Claudio Bravo



Scapegoating and witch hunts are retarded but you cant call out every critique that way, because is also not true.

I can only talk about myself, and I don't call out every critique. Just the injust ones. And that with any Barça player. I have no problem with changing my opinion either. The point of a forum is not to fight till the death over being right or wrong, but with exchanging ideas. But scapegoating is real and it happens often.


New member
Can't wait until the goalie debate is over. Mats just can't play all the games, that much is clear. Bravo handles the Spanish league well and Mats can speak English to the refs in CL. If we lost to Leverkusen he would be in trouble for his CL spot. Luckily he won't lose his spot. Bate are two winnable games for Mats and he should look forward to those while watching Bravo command the defense until then.


Danger Ahead
Barca is probably the worst place to develop young GK because we have a lot of possession and GK is not threatened for most of the game and then bang defensive error and he needs to make a save. GK can't gain much experience from such games, on the contrary, he already needs to show his experience.


Senior Member
Of course Stegen achieved more at a young age and is the better prospect, and the most promising. That's not even up for debate and not even the point. Everyone can threat every player however unethical or immoral they want in the end. The only downside of that treatment is that said player can succeed and make those people look (very) bad in the process. That happened with Bravo. In general is better and more fair (and more logical) to wait for a player to do badly at the club first, before you mock him. Bravo was welcomed almost like Douglas, with a lot of meanness. The difference is that he proved the doubters wrong.

I was merely explaining the reason for the two being received differently. I don't disagree with your post.

I think its funny how in similar situations (Bravo v/s TS blunders) the narrative changes to fit a "popular" opinion (giving TS is more popular in this forum).

So while for months you (among other members) were so easy to throw shit at Bravo (without reason), you suddenly feel emotional about TS critique. That only tells me that people in general here have invested emotionally on this player enough to make any excuse for their favorite player, while being absolutely not consequent with the same level of critique towards the non so popular keeper.

I'm pretty curious about what was watched by Barca fans about TS before he joined that made him so unquestionable #1 Barca material: A youtube video compilation? What did he achieve btw? I really doubt (except German members) that a lot of people watch Bundesliga week in, week out. So please can you share what did you watch from TS (not in youtube plox) that made him unquestionable better than a seasoned GK with international caps (2 WC & 2 CA), La Liga & CL experience.

Is this directed at me? If so, for the sake of convenience and to facilitate an easier dialogue, I'd suggest you to address your interlocutor. I have seen it happen to me couple of times already. Are some of you intimidated by me ou quoi? ;)

Coming to your post, I was one of Bravo's big doubters when he was signed. But his best ever season revised my opinion of him. I was not amongst those who bashed him when the Napoli or the Sevilla moments happened(not that I remember). I have even said on record that he was top 3 based on last season, and defended him at times. I have, however, been critical of his media discourse which appeared to me as being dismissive of his challenger, more than once. Add to that the caught on camera moment where he mocked a distasteful on-pitch incident, not befitting of a captain/veteran, it becomes hard for me to sing eternal praises of him.

Football fans tend to be emotionally invested, not news. And more so when it concerns players of the club they support. Obviously some more than others for different reasons, to expect fairness and objectivity at all times is setting up for disappointment. I was invested in the Messi-Iniesta comparison during my early BF years, in messi's playmaker role, or in the Cesc-Thiago debate, or the recent Arda's signing (but on a diff forum). You will find me invested in any contentious topic, that interests me. I can come across opinionated, but I'm capable of recognizing merit, and I have done so with Bravo.

Coming to Stegen, I can't claim to have watched him a lot, but I did extensively follow his last BMG season. And I also reviewed his performances during the same period, and its evidence lies in the tS thread. The one thing about him that really stood out was his mental fortitude, his ability to keep composure after a momentary lapse, which is evident even at Barca. He's peerless in ball playing, esp under pressure. His reading of the game is underrated. The shot stopping and aerial game has room for improvement. He's a well-rounded keeper who has a higher ceiling than Bravo, now whether he can get there is a different matter. There are many key factors (application, coaching, management, luck) that go in to making a great player, so whether all pieces shall fall in to place for stegen, only time will tell. But it's a fact that he was the most scouted player in Barca's transfer history. A big club don't over-invest over a young player they don't consider a long-term asset. It's a fact that Bravo had a great WC, but he didn't out-perform a prime Neuer for the best GK of the tournament, but Stegen did, not over a few games, but over a season, and that @ 19/20 years of age. That's like a young Thiago out-performing a prime Xavi over an entire season, and such things don't happen by accident.
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El Flaco

