Daniel Alves


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Nah, not my boy
Infact, as time goes by, barely anybody's boy


Senior Member

“If no one saw it!”
“If no one heard it.”

That’s your argument for a guilty verdict beyond a reasonable doubt?

By the way, how did they end up inside of a bathroom together? Did he force her inside one of them? Is this corroborated by video footage? Did anyone see him force her into the bathroom? Or did she withdraw consent after x minutes together?

I can reverse this by saying the same thing to you! Imagine how a man must feel being accused of something he didn’t do! That doesn’t tell you much, does it? I am not insinuating that he is innocent or guilty; I am merely asking you to prove it (beyond a reasonable doubt)! That is what matters to me! Can you do that?

Questions aren’t dangerous! Believing blindly in what you are told is dangerous.

You are assuming that any emotions and subsequent behavior that may or may not have occurred corroborate her version of the story. I.e., If she cried, she was raped. If she was upset, she was raped. If she was drunk, she was raped.

But like you said, human beings do not always behave how you’d expect them to behave. So why are you assuming that her behavior is indicative of rape? Because her version of the story says so?

Could a woman who felt guilty afterwards also have displayed similar emotions?

Tell me instead why, without a shadow of a doubt, you believe he is guilty. I will listen to you. I am a reasonable person.

“She says” doesn’t cut it for me! Emotions aren’t evidence! Identifying a tattoo isn’t enough either.


While this is arguably good points, you have to look it from the other side.
There is barely anyway to prove a man with rape with 100% certainty. There is no way you don't put reasonable doubt in it,.
Sexual assault ,and in many cases of harrasing, are really difficult and there is a bit of gender power in the argument.

Women want to be believed, but it gives them an ultimate power to destroy men with just a lie.

Men want it to be 100% guilty beyond reasonable doubt, but then again it gives many men (especially successful ones) the power to sexually assault women with no consequences.

At the end, Juridical system just dances the dance between them, there has to be a bit of going easy with the rules. Ultimately some innocent men will be convicted while some pos will get away with it.

In Alves case, no one should have the full evidences in public, but tbh you think with the attorneys he can afford, with the woman refusing to take a penny, with such conviction. You don't think there is a lot of evidence against him?


Senior Member
While this is arguably good points, you have to look it from the other side.
There is barely anyway to prove a man with rape with 100% certainty. There is no way you don't put reasonable doubt in it,.
Sexual assault ,and in many cases of harrasing, are really difficult and there is a bit of gender power in the argument.

Women want to be believed, but it gives them an ultimate power to destroy men with just a lie.

Men want it to be 100% guilty beyond reasonable doubt, but then again it gives many men (especially successful ones) the power to sexually assault women with no consequences.

At the end, Juridical system just dances the dance between them, there has to be a bit of going easy with the rules. Ultimately some innocent men will be convicted while some pos will get away with it.

In Alves case, no one should have the full evidences in public, but tbh you think with the attorneys he can afford, with the woman refusing to take a penny, with such conviction. You don't think there is a lot of evidence against him?

This can be somewhat improved with harsh punishment for women that get caught up lying. Say the girl that got exposed in the Mendy case. Send that woman to jail for 5-6 years, and suddenly people like that would think twice before lying about such serious things.

As long as women don't face any consequences for lying... some of them are gonna lie. It's human nature. Fear of repercussions are the thing that keeps immoral people in check.


Well-known member
Those accusations have now been upheld by Catalonia’s High Court of Justice. “The court has no doubt that the vaginal penetration of the complainant took place using violence,” read a statement released by the court after this morning’s hearing.
After his prison sentence he will be on supervised probation for five additional years. He was also ordered to pay the victim €150,000 (£128,500; $162,700) in compensation, plus legal costs.
This morning, the court upheld that version of events, concluding that Alves had “abruptly grabbed the the complainant, threw her to the floor and, preventing her from moving, penetrated her vaginally, despite the fact that the complainant said no, that she wanted to leave”.

In a statement, the court said that “injuries to the victim (made) it more than evident that there was violence to force the victim to have sexual relations”, and that “the accused subdued the will of the victim with the use of violence”.

The defence lawyers plan to appeal the decision.

Nothing indicates the girl is another golddigger. Nor she's accepted hush money, nor revealed her identity to claim a place in the spotlights. € 150 000 is nothing, you can't buy an apartment in Barcelona with that sum.

It's not a news Dani Alves was drunk that night at the club according to witnesses in his own camp.


Senior Member
Nothing indicates the girl is another golddigger. Nor she's accepted hush money, nor revealed her identity to claim a place in the spotlights. € 150 000 is nothing, you can't buy an apartment in Barcelona with that sum.

