Daniel Alves


New member
I had a hysterical laughter when I realized what happened after the 2nd successful cross.

His crosses might be the worst thing to happen to this team but nevertheless Alves is a legend. :worthy:

His banana reaction :worthy:


San Claudio Bravo
Dani Alves is entertaining. If he'd fail at everything else, he should be kept just for that fact.

That was hilarious!


That was a power banana blessed by Tito. He then came down from the sky whispering to Dani's ear: "Eat it and your crosses will turn into gold". :pep:


New member
Can't believe he ate it. What if it was poisoned, fss. Or worse - in someone's ass.

You never know with people who throw bananas.

Im crying with laughter... anyway he took the skin off first.

Regarding Alves and his crosses it's not his fault that he's the one on the right side attacking. If it was Montoya the same thing would happen... it's bad tactics. Blame Tata if you want to moan.


New member
He was still shit, though.

How many times are we going to concede and possibly lose a game because of him and/or Mascherano? It's getting old.

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