Daniel Alves


New member
i think you have no idea of his importance. He is one hell of a player. One of those who is talked about in the opposition dressing room a lot. Extra importance on him means, much much more space for messi in particular.

He make others so much better. He is the perfect example of attack is the best defense methodology. To be honest with the amount of possession barca keeps, its absolute nonsense to think about defensive fullback. Yes he gets exposed at times. Because thats exactly what opponents target: the space behind him. Same for alba. if i were to give a perrfect example that would be our CL match against CIty. They deployed kolorov (a pacy full back) at left wing, and navas (known for pace and winging) at right wing. But we managed to keep them isolated why ? cz barca played a fantastic match, we held the ball quite well allowing alvez to be very effective. And guess what, he does more than expected, turned out to be a beast and was a night mare for city defense all match.

IMO, if a team employs a defensive fullback, and usually plays with such stable and reliable player, the other team might well exploit that too ? how ? by playing very offensive opposite fullback and another winger. In this case, instead of playing in opposition area, mentally the team is bringing the match to its own area. (now considering barca's approach and midfield possession based tiki taka, it makes, absolutely no sense. ) and then barca is known to play the match in opposition half.

Now montaya is a very good player, but not even half as good as alvez. The truth about alvez is there is absolutely no player in the world like him. His tactic, awareness, understanding with key players, nature, mindset, passion for football, ability and superman like physical attributes makes him such a unique and an absolute perfect blend in all accounts for us, making him untouchable in our system.

If we even think about losing him, city or chelsea will happily get him, and then you can fill this forum will all the regrets.

Irrelevant. Whether he's the best player in the squad or a B-team player, it makes no difference, he has no right to speak like that to the people who put bread on his table and absurd outfits on his back. You missed the point.


New member
Irrelevant. Whether he's the best player in the squad or a B-team player, it makes no difference, he has no right to speak like that to the people who put bread on his table and absurd outfits on his back. You missed the point.

for that the words are "shut up" for him. Not "get out"



Doesnt cut it for me
Old in age, clearly past it, declining, complacent, bad mouthing the fans to cover his bad performances, few good performance between many average or mediocre performances, there is no need to have two attacking fullbacks anymore, this is the only time we can cash him in before his contract runs out because we dont look close to renewing him, there are many young RBs at their peak we could get and play with, who are more defensively minded so that alba can be the more attacking RB and we regain the balance back!
Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome
I see you're of the cheerful kind...

Yes i agree


New member
Doesnt cut it for me
Old in age, clearly past it, declining, complacent, bad mouthing the fans to cover his bad performances, few good performance between many average or mediocre performances, there is no need to have two attacking fullbacks anymore, this is the only time we can cash him in before his contract runs out because we dont look close to renewing him, there are many young RBs at their peak we could get and play with, who are more defensively minded so that alba can be the more attacking RB and we regain the balance back!

You're welcome

Yes i agree

You should watch him tonight carefully. Every 30 year old player isn't declining, complacent and gives mediocre performances.

look at pirlo, remember cafu ? he is one of that sort. he definitely has few good years in him.
Yes he might not be as good as him few years ago. But he is far far better than any possible replacement for him in the market.

So unless there is a heir, he should keep extending


Yeah sell him and play Montoya, because that would definitely improve the defence... We may not have the money to afford a new RB, we gotta buy a GK and at least 2 CBs

He needs to stay, at least one more year


You should watch him tonight carefully. Every 30 year old player isn't declining, complacent and gives mediocre performances.

look at pirlo, remember cafu ? he is one of that sort. he definitely has few good years in him.
Yes he might not be as good as him few years ago. But he is far far better than any possible replacement for him in the market.

So unless there is a heir, he should keep extending
Alves is clearly declining, IMO
Yes pirlo still has the passing range but has declines in many other areas and that is why they flank him with energetic box to box midfielders to protect him so that he only has to use his passing range and leave the defensive and pressing to the two mids and the wing backs.
Pretty much how we could preserve xavi's career for longer, because him covering the most distance a match is sure
Y not going to prolong his career
Yeah sell him and play Montoya, because that would definitely improve the defence... We may not have the money to afford a new RB, we gotta buy a GK and at least 2 CBs

He needs to stay, at least one more year

Why? You sell alves and use the money to buy a younger replacement! What's so hard in getting the money for replacement there?


New member
Alves is clearly declining, IMO
Yes pirlo still has the passing range but has declines in many other areas and that is why they flank him with energetic box to box midfielders to protect him so that he only has to use his passing range and leave the defensive and pressing to the two mids and the wing backs.
Pretty much how we could preserve xavi's career for longer, because him covering the most distance a match is sure
Y not going to prolong his career

compare injury histories of Dani & Xavi, you will know why.

yes with age those agression isn't there. But experience and do have its own benefits. And plus IMO dani has very good physical condition. He plays so much, and still can maintain a certain level. WE shouldn't let him go unless there is someone better.

In simple words, its easier now to sell him and get a lot of money. But he will be playing 4-5 years on a very very good level. I would play him till the very last season, and let him leave for free whenever the board think his top days at gone. In the process he could really train, alba, montoya, & grimaldo.

Well if really look for a descent replacement, i really like coleman


Barçapocalypse NOW!
All of City's attacks came from his flank, he was a liability tonight... At least he grabbed a goal but had to taint it with the celebration...

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