Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


New member
Stuff like that happens. Players get frustrated, especially after the season we've had.
I don't think you'll see anything similar to last season this year. We have a classy coach, the players are getting along better and overall it's a more relaxed atmosphere.
I do worry that with the rotation that Carlo will practice there might be some discontent, especially after Bale's arrival, but I'm hoping he's smart enough not to lie to the players as Mou did with Benz and Higgy for instance.

You said that like you were 100% sure that he'll join you... Didn't Flo come out and said 100M is too much?


It's Flo :lol:
You can expect he's going to pursue this till the last day and somehow find a way to make it happen.
Thing is, we have the money or perhaps to put it better we'll make the money on him. It's waaaaay too much to pay for him, I know, but Flo sees it as a great investment because of Bale's "marketability". Not sure he's so marketable. We bought Ronaldo for a lot of money but he was already a superstar. Bale? Not so much.


New member
I swear these Manc fans are so hopeless. I can't go a month without receiving a text from my United fan friend asking what do I reckon about the chances of CR coming back to his original club that he loves, the one, the only, managed by David "I can't buy anyone I want" Moyes Manchester United :lol:
woah.... lol I don't think he'll come back since he signed a contract 'till 2018 right? I guess that maybe after 2018 , yes , he'll come back to his original club who is Sporting CP to end his career. At least it was what he said on an interview to a Portuguese newspaper :unsure:

ya know, i don't hate him.He's from my country and did some good things for it.At the first yeah i thought he was arrogant but, he can be a good player when he wants.I was sad when he moved from Man U to Real Madrid.I never liked RM and I still don't like it lol

El Gato

"He can be a good player when he wants", lol, sorry but that just sounds a bit wrong :p

I doubt it will be Sporting, but not to rule anything out it may as well be it. I see him more of a type of player that stays in top clubs at his peak and then goes to get a retirement paycheck from Russians or Sheikhs when he's on decline.


What mou's chelsea did to him:


On a friendly :p


Nepali Cule
He will probably be out for 5-6 months.
ohh how i wish that to be true.
it was mou who helped us last season to win la liga so im on mou side. CR goal celebrations are the worst thing that can happen to opponent. it hurts more than the goal itself, sadly.

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