Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


New member
Spoke to a Mandril fan today who wants Cristiano out of Real.
So much turmoil in Spain's capitol :lol:
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Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Why not? They haven't conceded too many (though they haven't played anyone good yet). Explain why it's bad, though.


New member
I'm eagerly waiting for his complete mental breakdown when he losses the ballon d'or to messi, This year was the closest he's ever going to get to have a chance at winning.
you think he performed mediocrely this season, Well just wait for the second half of the season :rofl1:


The Messiah
I'll be so pissed if Leo doesn't win, Cristina is definitely going to get more votes this time compared to last time :(


New member
If the ballon d'or were a seasonal award and held in june for example, It would've been a different story, But after the start of this new season, It's an open and shut case.


New member
@Cristiano is asking his followers why they love him so much atm. Is this guy insecure or is he compensating for something else? I wish Irina was here to answer that..:coffee:


Generally Delightful
Trying to figure out C. Ronaldo is like trying to figure out what makes a 15 year old teenage girl tick.

- Both have posters of "hot guys" in their rooms. 15 year old girls have Beiber, Beckham, Timberlake and Williams. C. Ronaldo has C. Ronaldo.
- Both throw hissy fits when they can't get what they want. 15 year old girls whine when they're told they can't go out if they wear too much make-up. C. Ronaldo whines when Irina tells him he can't go out if he wears more make-up than she does.
- Both spend hours on the phone. 15 year old girls discuss the naughty messages left in the yearbook. C. Ronaldo discusses with his agent whose turn it is to have hot candle wax smeared all over his nipples.

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