It's not a news Dani Alves was drunk that night at the club according to witnesses in his own camp.

True. Coupled with the fact Alves changed his version about 5 times... this doesn't look good.


This can be somewhat improved with harsh punishment for women that get caught up lying. Say the girl that got exposed in the Mendy case. Send that woman to jail for 5-6 years, and suddenly people like that would think twice before lying about such serious things.

As long as women don't face any consequences for lying... some of them are gonna lie. It's human nature. Fear of repercussions are the thing that keeps immoral people in check.
No all this will do is keep victims from coming forward. They are already terrified to. Now imagine if they think they don't get the justice people will call then a liar and they could possibly be nailed as a result of taking their rapist to court???

Only a tiny minority of victims report as it stands, next to none will. Making rape all but legal (it is already almost legal. In that it's mostly gotten away with)


Senior Member
No all this will do is keep victims from coming forward. They are already terrified to. Now imagine if they think they don't get the justice people will call then a liar and they could possibly be nailed as a result of taking their rapist to court???

Only a tiny minority of victims report as it stands, next to none will. Making rape all but legal (it is already almost legal. In that it's mostly gotten away with)

No, because rape victims don't send tweets bragging how good the sex with the supposed rapist was, like that girl in the Mendy trial.

In cases like this one, where the lie is obvious and malicious without a doubt, the prosecutor should go after the girl, prosecute her, and demand serious jail time.

El Gato

Questions aren’t dangerous! Believing blindly in what you are told is dangerous.

You are assuming that any emotions and subsequent behavior that may or may not have occurred corroborate her version of the story. I.e., If she cried, she was raped. If she was upset, she was raped. If she was drunk, she was raped.

Says a man who 2 posts ago was asking whether she cried at all.

Guess she has to be a hot mess with a smartphone in front of her face during the ordeal to dispel some people's 'reasonable doubt'
Nah, she just cried after the fact because she cheated on her boyfriend I imagine

Insane gymnastics for a bona fide moron of a human who doesn't deserve any of this abject sympathy
Proper Jean de Carrouges stuff


Senior Member
Alves is probably guilty of this. Impossible to know for sure, but most signs go in that direction. Same as most evidence and testimony cleared Mendy for good reason.

Each case has its own specifics, and has to be judged completely separate without any ideological interference.


Senior Member
Says a man who 2 posts ago was asking whether she cried at all.

Guess she has to be a hot mess with a smartphone in front of her face during the ordeal to dispel some people's 'reasonable doubt'
Nah, she just cried after the fact because she cheated on her boyfriend I imagine

Insane gymnastics for a bona fide moron of a human who doesn't deserve any of this abject sympathy
Proper Jean de Carrouges stuff
My post was referring to any “crying, screaming, resisting” during the alleged sexual assault. You know, independent eyewitnesses in a public bathroom. That would corroborate her allegations, wouldn’t you say?

A display of emotions afterwards does not imply rape. My point still stands!

How did they end up in the bathroom together? Did they know each other beforehand?

Is it possible that she was starstruck, agreed to join him in a bathroom for 15 minutes, had intercourse with him, and felt deep shame and regret afterwards, hence the emotional outburst. 48 hours later she reported it to the police.

Alves changed his story multiple times, for he was nervous and anxious from the allegations. We did establish that human behavior can be unpredictable and irrational (so this should apply to him too). Again, inconsistency and/or an outburst of emotions does imply guilt.

His word against hers. She won. He goes to prison for 4.5 years.

What makes you so sure he’s guilty? Not an iota of doubt?
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Senior Member
No all this will do is keep victims from coming forward. They are already terrified to. Now imagine if they think they don't get the justice people will call then a liar and they could possibly be nailed as a result of taking their rapist to court???

Only a tiny minority of victims report as it stands, next to none will. Making rape all but legal (it is already almost legal. In that it's mostly gotten away with)

This is a serious consequence of it, but another one is that no woman will come along and back track her accusation.
Think of Brian Banks story, if such a law exists he would have been considered a rapist to this day.

It is just an empty circle with no clear cut answer that will satisfy everyone. There is a reason improvement in that regard isn't much.


President of FC Barcelona
There are definitely cases of false accusations and all that, but nothing shows how cooked this generation is when people are trying to have a discourse about a court case throwing doubt into the ruling where most of the evidence is sealed or behind closed doors, and where they've barely followed the case themselves or what was being said in the court proceedings.

Some people I suppose just want to yap about everything and be a contrarian I guess.

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