Cristian Tello


New member
i wouldn't say they need to sell Tello if they plan to play him more but with they need to sell him, Pedro or Sanchez (personally would sell Sanchez) and make room for the youngsters coming through.


Senior Member
i wouldn't say they need to sell Tello if they plan to play him more but with they need to sell him, Pedro or Sanchez (personally would sell Sanchez) and make room for the youngsters coming through.

Why would you sell alexis since he's been much better since he signed than Pedro .


New member
Why sellly anyone? We currently have just 3 players for 2 positions as Neymar is out injured. We don't need sell players, especially with all the Qatar money we will over the next few year.


Senior Member


So what if Pedro was free ? It has nothing to do with the fact that Alexis was better than Pedro.

My point is that their contribution is roughly the same.Also don't forget that Pedro was benched for Alexis to play even though he was playing great.
Anyway back on topic Tello is a player that properly utilized can be lethal.
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Senior Member
I have waited a couple of years before I saw him enough, to pass judgement to myself about Tello. Unfortunately, he isn't Barca quality. Let's put it this way, he isn't ANY top team quality. His first touch is quite inconsistent and poor, his passing is crap to say the least, and his finishing it just not good enough. Even if you see his hat trick, the goals were not at all clean, and all the exact same side foot shot that every keeper and defender knows he's gonna try. He hardly ever tries ANYTHING else, and if you notice, most of his goals get deflected off the keeper, go under the keeper, etc. They are rarely clean and sweet. As for pace, he's got it..he just needed ONE more attribute..either passing/intelligence with the ball OR quality finishing, neither of which he seems to have. I'm sorry to say this, but he should be playing for liverpool next season.


Senior Member
I have waited a couple of years before I saw him enough, to pass judgement to myself about Tello. Unfortunately, he isn't Barca quality. Let's put it this way, he isn't ANY top team quality. His first touch is quite inconsistent and poor, his passing is crap to say the least, and his finishing it just not good enough. Even if you see his hat trick, the goals were not at all clean, and all the exact same side foot shot that every keeper and defender knows he's gonna try. He hardly ever tries ANYTHING else, and if you notice, most of his goals get deflected off the keeper, go under the keeper, etc. They are rarely clean and sweet. As for pace, he's got it..he just needed ONE more attribute..either passing/intelligence with the ball OR quality finishing, neither of which he seems to have. I'm sorry to say this, but he should be playing for liverpool next season.



Cruijff's Heir
I have waited a couple of years before I saw him enough, to pass judgement to myself about Tello. Unfortunately, he isn't Barca quality. Let's put it this way, he isn't ANY top team quality. His first touch is quite inconsistent and poor, his passing is crap to say the least, and his finishing it just not good enough. Even if you see his hat trick, the goals were not at all clean, and all the exact same side foot shot that every keeper and defender knows he's gonna try. He hardly ever tries ANYTHING else, and if you notice, most of his goals get deflected off the keeper, go under the keeper, etc. They are rarely clean and sweet. As for pace, he's got it..he just needed ONE more attribute..either passing/intelligence with the ball OR quality finishing, neither of which he seems to have. I'm sorry to say this, but he should be playing for liverpool next season.

I'd love to sell him for 10-15 million, if there are clubs willing to pay that...

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