

Well-known member

We all know that this ,,rivalry" is a media fabrication and nothing else.
It amazes me that anyone with more than one brain cell can't see that one player is significantly more talented and offers significantly more qualitatively than the other.

I just don't know how a lot of people can't see it? Willful ignorance I am guessing.


Senior Member
On a serious note, that performance was shameful - not just ability wise, but the sheer theatrics and selfishness and entitlement. He's shite at free kicks yet he took four with nobody else getting a look in.

He should keep his head down after that performance. i doubt he will though.

This guy is the personification of cancerous toxicity itself!

Forced himself on the FA and coach, not only as a starter in all games, but DREARY ME as a free kick taker, while he hasn't scored a FK I don't know for how many years.
What kind of entitlement is that, when he is past it since many years?

He practically made sure Santos will be fired because he subbed him out in the WC (while even Santos looked the other way for a few years, since he had been a burden way before that)

But my negative surprise came on Martinez. What kind of SPINELESS YESMAN with 0 personality accepts such a condition to take over the Portugal NT job?
Because, BE SURE, there was a 'Ronaldo condition' in the negotiations with their FA and that YESMAN accepted it....


Well-known member
This guy is the personification of cancerous toxicity itself!

Forced himself on the FA and coach, not only as a starter in all games, but DREARY ME as a free kick taker, while he hasn't scored a FK I don't know for how many years.
What kind of entitlement is that, when he is past it since many years?

He practically made sure Santos will be fired because he subbed him out in the WC (while even Santos looked the other way for a few years, since he had been a burden way before that)

But my negative surprise came on Martinez. What kind of SPINELESS YESMAN with 0 personality accepts such a condition to take over the Portugal NT job?
Because, BE SURE, there was a 'Ronaldo condition' in the negotiations with their FA and that YESMAN accepted it....
Yeah I have said the same stuff with different words. It's ridiculous.

Martinez especially is such a weak-willed little man.

The comment about Santos is so true. Ronaldo turns on anyone who stops licking his arsehole.


Senior Member
Absolutely eviscerated the soft 5 euro sidekick. Hahahaha. :lol: :lol:

Pathetic waiting for any comment meant as an insult towards me so you can celebrate it.

Only soft thing about this , is my 21 cm dick as I slap it on your face , faggot.

Sup nigga. Hit me up in PM so me and my folks can meet with yours.

Let's hit all of this racism you've thrown my way in the past 2 years like it should be done , in a manly way.

@Andresito , just a reminder that my folks are gonna fuck up your pal reall good.


Well-known member
I keep saying it, but this is beyond parody at this point. This guy is like a movie villain and football is like a script. Has anyone ever seen such a ridiculous state of affairs or sheer idol worship in all their years following football?

Beckham was never anything like this. Maybe because he wasn't as good a player as Ronaldo, but even with all his stardom he never took the piss this badly. Pele didn't in the 60s either despite being a superstar.

This guy is a grade A uber cunt, and then there's the allegations about him off the pitch. Surely I am not the only one hoping someone snaps both his legs?


Well-known member
In a way, him crying openly shows his humility and regret.

He let his nation down and couldn't live with that. He knows the world will make fun of him crying.

After scoring his pen in the shootout, he apologizes to the Portugal fans for today instead of celebrating. Now, that is humility.

People might call him arrogant and rightly so but atleast he has the integrity and humility to immediately admit his fault instead of playing victim. He'll be the first one to blame himself for this game.


Im glad he apologized to the Porugal fans, the problem with him he is too obsessed with records. After 60 minutes when he realized the situation is serious he played more team-friendly.


Well-known member
Im glad he apologized to the Porugal fans, the problem with him he is too obsessed with records. After 60 minutes when he realized the situation is serious he played more team-friendly.
Yes he is obsessed with goalscoring records, which show he doesn't understand that real football fans care about much more than goal stats.

He's just not a team player and never has been. He's extremely self-centred and shouldn't be playing a team sport.


Well-known member
yep he should be used as super-sub but he wont accept that
I doubt he'd be a super sub either. He's just finished and needs to retire as soon as possible.

I am gonna predict that - even if Portugal go out of this tournament - he will still be a noose around their neck in two years at the World Cup aged 41.

Well done for showing some balance though, nice work.


Well-known member
The entire Portugal team set up for one reason tonight - to get him a goal through his goal hanging.

All they did all night was fire in crosses to take advantage of his aerial prowess - though that appears to be long gone too.

He is a noose around their neck. I think they're overhyped without him, but they'd sure as fuck have a much bigger chance if they fucked him off.

Special mention to Pepe who was an abomination in extra time and almost sent them out of the tournament.


Senior Member
Penalty shootouts about to happen and this guy instead of mentoring and encouraging his team mates , he stays there crying and needs his team mates comforting him?

Shit captain , give the band to Pepe.

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