Daniel Alves

El Mesías

New member
Just becuase of a few bad games and you guys are stomping on Alves like he is expendable. Come on guys. Grow a Brain


Alves doesn't need replacement. He needs a backup who'll make the RB position more competitive so that way he'll perform better and not get lazy because he has more or less a guaranteed starting place in the 1st team.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Alves doesn't need replacement. He needs a backup who'll make the RB position more competitive so that way he'll perform better and not get lazy because he has more or less a guaranteed starting place in the 1st team.

Exactly... But don't forget to add that he needs to work on his crossing, urgently!


New member
He's just having some bad games,he needs improvement in certain areas in his game,not replacement.
Let's just not bring the end of the world because of his inconsistency once in a while.


Both similar in the assists and goal scored department, both love to bombard down the right flank, but Maicon's delivery is definitely better.

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