Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Ryu Hayabusa

What's he done that deserves "hatred and contempt" he's footballer for fuck sake not a war criminal.:lol:

Football without hatred and contempt would not be worth watching. ;) But maybe that's just me.

Ryu Hayabusa

Still need to beat them and those goals were significant personal milestones so of course he's going to celebrate.

You guys are really making this too easy. Of course Penaldo is going to celebrate. Every. Single. Fecking. Time. He. Scores. Another. (semi-.) (unimportant.-) Penaldo. Mr. I-only-care-about-my-personal-record-and-give-a-fecking-crap-about-the-rest.

Catalan Fan

New member
With regards to his huge ego, I always wonder if Ronaldo knows Messi is better but he tries to overtake him or is actually convinced he is the greatest player in history and cant understand why they keep comparing him to that midget.

I wonder that as well....

Much as I dislike him, his record speaks for itself.One thing's for sure, we've been lucky to see both play in our lifetimes and I think they both spur each other on.

I get the impression CR is trying desperately to cement his legacy now, knowing Messi will probably play a few yrs after he's retired.

Ryu Hayabusa

Believe my understand it but sometimes you just need to take your hat off and go wow, this guy is fucking amazing. Even if he does act like a dick head.

You know, I always liked to compare Penaldo to Jon Jones (UFC) in case that tells you anything. Surely great talent, possibly the greatest there ever was, but the personality simply didn't matc hthe apparent skill. Just a fucking dumbass douchebag without any class of an actuall champion at all, q.e.d. (though skill-wise, that comparison still gives Penaldo more credit than he deserves, as Jon Jones might be one of a kind, while Penaldo will always be second to Messi [and I don't even rate him a lot higher than Robben at his best tbh]).
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Senior Member
You guys are really making this too easy. Of course Penaldo is going to celebrate. Every. Single. Fecking. Time. He. Scores. Another. (semi-.) (unimportant.-) Penaldo. Mr. I-only-care-about-my-personal-record-and-give-a-fecking-crap-about-the-rest.
Wow, you really dislike him huh. Cant understand why though, unless you know him personally or something, making it personal. I mean, dislike is all good, but "hate and contempt" for a footballer?


Senior Member
Ofc, every player is not the same, not everyone is born with the same amount of talent. But i wonder how the football-world would be like if everyone was just as relentless as Ronaldo when it comes to competing. Many become complacent after they reach the top. I guess the same can be said for Messi in that regard, even if they are very different players.

Ryu Hayabusa

I wonder that as well....

Much as I dislike him, his record speaks for itself.One thing's for sure, we've been lucky to see both play in our lifetimes and I think they both spur each other on.

I get the impression CR is trying desperately to cement his legacy now, knowing Messi will probably play a few yrs after he's retired.

I dunno, Penaldo has always had the advantage of the whole team playing for him, as soon as he moved to Real Ahitdrid, per personal decret of Flo Perez ofc. Messi's situation was simulat from a certain point onwards, but still not quite as extreme. The guy had even his psersonal water carriers ffs (Özil anyone?).
Compare that to Robben at Bayern, a player of not unsimilar quality compared to Penaldo if one is honest to oneself. At Bayern, the team was much more balanced, however Robben was still always the dominating figure when it game to offence. Yet tactic included him to a certain defree. Surely, his right flank was overloaded preferably to Ribery's left, yet still he never accomplished what Penaldo did at Real, getting the wolge team to serve his own needs (personal glory). Of course a player of disproportional talent would thrive under such conditions, more than he ever should have, compared to an actual one-of-a-kind like Messi.
Anyways. Im not sure at this point whether I'm intellectually capable of driving my pont home. maybe it's best to stop.

Ryu Hayabusa

Wow, you really dislike him huh. Cant understand why though, unless you know him personally or something, making it personal. I mean, dislike is all good, but "hate and contempt" for a footballer?

Yes, I do. And yes, I know more about him than I should know. More than is good, I suppose.
Anyways, I was interested in football before him and even then I had certain clubs or players who I utterly dispised for various reasons. Trust me, makes this whole ridiculous show biz that is football that much more entertaining. You yourself should know what I'm talking about since you DO feel a certain hatred for Bayer for instance, as you should as a true Madrid fan (?!"=), since Bayern is your one and only bestia feckin negra. Still I can respect you, since by tradition we are supposed to fullfull that specific role as fans.
Yet, Penaldo makes it so very fecking easy, even if I were not a Bayern fan, born and bred.
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Catalan Fan

New member
Some after they start earning silly wages.The best players will always strive to improve and never rest on their laurels, that's what separates them from the rest.


Hi, its me..
Raúl: 323 goles en 741 partidos en el Madrid entre 1994 y 2010.
Cristiano: 323 goles en 308 partidos en el Madrid desde 2009.

Ryu Hayabusa

Well, as you mention "strive to improve". If I can respect one single thing about Penaldo, it is his will to improve, to be better than what nature handed him. To surpass his actuall potential. I read all about the stories of him always being the first to train and the last to leave the pitch. The guy has a certain attitude, you gotta admire, even if he's human garbage in every other respect.

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