play the big games either.

He will be gone by next summer.


New member
Fabregas will play from the bench this season. Neymar has pretty much relegated him there. I doubt he will get as much minutes as last season and he won't play the big games either.

He will be gone by next summer.
u serious?!


New member
Neymar is a winger and Cesc is an CM!!

Neymar will play on the left. When he wasn't around Iniesta could play inside left and space was made for Fabregas in the team. Now explain, where will Fabregas fit in, in a post Neymar Era?


Where will he fit in the starting line up?

The front 3 will probably be Neymar, Messi and Alexis, he'll be rotated with Xavi and Iniesta. Xavi won't play as much as he did last season so Cesc is going to get a lot of playing time, no longer is Thiago there to compete with him either.


New member
Where will he fit in the starting line up?

Where did he fit in the starting XI last season, where he was one of the most frequent starters in the squad? I doubt he played more than a handful of games as left forward, which is the position Neymar is most likely to occupy. Add to that the fact that his biggest rival for a starting berth in midfield, Thiago, is gone, and Xavi will be rested more, he should see at least as many minutes in the coming season as he did in the last.


New member
The front 3 will probably be Neymar, Messi and Alexis, he'll be rotated with Xavi and Iniesta. Xavi won't play as much as he did last season so Cesc is going to get a lot of playing time, no longer is Thiago there to compete with him either.

There you go. Fabregas will be a squad player and rotated when Xavi and Iniesta are tired. I don't think that is a role he will be happy with.

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