Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


He was threatening to leave the team because he's not the highest paid player in the world. Doesn't come across as passionate to me.
He was threatening to leave because he didn't feel loved and supported by the club. He has it all now. Club, fans, team mates. He's become a true leader and he's getting the money he deserves. Honestly if I had to choose, I'd rather give the 100 mil to Ronaldo than get Bale :coffee:


High Definition Member
Yeah, the showmanship is entertaining, but I didn't like it when he scored against us. As a side note, I find arrogant people quite funny for some reason. Obviously if their arrogance hurts someone's feelings or damages their life then I wouldn't laugh though.


Wild Man of Borneo
How is Ronaldo that out of line for celebrating the way he wants to? Sure he can be arrogant at times, but why does he get spotlight for something that is so common in sports? Just because he isn't as quiet as Messi about his talent doesn't mean that he's wildly off base or an asshole.

Besides, I don't see Cules mentioning the word "arrogance" when they laugh, insult, or spite Madrid fans/players. I've seen many wish injury or even worse upon Madrid players. And where is this "arrogance" when some Barca fans refuse to admit defeat or inferiority, constantly boasting.

Obviously both teams have players and fans who have a touch of arrogance in them, but how could you act as if you're logically calling out another team's player on it as if they are the only ones who do it, yet blindly accept that no one at our club does it. How do you think Madrid fans felt when Alves and Abidal did that dancing celebration? Could that not be construed as arrogance the same way you guys are bashing Ronaldo for? Show a little objectivity once in a while.


New member
How is Ronaldo that out of line for celebrating the way he wants to? Sure he can be arrogant at times, but why does he get spotlight for something that is so common in sports? Just because he isn't as quiet as Messi about his talent doesn't mean that he's wildly off base or an asshole.

Besides, I don't see Cules mentioning the word "arrogance" when they laugh, insult, or spite Madrid fans/players. I've seen many wish injury or even worse upon Madrid players. And where is this "arrogance" when some Barca fans refuse to admit defeat or inferiority, constantly boasting.

Obviously both teams have players and fans who have a touch of arrogance in them, but how could you act as if you're logically calling out another team's player on it as if they are the only ones who do it, yet blindly accept that no one at our club does it. How do you think Madrid fans felt when Alves and Abidal did that dancing celebration? Could that not be construed as arrogance the same way you guys are bashing Ronaldo for? Show a little objectivity once in a while.

Simply because he's one of the two most popular players in the world. There are a bunch of other players who have the same character flaws (or whatever you want to call them) as Messi or Ronaldo, but they don't get as much stick because they're not under the spotlight as much as these two are. When you're as popular as CR, you're bound to be called out more than anyone else...

Also, there's a difference between being just plain disrespectful (as is the case with the Abidal and Alves celebration you mentioned, and also insulting RM players etc.) and being arrogant. I'm not going into which one of these is worse, besides, it's not as if you can measure that, I'm just saying it's not the same. Insulting opposition players or dancing as a celebration is disrespectful and immature, but it's not arrogant, because there's no conceit or vanity involved. That's Ronaldo's problem, he's full of himself and most reasonable people hate that. Refusing to admit defeat is arrogance, though, I'll admit.


Wild Man of Borneo
I agree with you, but aren't both of the mentioned traits moral/character flaws? Why shine the light on one so harshly in such a way as if it's sickening and beyond belief, yet cover up another? Obviously he'd get more stick for being arrogant being that high profile of a player and having Messi be his comparative benchmark for everything, but sometimes it goes too far where the very thought of bad moral character is associated with Ronaldo and not anyone on our side. Ronaldo has arrogance, there is no doubt about it, but it's only logical to scrutinize him with the acceptance that we have our flaws too which shouldn't be shrouded with bias. Compared to Messi, obviously he'll look more flashy and full of himself (which he is), but it's not some alien sort of thing, why get angry about it?


Improvin' Perfection!!
what's the topic? I could read all the shitload of posts and find about it myself... But the posts are shitload as I said. So some one please gimme an outline here


Improvin' Perfection!!
criticism on Ronaldo's arrogant celebrations
Thanks man

A player's celebrations is his personal matter... It sure brings out the arrogant trait of his but we can only say he's not really down-to-earth or some thing like that, but hating him for it is actually going over-the-board. For example we ourselves have players with stupid celebrations and even Pep, the one man who believes in humility the most, couldn't stop them from doing it. And his own football son Thiago :)p) is no saint but Pep still likes him a lot! and now we bought Neymar!!


He's arrogant on the pitch. Has every right to be tbh.
But you guys (and you're not the only ones) have this image of him as a person that is a bit too harsh imo. He's had some bright moments, I'll grant you that (handsome, rich and talented :D ), but if you follow what he does and how he carries himself, you'd see it's just honesty, and yeah, people associate it with arrogance, but he SEEMS as a genuinely nice guy. No one can know for sure, of course, but that's how I see him...


New member
How much longer will Ronaldo have at his current level? Could this be the season where he starts to decline?

Also once he loses his pace will he be converted into a number 9, and more importantly will Madrid dispense of him when that happens? It's going to be an interesting season for him.


He's currently on form. What he gives to RM right now is great football. I don't see him decline at least for another year or two, and even then you can see that Carlo has a plan to move him more centrally. He'll never be a real 9, he needs the freedom to roam the pitch, but with this transition to a more central role it will be a lot easier if he does lose his pace and ends up playing as a CF.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Cristiano is one of the best athletes who takes a very good care of his fitness.... I reckon he would stay at his best for at least another 3 years


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He's arrogant on the pitch. Has every right to be tbh.

Just because you can be arrogant doesn't mean you should, but back on topic I seriously doubt his decline is near, he still has 2 or 3 solid season ahead of him, and maybe then his decline will start, which is not to say he will turn to garbage overnight...

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