Claudio Bravo


Active member
He was Chile captain already at 2010 World Cup. That's an international team with strong identity and very demanding and intensive high line. He made more saves than any La Liga keeper in last couple of years. Surely he was doing something right as a goalkeeper. You followed him carefully throughout career and know something we don't?

I wouldn't use Chile national team as a proof of Bravo qualities. It's not like they have many choices other than him, like Germany for example. Who is Chilean backup GK right now? I'm sure almost no one here knows the answer. So he doesn't exactly have a lot of competition there.

God Serena

New member
Thankfully, your unfounded and delusional opinion is irrelevant.

This thread really is a showcase of the worst in modern football fan: fickleness, impatience, arrogance, entitlement and lack of attention span.

Not unfounded at all. One would have to wonder if you yourself even watched Real Sociedad if you think Bravo was anything more than that in his time there.


I'm pretty curious about what was watched by Barca fans about TS before he joined that made him so unquestionable #1 Barca material: A youtube video compilation? What did he achieve btw? I really doubt (except German members) that a lot of people watch Bundesliga week in, week out. So please can you share what did you watch from TS (not in youtube plox) that made him unquestionable better than a seasoned GK with international caps (2 WC & 2 CA), La Liga & CL experience.

I started watching Monchengladbach when it was clear he would be signed. Followed him the whole 13-14 season. Can't speak much about other people.

But the point of him being favoured to Bravo here comes down to just him being a very talented young gk, who could be the gk for 10+ years, and Bravo having a very bad season in 13-14 for Sociedad. Bravo seemed a weird choice back then, seasoned or not. He turned out to be a surprise to me, he really stepped up and improved from his last season with sociedad.


I wouldn't use Chile national team as a proof of Bravo qualities. It's not like they have many choices other than him, like Germany for example. Who is Chilean backup GK right now? I'm sure almost no one here knows the answer. So he doesn't exactly have a lot of competition there.

They actually have solid GKs as their backups, you just dont know it therefore you assume.


New member
But the point of him being favoured to Bravo here comes down to just him being a very talented young gk, who could be the gk for 10+ years, and Bravo having a very bad season in 13-14 for Sociedad.
For the millionth time, nobody here had any relevant data to gauge both keepers values and potential with certainty. Couple of matches and youtube clips, some bits of data here and there - absolutely irrelevant. Sure people had their ideas and expectations, but they could have easily been proven WRONG (as they did).

The whole crux of it is you lot had constructed this stupid narrative in your heads, of one keeper imaged as Barca saviour, while the other assumed role of uninvited annoyance, basically an antagonist. You can tell many people here actually wanted him to fail - no doubt about that.

It is amusing how people just wont let go of their pre-determined ideas and delusions, even when proven to be blatantly wrong and based on flimsy evidence.

As I said, it's OK to have subjective ideas and expectations. But not to the point they become more important than reality. People today have no patience, jump to conclusions too early and absolutely refuse to accept possibility they were wrong.
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For the millionth time, nobody here had any relevant data to gauge both keepers values and potential with certainty. Couple of matches and youtube clips, some bits of data here and there - absolutely irrelevant. Sure people had their ideas and expectations, but they could have easily been proven WRONG (as they did).

The whole crux of it is you lot had constructed this stupid narrative in your heads, of one keeper imaged as Barca saviour, while the other assumed role of uninvited annoyance, basically an antagonist. You can tell many people here actually wanted him to fail - no doubt about that.

It is amusing how people just wont let go of their pre-determined ideas and delusions, even when proven to be blatantly wrong and based on flimsy evidence.

As I said, it's OK to have subjective ideas and expectations. But not to the point they become more important than reality. People today have no patience, jump to conclusions too early and absolutely refuse to accept possibility they were wrong.

So you're saying people in foruns can't have opinions, because you think they don't have enough data to judge... well, that's just an assumption from your part. And as this is a discussion forum, where people discuss, argument, change their minds and so forth. I don't think anyone wants Bravo to fail, that's a crazy narrative created by some like yourself. I could say the same about MAtS too, but I don't think anyone here wants him to fail either, many are just disappointed with his recent performances. If everyone's opinions are irrelevant, what are we doing here then? Might as well close the forum, the internet and everything else...


New member
So you're saying people in foruns can't have opinions, because you think they don't have enough data to judge... well, that's just an assumption from your part.
Well I actually said:
it's OK to have subjective ideas and expectations. But not to the point they become more important than reality. People today have no patience, jump to conclusions too early and absolutely refuse to accept possibility they were wrong.

I don't think anyone wants Bravo to fail, that's a crazy narrative created by some like yourself.
Unfortunately, I think some did.