Active member
I'm probably a bit late, but I'm convicted that Bravo's return would have vanished if he had to played against Lerverkusen. The way they were pressing, Ter Stegen was a big reason we were easily able to bring the ball forward. Bravo would be forced to clear and lose possession.

All the shit Ter Stegen got due to the shit defense, man I am happy that Bravo got saved from all this shit. We would have succumbed a lot of pressure at the back if Bravo had played all these games.

El Flaco

Active member
And I can't believe Lucho decided to trust a Bravo with NO match fitness against one of the absolut best teams in Spain...


Is this directed at me? If so, for the sake of convenience and to facilitate an easier dialogue, I'd suggest you to address your interlocutor. I have seen it happen to me couple of times already. Are some of you intimidated by me ou quoi? ;)

Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble but "pas di tout mon ami" & whoever is intimidated by an invisible man on an online forum needs to revise his priorities at life

Coming to your post, I was one of Bravo's big doubters when he was signed. But his best ever season revised my opinion of him. I was not amongst those who bashed him when the Napoli or the Sevilla moments happened(not that I remember). I have even said on record that he was top 3 based on last season, and defended him at times. I have, however, been critical of his media discourse which appeared to me as being dismissive of his challenger, more than once. Add to that the caught on camera moment where he mocked a distasteful on-pitch incident, not befitting of a captain/veteran, it becomes hard for me to sing eternal praises of him.

So your general dislikeness comes from an off-pitch instance that totally escapes the GK analysis.

Football fans tend to be emotionally invested, not news. And more so when it concerns players of the club they support. Obviously some more than others for different reasons, to expect fairness and objectivity at all times is setting up for disappointment. I was invested in the Messi-Iniesta comparison during my early BF years, in messi's playmaker role, or in the Cesc-Thiago debate, or the recent Arda's signing (but on a diff forum). You will find me invested in any contentious topic, that interests me. I can come across opinionated, but I'm capable of recognizing merit, and I have done so with Bravo.

I invest emotionally in matches at a teams perspective. When it comes to objective analysis of a player, emotion should be left out of the variables as it doesn't make any sense. For some ppl its tougher and some others its easier. My professional background helps.

Coming to Stegen, I can't claim to have watched him a lot, but I did extensively follow his last BMG season. And I also reviewed his performances during the same period, and its evidence lies in the tS thread. The one thing about him that really stood out was his mental fortitude, his ability to keep composure after a momentary lapse, which is evident even at Barca. He's peerless in ball playing, esp under pressure. His reading of the game is underrated. The shot stopping and aerial game has room for improvement. He's a well-rounded keeper who has a higher ceiling than Bravo, now whether he can get there is a different matter. There are many key factors (application, coaching, management, luck) that go in to making a great player, so whether all pieces shall fall in to place for stegen, only time will tell. But it's a fact that he was the most scouted player in Barca's transfer history. A big club don't over-invest over a young player they don't consider a long-term asset. It's a fact that Bravo had a great WC, but he didn't out-perform a prime Neuer for the best GK of the tournament, but Stegen did, not over a few games, but over a season, and that @ 19/20 years of age. That's like a young Thiago out-performing a prime Xavi over an entire season, and such things don't happen by accident.

I can't really disagree with this, the problem comes when expectations don't match performance. The amount of young stars that could play well in an underdog team and transport the same level of quality to a big club is minimal because other factors (internal/external) come into play so the comparison lacks ground because professional responsibilities & club expectations are miles ahead of distance. There is a reason also why GK flourish after 30, other clubs knew it, and managed the situations loaning their future GKs to acquire experience in competitive leagues instead of giving them the #1 shirt and starting sport.


Should be clear now the problem is the defense, and not the gk.

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