Claudio Bravo


Senior Member
I hate that Bravo is leaving, but I guess it was bound to happen. I hate Pep for doing this to us though, especially if Bravo was not going to move if City didn't come looking for him.


New member
Yes, one had his wife complaining to the press:

Both were absolutely professional. There was no whining from either of them, just from Bravo's wife.

"It's not easy being in a situation where I'm not currently the clear number one"


"It's tough having to watch all Liga games from the bench, but I know that I'll be the number one goalkeeper in the future, so that keeps me calm and helps me concentrate on the opportunities I do have.

"Therefore, the situation is clear: If nothing changes, we need to talk. In football, sometimes things happen very quickly."

“The decision is made by the coach. I hope that the quality I’ve shown recently is rewarded"

Yeah, no whining/pressure there. Clearly threatening to leave.



"It's not easy being in a situation where I'm not currently the clear number one"


"It's tough having to watch all Liga games from the bench, but I know that I'll be the number one goalkeeper in the future, so that keeps me calm and helps me concentrate on the opportunities I do have.

"Therefore, the situation is clear: If nothing changes, we need to talk. In football, sometimes things happen very quickly."

“The decision is made by the coach. I hope that the quality I’ve shown recently is rewarded"

Yeah, no whining/pressure there. Clearly threatening to leave.

I see no threats there. He was asked, and answered accordingly. And he didn't called out Lucho, like Bravo's wife did.

And how is this any different?

Claudio Bravo opened up in an interview with TV3, in which he acknowledged that he wishes he could play every match for Barcelona: "I'd be lying if I said I'm happy with being rotated, but the coach makes the decisions and we have to respect them. I take it in my stride because I know what my role is".

Both wanted more playing time, and both gave their best in these 2 years. Bravo is the one asking to leave. Club wanted him to stay. But he wants to play it all, not to have shared minutes. There's also not even an indication their roles would be switched. But that's not enough for him anymore. They both went and talked with the club this season as well, and Bravo went first. You could say both pushed the club, but apparently that doesn't matter. Only what Mats does.


New member
I see no threats there. He was asked, and answered accordingly. And he didn't called out Lucho, like Bravo's wife did.

And how is this any different?

Claudio Bravo opened up in an interview with TV3, in which he acknowledged that he wishes he could play every match for Barcelona: "I'd be lying if I said I'm happy with being rotated, but the coach makes the decisions and we have to respect them. I take it in my stride because I know what my role is".

Both wanted more playing time, and both gave their best in these 2 years. Bravo is the one asking to leave. Club wanted him to stay. But he wants to play it all, not to have shared minutes. There's also not even an indication their roles would be switched. But that's not enough for him anymore. They both went and talked with the club this season as well, and Bravo went first. You could say both pushed the club, but apparently that doesn't matter. Only what Mats does.

I think its very different to say I'm not happy being rotated (having to say it because of the MATS whining) to saying if things dont chage we have to talk, dont you?

The Bravo asking to leave.. is that why he was crying yesterday? Because he wants to leave? No player in the world who starts La Liga for Barcelona wants to leave the club. I think the MATS threats made the club tell Bravo he was only going to start in CDR, at least thats what I've read. It also makes sense considering the "if things dont change we need to talk" from the german in his last interview.


I think its very different to say I'm not happy being rotated (having to say it because of the MATS whining) to saying if things dont chage we have to talk, dont you?

The Bravo asking to leave.. is that why he was crying yesterday? Because he wants to leave? No player in the world who starts La Liga for Barcelona wants to leave the club. I think the MATS threats made the club tell Bravo he was only going to start in CDR, at least thats what I've read. It also makes sense considering the "if things dont change we need to talk" from the german in his last interview.

You can think whatever you want, that won't make it true. No one here knows exactly what happened, but Bravo wouldn't be sold if he didn't ask to leave. To say he's unhappy is not that different from saying they need to talk either. As Bravo did go and talked with the club about his situation because he wasn't happy, and asked to go.

The club and Lucho also wouldn't cave to threats from any player. He'd get benched pretty fast. Lucho has done that to players who talked too much before, like Vidal, and Mats really doesn't have any kind of upper hand here.

And many players wanted to leave and left this club before. Their careers are more important for them, and rightfully so. To think Bravo would settle again for only la liga, when he can play in the PL and the CL, under Pep, is really naive.


New member
You can think whatever you want, that won't make it true. No one here knows exactly what happened, but Bravo wouldn't be sold if he didn't ask to leave.

The club and Lucho also wouldn't cave to threats from any player. He'd get benched pretty fast. Lucho has done that to players who talked too much before, like Vidal, and Mats really doesn't have any kind of upper hand here.

