Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Well-known member
Yes I agree raskolnikov (can't quote right now). All I mean is that his goalscoring (and incredible abilities it requires, ie runs, finishing etc) leads to the rest of his game being shockingly overrated. Hardly his fault of course.

I mean nobody acts like Messi is a top5 tackler just because he's a phenomenal dribbler, passer etc. But everyone acts like CR is an incredible dribbler, passer etc just because he's phenomenal at scoring. Its weird. He should be mentioned alongside Muller, Puskas, Raul etc but isn't anywhere near the real goats. Again, not his fault; the media created this rivalry, made up the narrative and in the process overblew every aspect of his game to levels its simply never been at.

Put it this way, CRs fifa stats are laughable in all areas other than shot, speed and the like. Dribbling, control, passing? Astonishingly over the top numbers.

He's a great goalscorier and I guess its just irritating to me that the rest of his game is so unimpressve for a 3time d'Or winner- when the mindblowing skill, control, influence, talent and technique of Iniesta, Xavi et all goes unrewarded because they don't score. Ronaldo excells at one specific thing and as a result he gets to have people thinking the rest of his game is at a level its not, while others have a game that IS at that level, and they go unrewarded, ignored.

Its just irritating. Sorry for the rant.
Yeah, Messi lifts up Ronaldo's legacy more than his goalscoring does.

If you're talking about Arsenal Henry vs United Ronaldo, sure. Henry has never reached Ronaldo's level from 2011 onwards though.
Put Arsenal Henry in current Madrid and he scores 60 and assists 25 as well, definitely a better football player than CR7 for me personally.


New member
Yes I agree raskolnikov (can't quote right now). All I mean is that his goalscoring (and incredible abilities it requires, ie runs, finishing etc) leads to the rest of his game being shockingly overrated. Hardly his fault of course.

I mean nobody acts like Messi is a top5 tackler just because he's a phenomenal dribbler, passer etc. But everyone acts like CR is an incredible dribbler, passer etc just because he's phenomenal at scoring. Its weird. He should be mentioned alongside Muller, Puskas, Raul etc but isn't anywhere near the real goats. Again, not his fault; the media created this rivalry, made up the narrative and in the process overblew every aspect of his game to levels its simply never been at.

Put it this way, CRs fifa stats are laughable in all areas other than shot, speed and the like. Dribbling, control, passing? Astonishingly over the top numbers.

He's a great goalscorier and I guess its just irritating to me that the rest of his game is so unimpressve for a 3time d'Or winner- when the mindblowing skill, control, influence, talent and technique of Iniesta, Xavi et all goes unrewarded because they don't score. Ronaldo excells at one specific thing and as a result he gets to have people thinking the rest of his game is at a level its not, while others have a game that IS at that level, and they go unrewarded, ignored.

Its just irritating. Sorry for the rant.

It's not a rant. It's just truth.


New member
It's not a rant. It's just truth.

I'm not sure. His goalscoring stats are insane. And that means something - a lot in fact. He's got a great team around him (but not the world's best team), but so have many other players in football history. No-one (apart from Messi of course) has managed to keep up scoring the way he does. Plus, keep in mind that he used to be a winger and used to be much more involved in the buildup - he's getting old now.

I agree that Ronaldo is overrated, and that he isn't on Messi's level. But let's give him credit and admire him for what he does best.


Senior Member
Henry, Gerrard, Xavi, Iniesta, Robben, Eto'o (scoring in two CL finals, nearly 400 career goals, back to back Treble anyone?), Sneijder in 2010 (sorry, but it's true)... all people who dominate football, even multiple times (see Xaviesta, Eto'o..), but never got recognised.
Now, I'm not saying CR isn't a great player: he definitely is, and he surely can fit in the list above, or can be even better than some of them; the fact anyway is that he isn't overall three times better than them football-wise to the point to have THREE freackin' Ballon d'ors against zero of each one of them.
Then, biased fan and media compare him to legends who revolutionised football (Cruijff or Ronaldo de Lima to just say two names) or also genuinely think he is even better than them :)lol:), because "he has three Bd'ors"...
Well, that's BS that somehow needed to stop.

Going by math, he has 3 ballon dors and those mentioned has zero. It would imply he is infinitely better than them, even if Ronaldo only had 1 ballon dor it would still be the same.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
If Messi fails to score in the CL final (and Neymar doesn't score twice) then Ronaldo will be the top scorer


Senior Member
Anyway, for all those who are ranting about Xavi, Iniesta, Schneider, Robben etc not getting ballon dor when Ronaldo got a few of them. They wouldnt have gotten any ballon dors even if he hadnt, they would all have been given to Messi if Ronaldo werent around. So really, you should be focusing your hatred towards Messi, really, since none of your favorite players(other than Messi) wont be getting any ballon dors mainly because of him :messi:


Oh absolutely Fibonacci (nice name). I always give him credit. If people just said 'phenomenal goal machine, hard worker, ridiculous asset to have, one of the all time great goal-scorers, respect', i'd be right there with them.

But no, he's talked about as an all time great all round player, as if his technique, dribbling, passing and control is incredible... its insulting to other players to be honest.

In my 52 years only Pele has had the overrated treatment even close as CRs, and I'm Brazillian born.


New member
The media and teenagers obsessed with goals makes Ronaldo seem better than he is. He's someone to admire in terms of dedication to his trade. He keeps in amazing shape and works his ass off but he's become a poacher.

Let's analyze Messi vs Ronaldo in the CL semifinals.

Messi: Two world class goals, an assist, multiple chances created, several amazing dribbles, put Suarez through to assist Neymar on both away goals.

Ronaldo: A header into an empty net from one yard away, a penalty scored, a few dives, a few temper tantrums. He did create the Bale chance in the second leg but that's it.

The sad part is if Real went through today, there'd be people who actually put him equal with Messi because they both have 10 CL goals and both scored twice in the semis.


Well-known member
The media and teenagers obsessed with goals makes Ronaldo seem better than he is. He's someone to admire in terms of dedication to his trade. He keeps in amazing shape and works his ass off but he's become a poacher.

Let's analyze Messi vs Ronaldo in the CL semifinals.

Messi: Two world class goals, an assist, multiple chances created, several amazing dribbles, put Suarez through to assist Neymar on both away goals.

Ronaldo: A header into an empty net from one yard away, a penalty scored, a few dives, a few temper tantrums. He did create the Bale chance in the second leg but that's it.

The sad part is if Real went through today, there'd be people who actually put him equal with Messi because they both have 10 CL goals and both scored twice in the semis.
And had Real won the cl (regardless of his play) he would have won the ballon d'or again, thats why its a joke.


New member
Put Arsenal Henry in current Madrid and he scores 60 and assists 25 as well, definitely a better football player than CR7 for me personally.

I don't know about that man. I think you're underrating Arsenal's team from 2001-2006. While Wenger is no Mourinho or Ancellotti, it's arguable that the atmosphere around Highbury during those years is a lot more conducive to a player's confidence than the circus at the BernaLeo.


New member
I hope that he is sulking like the big cry baby that he is.

No historic back to back CL win, no CL topscorer title (on his own), no third CL title to equal Messi, no potential CL-win against FCB and likely no Ballon d'Or again.

1 CL win and 1 league title in 6 years.:lol:


Oh, Irina left him too.:lol:

Please deport him back to Madeira.

2-3 more seasons and he will be finished. Just 3 more years and he will be gone from Spain, ojalá. Hopefully he will flop with Portugal once again next summer and miss the World Cup in 2018 as well.

Now go flex your muscles crying yourself to bed, Cristiano.
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