Some people are still living in a denial. Would be better for them to move on and accept the truth. No need to try to degrade Cristiano just because he according to them is an arrogant prick and because he plays for the rival.
He is a great footballer.
He holds the wrong side of his face for startersgone are the days where men were men and don't want to be gotten the better of by someone, showing that another man 'hurt' you and roll around on the floor, it is embarassing. It is a little harsh to single out CR as he certainly isn't the only one, but it's beyond pathetic.
Hilarious you talk about CR reaction while not a mention that Chiellini shouldn't be doing this in the first place... considering there was no one en route to Buffon the ref was right in my book
The funny thing... Had Chiellini focused on the ball instead of Cristiano's face then he would have most probably intercepted that attack.
Chiellini simply shit his pants as he has in many big games.
While i thought the card should have been a yellow I didn't feel sorry for Chillelini nor was I pissed up since your not allowed to raise your elbow to anyone's face period. In this way, I thought it wasn't that the ref got the rules wrong, you simply cannot raise an elbow like that but the angle wasn't best for him to call it a foul/yellow instead of a sending off. Either way, we can't be made at Ronaldo, Chiellini was trying to use an illegal means to gain an advantage himself, if he hadn't gotten caught and stopped Ronaldo from a scoring opportunity, would you all complain the same way?
Why the obsession with diving? An infringement (uncalled) that gives advantage is an infringement that gives an advantage, whether it be a slide or a dive. Is one type of infringement a merely a more "manly" way to gain advantage?
Oh geez will the Madrid media and refs now treat Ronaldo as a diver like they have laballed Neymar? Money is on NO>