Don't exhaust yourself with logic bro, it's clear that TS is a fan favorite here. Nothing wrong with that tbh, young player hype will always be strong on football forums.

Unfortunately it looks like the analysis will also be biased despite their performances for Barca (which is the MAIN argument)

Claudio did his job last season, got a couple of records to his individual stats, saved the team in more than a couple of "uneventful/uncomplicated" (lmfao) matches but for some reason some people got stucked with 2 mistakes in Napoli & Sevilla (1 irrelevant match & other that had no take in the final outcome).

The Mats brigade narrative last year was:
- TS is a better keeper, he just needs consistency to start playing all comps

Consistency was given earlier this season, the overall performance has been poor, so the narrative changes to:
- TS is the future of Barca, have patience, critique is unfounded & unfair.

If Claudio answers with clean sheets, the story will change to:
- He is lucky, he had nothing to do, defense is playing better.

[MENTION=20103]Flavia[/MENTION] people are entitled to their opinions, but a football opinion means shit if its not founded with objective analysis. If we sit here discussing likeness like a bunch of fanboys, we could all close this forum and call it FCB Celebrity Deadmatch and start throwing feces at every thread like retards.


Well I actually said:

Unfortunately, I think they did.

Based on what? People defending MAtS mean they want Bravo to fail? Bravo is the favorite gk here in bf now, that much is clear. He's the one performing better.
And a part of what you said can be applied to MAtS as well. The "patience" part.

Don't exhaust yourself with logic bro, it's clear that TS is a fan favorite here. Nothing wrong with that tbh, young player hype will always be strong on football forums.

Unfortunately it looks like the analysis will also be biased despite their performances for Barca (which is the MAIN argument)

Claudio did his job last season, got a couple of records to his individual stats, saved the team in more than a couple of "uneventful/uncomplicated" (lmfao) matches but for some reason some people got stucked with 2 mistakes in Napoli & Sevilla (1 irrelevant match & other that had no take in the final outcome).

The Mats brigade narrative last year was:
- TS is a better keeper, he just needs consistency to start playing all comps

Consistency was given earlier this season, the overall performance has been poor, so the narrative changes to:
- TS is the future of Barca, have patience, critique is unfounded & unfair.

If Claudio answers with clean sheets, the story will change to:
- He is lucky, he had nothing to do, defense is playing better.

@Flavia people are entitled to their opinions, but a football opinion means shit if its not founded with objective analysis. If we sit here discussing likeness like a bunch of fanboys, we could all close this forum and call it FCB Celebrity Deadmatch and start throwing feces at every thread like retards.

I don't think mats is the favorite here. Not anymore, anyway. That narrative of yours is also wrong... most recognizes Bravo is performing better and should be the starter. I think mats should be loaned, and that we should get another 2nd gk. The hard part will be convincing him of that, and maybe he'll ask to leave if it comes to it.

But one problem that happens and make people defend a player is scapegoating. That's pretty far from objective analysis. If MAtS concedes any goal these days, it's because he sucks and nothing else is taken into consideration. And people are getting even ridiculed when trying to be objective here, labeled as "fanboys" for it. Or "brigade", as you just did. Weird you talk about objectivity afterwards. Are you on Bravo's brigade, then?

That happened a lot with VV too, the scapegoating.

And consistency will only get to MAtS if he plays a lot more... a run of 10 matches is not that.


New member
Don't exhaust yourself with logic bro, it's clear that TS is a fan favorite here. Nothing wrong with that tbh, young player hype will always be strong on football forums.

Unfortunately it looks like the analysis will also be biased despite their performances for Barca (which is the MAIN argument)

Claudio did his job last season, got a couple of records to his individual stats, saved the team in more than a couple of "uneventful/uncomplicated" (lmfao) matches but for some reason some people got stucked with 2 mistakes in Napoli & Sevilla (1 irrelevant match & other that had no take in the final outcome).

The Mats brigade narrative last year was:
- TS is a better keeper, he just needs consistency to start playing all comps

Consistency was given earlier this season, the overall performance has been poor, so the narrative changes to:
- TS is the future of Barca, have patience, critique is unfounded & unfair.

If Claudio answers with clean sheets, the story will change to:
- He is lucky, he had nothing to do, defense is playing better.

[MENTION=20103]Flavia[/MENTION] people are entitled to their opinions, but a football opinion means shit if its not founded with objective analysis. If we sit here discussing likeness like a bunch of fanboys, we could all close this forum and call it FCB Celebrity Deadmatch and start throwing feces at every thread like retards.

Couldn't have said it better.

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