Champions League


Senior Member
nice to hear that the turkish guys find it ok to call romanian people 'gypsies' in their country :lol:

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Senior Member
This is one of the rare times, where I'm not on the "anti-racism" side.

Using "the black one" as a reference and not as a derogatory term is not an act of willful racism. There is a difference between racism and political incorrectness.
It is important to stress that people should just stop referring to others by their skin colour. That fauxpax happens every once in a while, and most of the time isn't ill-intended, but it's still a bad habit you should try to get rid off.

But are we really gonna demonize this ref now for accidental political incorrectness?
Cancel-culture is still a problematic thing. This ref that is being made an example off will probably loose his job now, and get publicly shamed and privately threatened over something that was essentially just an accidental language mistake. Does noone think this goes beyond far?

Well said.

But regarding this?

It is important to stress that people should just stop referring to others by their skin colour.

Why? There is no logic to forbid someone to identify a person by their skin color. It's just another attribute, like hair color, stature, the color of the eyes.

It's actually a paradox because things like that are what encourages racism. A black man is not an insult.

Interdictions like that are what actually add fuel to the fire by saying, between the lines, that the color of the skin is very important.

Going like this, in 2059 we'd have the group of short bald men forbidding people to refer to them as the bald guy. :lol:
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
The ones who are screaming racism are actually racist in this instance. They are implying that referring to someone as black, which is their skin colour, is derogatory. Woke culture is cancer man. Bad wording from the ref but the outrage is ridiculous.


Senior Member
The ones who are screaming racism are actually racist in this instance. They are implying that referring to someone as black, which is their skin colour, is derogatory. Woke culture is cancer man. Bad wording from the ref but the outrage is ridiculous.

Yea, as if it's some tabu subject. As if it's a handicap that better be unmentioned.

And the people who freely use the world black man in normal speech with no shred of hate are actually the most indifferent to the skin color of a person.

Those people should live with the fear of being mislabeled and should constantly think about how to speak near black persons because... some idiots might scream that's racist!
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Senior Member
,, in my country Romanians are gypsies " - while talking to the Romanian referee

I still remember before the 2016 Euro when France played Romania. There were on tv shows in France, people making fun of our national team calling them gypsies , that they are beggers , that they don't wash themselves , and made the people from the audience do begging for money gestures moking us. No one was punished for that but yeah , let's punish a referee for saying ,, give a card to the black guy " .


Culé de Celestial Empire
This is one of the rare times, where I'm not on the "anti-racism" side.

Using "the black one" as a reference and not as a derogatory term is not an act of willful racism. There is a difference between racism and political incorrectness.
It is important to stress that people should just stop referring to others by their skin colour. That fauxpax happens every once in a while, and most of the time isn't ill-intended, but it's still a bad habit you should try to get rid off.

But are we really gonna demonize this ref now for accidental political incorrectness?
Cancel-culture is still a problematic thing. This ref that is being made an example off will probably loose his job now, and get publicly shamed and privately threatened over something that was essentially just an accidental language mistake. Does noone think this goes beyond far?

Well said. If the ref simply used the term to describe the player as someone of sub-Saharan African origin or descent and meant no harm there is nothing wrong with it and people shouldn't have a knee-jerk reaction and associate it with racism.


Senior Member
identifying a person by their skin color, in France, is not considered as racist or an act of racism. and therefore the referee doesn't risk anything from a legal point of view.

only uefa can punish him with a suspension or something. furthermore, uefa rescinded today the red card received by webo. a monumental fuck-up :lol:
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Senior Member
I guess we'll have the taking the knee virtue signaling before the half time kick off whistle also now, get all the 4th officials on the pitch also.


Senior Member
I hope the guy stays strong and gets over it without doing something stupid. If you know you're not a racist, it matters fuck all what the media says. All will be forgotten in a few days. Only his career will take a hit.

Liverpool legend and black man John Barnes defending the ref on twitter big time.

"The 4th official should have said the one in the coat.. no... sorry... the one not wearing a mask... sorry... the one with a lanyard without the mask... no .. sorry... come on 4th official WHICH ONE... i know “I DONT SEE COLOUR” so dont know which one."

:lol: LMAO.
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El Gato

I still remember before the 2016 Euro when France played Romania. There were on tv shows in France, people making fun of our national team calling them gypsies , that they are beggers , that they don't wash themselves , and made the people from the audience do begging for money gestures moking us. No one was punished for that but yeah , let's punish a referee for saying ,, give a card to the black guy " .

Which TV shows? Sounds like satire.
This here was not a joke.


Senior Member
People getting carried away with the victimization story.

I get that most of the posters here, who are probably white, look at this as a good opportunity to tilt the racism story on it's head and pretend like it's the world's fault for overreacting as opposed to racism being what it is. Yes, this isn't the worst case of racism we have seen - if we give him the benefit of the doubt, he very well could have not meant any harm by it.

Having said that, there's two things to consider here:-

1) Racism is very real. Racism in Europe is very real, and racism in football is very real. Within this context , you cannot be making a loose comment like identifying a person by his skin color, in the capacity one of the OFFICIALS in the game. When there is such an immense effort to battle racism, the referees need to be held to the highest standard, and they need to be trained that certain things are just off the table - and this is clearly one of them. I would expect any mature person who is in his position to understand the context and not refer to someone as 'the black guy'.

2) This tendency to move the argument to an extreme and exaggerate to the point where we start claiming that "we cannot use the word black now" or "if someone refers to me as white should I be offended" is quite old, and just unnecessary. It's a fact that black and other minorities have been the ones that have faced discrimination and racism by Caucasians for generations and hence there doesn't exist the concept of 'white shaming' someone. I am not going to get into this point further, there's enough out there one can read and watch about this, but yeah, just wanted to point that out.

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