wow what a game. I watched it with my mates and it was def one of best games I've ever seen. Two of my mates were Liverpool fans and one Chelsea and it was funny to follow the mimic of their faces. Both teams played like it was the last game on our planet, but I understand that, having in mind that they'll face Barca next stage. Aurelio's goal was so mean

, and Alex shot would have broken the entire Berlin wall into pieces. I prefer Chelsea though, they are doomed to lose. Their team is funny:
Thier goalie is Helmetman, who surely isn't one of the smartest goalkeepers around. Then you have Hedgehog Essie, who could burst the ball with his prickles on his head. His cousin Hedgehog Obi Wan-Kenobi looks like my Grass dwarf in my garden. And then you have Princess Drog who always falls down when you touch her. Her sister Analka is too lazy to fall down, but always misses sitters.
So Chelsea fairytale will stop in the semifinals again