Daniel Alves


Staff member
He should have hanged (pun intended) with Epstein . That way he'd get a free pass like everyone from his list.


Well-known member
What are the chances he's proven guilty ? I'm not aware with all the details regarding his case.
There is enough evidence prosecution think he's done it. Otherwise he'd be out of jail long time ago. Evidently it's not just "some random woman claimed some rape took place".

No idea how the judiciary system works in Spain. You have to ask locals. In Bulgaria there are cases with 2nd degree murder you get a lesser sentence (8 years or so). And with good behaviour you're out in 4-5 years. Shameful. That'd be probably Dani Alves' case.

Not to diminish the weight of rape at all. I knew a girl who was a rape victim and the trauma on her was beyond words. Scared to look another man in the eyes, only her boyfriend, very shy and extremely silent. You'd consider yourself as the coolest and funniest guy in the universe, if she talked back at you with just few words.
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Senior Member
No idea how the judical system works in Spain. You have to ask locals. In Bulgaria there are cases with 2nd degree murder you get a lesser sentence (8 years or so). And with good behaviour you're out in 4-5 years. Shameful. That'd be probably Dani Alves' case.

Not to diminish the weight of rape at all. I knew a girl who was a rape victim and the trauma on her was beyond words. Scared to look another man in the eyes, only her boyfriend, very shy and extremely silent. You'd consider yourself as the coolest and funniest guy in the universe, if she talked back at you with just few words.

Thanks for the reply and really tragic story. Wish her the best.


Well-known member
There is enough evidence prosecution think he's done it. Otherwise he'd be out of jail long time ago. Evidently it's not just "some random woman claimed some rape took place".

No idea how the judiciary system works in Spain. You have to ask locals. In Bulgaria there are cases with 2nd degree murder you get a lesser sentence (8 years or so). And with good behaviour you're out in 4-5 years. Shameful. That'd be probably Dani Alves' case.

Not to diminish the weight of rape at all. I knew a girl who was a rape victim and the trauma on her was beyond words. Scared to look another man in the eyes, only her boyfriend, very shy and extremely silent. You'd consider yourself as the coolest and funniest guy in the universe, if she talked back at you with just few words.

If it was a fake accusation, then it would have been done and dusted by now given the wealth and resources Alves has. Clearly there's some/total truth to the case.

Alves always looked like a right twat. These Brazilian Party Animal Footballers look like terrible dumb human beings. Only people like Kaka who come from an affluent old money background are nice.

Feel awful for the girl you know. This kind of trauma can last an entire lifetime. Hopefully the poor girl can get over it and be herself again. Gutted.


Senior Member
Meanwhile let's look at Temp's take on CR7's rape case...you know where CR7 hasn't even landed on US territory since it resurfaced :lol:

Let the law decide. If he's guilty, he'll be punished. Especially so if the crime is obvious.


Senior Member
Alves always looked like a right twat. These Brazilian Party Animal Footballers look like terrible dumb human beings. Only people like Kaka who come from an affluent old money background are nice.

I hate such arguments tbh.
What he looked like is irrelevant tbh, plenty of arrogants bastards can still keep their head up and not do such crime, some times it will be done by classy white collar person or by a nerd or whatever.
Alves is a piece of shit for what he has done, can't compare that on other Brazilian party animals stars. Neymar was like that and was once accused of doing rape and he had video evidence of the incident.
What are the chances he's proven guilty ? I'm not aware with all the details regarding his case.

Very high.
Iirc, they had video evidence of him going to bathroom after her, videos of her after going out and looking like she was attacked, she went to hospital and police immediately and their evidence of her being raped, his semen was found in her, she refused any financial deals, he changed his story like 3 times or so.


Staff member
I don't know what happened but too many men fell victim to false claims of rape.
Was she hurt, had bruises that would imply she fought back? Did she yell for help? How come noone heard her?

We do know from the cameras that she flirted with him.

There should be medical evidence of rape. In any other case it's her word against his.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
He will be hung, drawn and quartered because he is old and has no money making capacity for multi nationals any more. It's interesting how active players who have had cases with similar levels of evidence got away with it.

I read that evidence went 'missing' from Ron's case. A lot of powerful companies and individuals would have lost out on tens of millions if cash cow Ron had been convicted at the time.

Food for thought


Senior Member
Dawg got 4.5 years :tata:

Footballer Dani Alves guilty of sexual assault

They have already have him for a year, so he will be out around July 2027.
Could still appeal too, which most likely he will.
Deserved more IMO, but I think he will be out in no time based on this.

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