Daniel Alves



What I understand from these rumours about selling Alves and buying Bale is that we might consider shifting our attack more to the left side. Which does make sense in some way. With Messi being left-footed and playing in the middle he always searches for an outleft on the left side (just look at both his assists against Rayo). I mean: he even made Abidal score! And on top of that: Villa could get his own version of Alves. Some attacking backup Abidal couldn't give him so much for obvious reasons (Abidal is not a wingback). But selling Alves would still be a huuuge risk. Alves CAN defend. And more importantly: he's a good influence in the locker room. On top of that he's a very technical and intelligent player who can combine in the tightest of spaces. Bale is neither known for his defensive abilities nor for his game intelligence. His biggest asset is his pace. Selling one of our most important players for a Premier League hypestar can go horribly horribly wrong. And on top of that. Who's going to be our starting right back next season? Montoya? I do trust him very much but ... I dunno ... Already? A 21 year old kid + Bale in defense? Please don't tell me with Mascherano and 34 year old Puyol in the middle? :lol: And if we're really going to buy Neymar too anytime soon, Bale-Neymar on one side? Who the fuck is going to defend? :lol:

If City bids around € 40 million, the club will agree, no ...? Man, those are dark days infront of us ...
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Improvin' Perfection!!
Dani danced previously.. Pep didn't say a word.

Dani danced last time and Pep said Barcelonap layers don't do it, won't happen next time.

Read it whatever you will!!

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Yeah, I'm not one for conspiracy theories myself, but I also noticed last time Pep was talking on the sidelines with Alves during a game (Rayo?) and Alves seemed to not acknowledge him, which seemed a little strange, as Alves tends to be responsive 99% of the time. Worth shrugging off for the sake of my sleep at night (I get little as it is) and sanity :lol:

Perhaps Pep expected more from Dani in the last few weeks and they had a disagreement on something. Who knows? Probably nothing big though.

The whole thing is a little strange but whatever.


The rumors point out that the reason for us selling him is the opposite of this.

Surprising. Is the "Brazilian-star-player-in-his-mid-20s-after-having-won-everything-syndrom" kicking in? Also known as enjoying the nightlife of Barcelona or "doing a Ronaldinho"?


Surprising. Is the "Brazilian-star-player-in-his-mid-20s-after-having-won-everything-syndrom" kicking in? Also known as enjoying the nightlife of Barcelona or "doing a Ronaldinho"?

i don't belive this. not dani. people like to make all kind of stories now though.


New member
The team extended his contract just last year with a massive wage increase. It's clear he was part of the long-term plan. If he has quickly fallen out of favor in the recent weeks/months, then there's something going on that we don't know about. That or all these selling rumors are baseless.


I understand he had a difficult year with the divorce and he seems a bit out of focus but time heals, give him time and he'll be back to beast mode. I cant imagine a Barca without him tbh.
I think these rumors are nothing more than just rumors but then again I thought the same when they said Pep wont renew... Losing the CL, La Liga, Pep and Dani in 1 season will be the biggest blow dealt on us in idk what... 50 years or so?


Active member
alves is one of our best men and one of the best in his position maybe the best. Why on hell should we sell him?? The biggest weakness of our club is the transfer policy. We made lately big mistaktes like the ibra transfer and gave away one of our best player (eto)...

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