Champions League Final 2009: FC Barcelona vs ManUtd: Champions of Europe!


Anxiously waiting for the next match
Can´t get enough of that. Sadly, I think we all forgot Barca triumphs all too quickly.

never bojan i watch all the highlights and trophies every night before bed i honestly do not care if we win anything next season i will be celebrating the treble for a LONG time! i spent so much money on tricampions and treble stuff it will never ever be forgotten i can promise you that sometimes i even feel like i have not absorbed it all yet! the most beautiful season of my life and best year of my life

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I love watching the reactions of the chelski fans as that goal goes in. The anguish on their faces is beautiful to behold.


New member
I love watching the reactions of the chelski fans as that goal goes in. The anguish on their faces is beautiful to behold.

My favorite is the guy who puts hs hands on his head as it's going in.

There are times when I just sit down and watch that goal over and over again. It never fails to give me goosebumps or bring tears to my eyes.


I walk the line
Best experience as a culé. Maybe not the best moment, but definitely the best experience. Its sooo special.


I walk the line
Funnily enough thats one of the only things i remember. I dont remember alves's ball in, i vaguley remember eto'o miscontrolling it, i dont remember messi getting it, i dont remember iniesta hitting i. I only remember knowing he had hit it and seeing it just about to cross the line.

Then i remember hugging you in your brown top, and everything after that is a blur.

Fuuuuuuuuuuck it was incredible. Im laughing now. I hope i dont ever forget this memory. Meta and me were talking today about how special it was for all culés..there were many memorable goals, and results, this season. But for that iniesta goal to almost come out of nowhere (although i always believed we'd score!) was like reaching nirvana.


Monster Masch
It's an unforgettable moment, which can't be taken away from you unless you suffer from long-term memory loss. Just count yourself lucky that you were there to witness it first hand and rejoice in the company of fellow cules.


I walk the line
The thing is its the kind of goal where even if you weren't there it will still proably be your favourite moment as a culé. There may have only been 1500 culés there, but i honestly felt as one with all culés that night. We were representing them but we were all there.


Monster Masch
Well yeah, the fact that we were there means a hell of a lot and makes a huge difference. Sadly, if I wasn't there, I would be in my front room watching it on the tv, probably with a couple of chelsea fans and cheering on my own. It just isn't the same as being no more than 40ft from the ball hitting the back of the net and being surrounded by 1,499 people who feel exactly the same way as you and that's sheer euphoria.


I walk the line
If i wasnt there, when we scored i would be going mental anyway. I would have reacted in the same way. Except there would be no catalan girls to search the stands for to hug.


I walk the line
Indeed. There were some really beautiful girls in that crowd. There was one about 20 seats to our left...she was extremely nice.


Senior member
I went psycho and I was all alone in my room! And it was in the small hours of the night/morning. With my girlfriend on the other end on Skype, and then I called my friend and we were speechless until the end of the match. I had tears in my eyes and I don't even know what emotion had caused it!

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