Daniel Alves

El Gato

My post was referring to any “crying, screaming, resisting” during the alleged sexual assault. You know, independent eyewitnesses in a public bathroom. That would corroborate her allegations, wouldn’t you say?

A display of emotions afterwards does not imply rape. My point still stands!

How did they end up in the bathroom together? Did they know each other beforehand?

Is it possible that she was starstruck, agreed to join him in a bathroom for 15 minutes, had intercourse with him, and felt deep shame and regret afterwards, hence the emotional outburst. 48 hours later she reported it to the police.

Alves changed his story multiple times, for he was nervous and anxious from the allegations. We did establish that human behavior can be unpredictable and irrational (so this should apply to him too). Again, inconsistency and/or an outburst of emotions does imply guilt.

His word against hers. She won. He goes to prison for 4.5 years.

What makes you so sure he’s guilty? Not an iota of doubt?
Clear as day haven't read a single line about this case from questions being asked about how they 'knew each other'

Lad also thinks one is obliged to scream else it ain't a provable rape

All coming out the woodwork.

Not to mention he's not going to jail for even half that sentence considering hes going to be allowed to sleep at home and get weekends from next April.
Got off very lightly indeed.
Nice payday for a regular slut. That's for sure.
Bojan my man - how's dating going!


Staff member
Clear as day haven't read a single line about this case from questions being asked about how they 'knew each other'

Lad also thinks one is obliged to scream else it ain't a provable rape

All coming out the woodwork.

Bojan my man - how's dating going!

Hard and rough. :lol:


Senior Member
Clear as day haven't read a single line about this case from questions being asked about how they 'knew each other'

Lad also thinks one is obliged to scream else it ain't a provable rape

All coming out the woodwork.

Bojan my man - how's dating going!
It’s interesting how you haven’t been able to answer a single one of my questions, yet you are so certain of his guilt. 👍

El Gato

It’s interesting how you haven’t been able to answer a single one of my questions, yet you are so certain of his guilt. 👍
Don't need to answer them, answers are a matter of public record

But hey. Only one of us is making excuses for an idiot, a model citizen who happens to be a sex pest that offered to buy the woman's silence
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Senior Member
The reason rape convictions arent comparable to most other crimes is simple... nobody normal records themselves having sex, and in situations where unprovoked attacks do occur, like this one in a toilet, there is no CCTV and no witnesses either - that is the case for most rapes.. so always going to be hard to prove and there will always be more 'not guilty' than guilty.

Indeed the legal test for rape convictions is already very difficult to pass and very few reports lead to a conviction, so they are not overconvicting, its by and large the opposite, there are many more suspected rapists than convicted ones but the states cannot gather enough evidence to imprison them.
Unless you demand everyone record themselves in all situations where they could have a sexual encounter, you are not going to fix this problem.

This talk of imprisoning 'liar women' by Serghei here is utterly insane as well. How are you going to determine they are lying given what I stated above? There is a crime of false reporting in every country, probably, they just don't use it for this crime much for those reasons. It would also just lead to whichever women did lie never retracting any accusations... so no practical way to implement that.


Well-known member
Ok, correction: Regular drunk slut got a nice payday.

Which part is wrong exactly?
Because you can be sure of it she's been offered way more to drop the case, as it's always with this. Especially if his pal Neymar is supporting him all the way.
So yeah, you're fuckin disgusting human for writing this. But it's not the first post you've shown your degeneracy.


Senior Member
Because you can be sure of it she's been offered way more to drop the case, as it's always with this. Especially if his pal Neymar is supporting him all the way.
So yeah, you're fuckin disgusting human for writing this. But it's not the first post you've shown your degeneracy.

You are correct. He is a disgustin human. I have known that since the first day I joined this forum.
I give him a pass cause he is probably 80 years old and does not have long to live.


Senior Member
Staff member
I don't think anybody here cares enough to make a deep dive into the whole case. Many of these questions here have probably been answered.

Why are there so many doubts? This has been a case for what, more than one year? One would have to assume the judicial system have made the correct decision during that period. Alves with all his wealth and with financial help from Neymar etc would've certainly afforded a lawyer who's been asking the simple questions brought up in this thread plus a lot more.

What's the alternative, there's a conspiracy towards Alves and he's now sitting there shaking bars screaming he's innocent? In a case like this there would surely be bigger entities pleading for his innocence if that was the case but I can't see there are any bar a few users on a Barcaforum.
Just accept that he's a douchebag who's been proven guilty.

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