Daniel Alves



Arrrggg I can't unsee Neymar...why can't he stop being a...whatever he is. In the meantime Ronnie looks like a BOSS


New member
Something worries me about Dani Alves.If he is injured/is suddenly sold/dies/whatever there is absolutely no one we can get that is even close to being similar to him.Furthermore Alves is incremental in our strategy.That right wing opening is where a lot of our attacks start.
A bit worrying.I know Adriano can play in the right but he is no Alves.
Alves also really impressed me defensively by shutting down Ronaldo in the last 2 madrid games.


Something worries me about Dani Alves.If he is injured/is suddenly sold/dies/whatever there is absolutely no one we can get that is even close to being similar to him.Furthermore Alves is incremental in our strategy.That right wing opening is where a lot of our attacks start.
A bit worrying.I know Adriano can play in the right but he is no Alves.
Alves also really impressed me defensively by shutting down Ronaldo in the last 2 madrid games.

Dont ever go there! EVER!


Something worries me about Dani Alves.If he is injured/is suddenly sold/dies/whatever there is absolutely no one we can get that is even close to being similar to him.Furthermore Alves is incremental in our strategy.That right wing opening is where a lot of our attacks start.
A bit worrying.I know Adriano can play in the right but he is no Alves.
Alves also really impressed me defensively by shutting down Ronaldo in the last 2 madrid games.

I totally agree.

Daniel Alves is absolutely fundamental to our game, and there is no one in the team that can replace him, even partially. Furthermore, I do not know of any other player in world football that we can go after in the next couple of years to replace him, as he is 28, and I am not sure if he can keep going at the same rate of physical excursion as he has been for all these years.

Remember that Daniel Alves was the only major transfer/addition following the pretty disastrous 07/08 season to the astoundingly epic year that followed.

Of course I am not saying that the Alves addition was the only (or even the primary) factor behind the Pep revival, but it should definitely give the Barca board some serious issues to consider.

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