And many players wanted to leave and left this club before. Their careers are more important for them, and rightfully so. To think Bravo would settle again for only la liga, when he can play in the PL and the CL, under Pep, is really naive.

Lets get the facts straight then. According to the interviews mentioned, MATS did imply leaving the club if things didnt change. Bravo did not. There is a difference between both in their interviews, unless you can find one where Bravo says something similar. So we've established one player publicly threatened and the other did not, just like I said.

What is naive is thinking that the threat of MATS to the club is not considered, him being the younger goalie. But I can understand that after you thought Bravo was a bad signing, having criticized him constantly and defended the german for the last 2 years, you would only want to make it as Bravo is "wanting" to leave. It looks like he's being forced out if he wants to play regularly.

I find it worrisome that some people on here dont care about us losing our best goalie because of the threats of another player. Its like they dont care about the best interests of Barça.
Two years was always the treshold for the two GK experiment. If we keep them, one will force his way out next summer no matter what.
Mats is the obvious best choice for barça for that reason.


Lets get the facts straight then. According to the interviews mentioned, MATS did imply leaving the club if things didnt change. Bravo did not. There is a difference between both in their interviews, unless you can find one where Bravo says something similar. So we've established one player publicly threatened and the other did not, just like I said.

What is naive is thinking that the threat of MATS to the club is not considered, him being the younger goalie. But I can understand that after you thought Bravo was a bad signing, having criticized him constantly and defended the german for the last 2 years, you would only want to make it as Bravo is "wanting" to leave. It looks like he's being forced out if he wants to play regularly.

I find it worrisome that some people on here dont care about us losing our best goalie because of the threats of another player. Its like they dont care about the best interests of Barça.
Lel. I do care. Never wanted him to leave. Didn't even think he would, and I made a bet to wear a pigo + cr avatar for a month if he does. Bravo isn't the 1st player to have the signing criticized, and to win the fans afterwards. To this day many here still hate Neymar. I have also praised and defended Bravo here many times, but your "holier than thou" posture is blind to it.

What is said in the press is never the whole story. But he wouldn't leave, unless he asked to. This is pretty obvious. He is not leaving against his will. He just doesn't want to share minutes anymore.

There no public threats from either player. Keep twisting things, though. It's not something new from you.


New member
Lel. I do care. Never wanted him to leave. Didn't even think he would, and I made a bet to wear a pigo + cr avatar for a month if he does. Bravo isn't the 1st player to have the signing criticized, and to win the fans afterwards. To this day many here still hate Neymar. I have also praised and defended Bravo here many times, but your "holier than thou" posture is blind to it.

What is said in the press is never the whole story. But he wouldn't leave, unless he asked to. This is pretty obvious. He is not leaving against his will. He just doesn't want to share minutes anymore.

There no public threats from either player. Keep twisting things, though. It's not something new from you.

😂😂😂😂. So saying MATS implied he would leave if things didnt change is twisting things? You were wrong saying we shouldnt sign Bravo; you were wrong saying he was too old and expensive; you were wrong saying he wasnt a world class keeper; you were wrong saying he shouldnt start; and now you're wrong again. Nothing new.


. So saying MATS implied he would leave if things didnt change is twisting things? You were wrong saying we shouldnt sign Bravo; you were wrong saying he was too old and expensive; you were wrong saying he wasnt a world class keeper; you were wrong saying he shouldnt start; and now you're wrong again. Nothing new.

Yes, and you're the holy know-it-all. Congrats :worthy:
Maybe the club will hire you to do business now, they don't know what they're missing.


I find it worrisome that some people on here dont care about us losing our best goalie because of the threats of another player. Its like they dont care about the best interests of Barça.

What should that be a worry? Every player wants to play more, and a lot of players throughout the years have made comments about wanting to play more. That shows a competitive spirit. Have the comments by Bravo and tear Stegen made our team worse the last year or so? No. Worrying about players being vocal about their playing time should be the last thing on a fan's mind.

What should be the focus is the lack of acknowledgement to the fact that MAtS has proven himself in the CL, Copa and a select league matches. People in the chat and other places act like Bravo is better by a good margin, which isn't true. Bravo is a little better than MAtS at shot stopping, though MAtS is a little better at distribution. They have both made mistakes like every keeper does. And they have saved us. MAtS is so much younger and has potential to grow even more. If given more playing time which is what they seem to want. That's the deal breaker. If the margin between them was significant and they were at the same age, I'd be fine with keeper Bravo. But given the small margin and the age factor, it makes sense to keep tear Stegen.

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